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در دنیای کنونی، پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی باعث ظهور انقلاب اطلاعاتی و ابزارهای شناختی پیشرفته شده است. ماهواره های فضایی توانایی تصویربرداری از تمام سطح کره زمین با جزئیات کامل را دارند. به موازات آن پیشرفت جنگ افزارهای الکترونیکی از جمله موشک های دور برد و هدایت شونده کشتار جمعی، سلاح های کنترل از راه دور و ربات های جنگی، تهدیدهای جدّی بر امنیت و بقاء جوامع را در پی داشته اند. برای این منظور آمایش دفاعی-امنیتی به عنوان راهکاری مؤثر در مقابل تهدیدهای موجود طرح شده است. هدف از این پژوهش آمایش دفاعی-امنیتی استان خوزستان به منظور شناخت تهدیدها و استفاده از ظرفیت های بالقوه دفاعی- امنیتی است. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش انجامِ آن، توصیفی- تحلیلی است. محدوده مورد مطالعه استان خوزستان و داده های مورد استفاده شامل داده های جغرافیای طبیعی، داده های جمعیتی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی، کالبدی و زیست محیطی بوده است. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از جداول فراوانی و نمودارهای ستونی، تحلیل های فضایی- مکانی و پارامترهای آمار فضایی انجام شده است. نتایج حاصل حاکی از آن است که تهدیدها از گستردگی زیادی برخوردار بوده و الزاماً نگاه سیستمی برای رسیدن به آمایش دفاعی- امنیتی نیاز است. برای این منظور، الگوی آمایش دفاعی-امنیتی در این پژوهش پیشنهاد شد. تجزیه و تحلیل الگوی پیشنهادی مورد نظر، حاکی از آن است که تهدیدهای طبیعی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی در کنار تهدیدهای نظامی کشورهای حاشیه خلیج فارس از مواردی است که امنیت و نحوه دفاع استان خوزستان را تحت تأثیر قرار داده است. بنابراین تحلیل های آمایش دفاعی-امنیتی می تواند مهمترین و کارآمدترین راهکارهای علمی و عملی برای مقابله با انواع تهدیدهای نظامی و غیرنظامی و برقراری نظم و امنیت در راستای رسیدن به توسعه پایدار در اختیار برنامه ریزان قرار دهد.

Spatial analysis of defense-security planning in Khuzestan province

Extended AbstractIntroductionIn today's world, advances in science and technology have led to the emergence of the information revolution and advanced cognitive tools. Space satellites are capable of capturing the entire surface of the earth in great detail. At the same time, the development of electronic warfare, including long-range and guided missiles of mass destruction, remote-controlled weapons and war robots, has posed serious threats to the security and survival of societies. For this purpose, defense-security planning has been designed as an effective solution against the existing threats. The purpose of this study is to organize the defense and security of Khuzestan provinces in order to identify threats and use potential defense and security capabilities. In explaining the relationship between land management and defense-security indicators, the important issue is that in the planning projects that have been discussed so far in the country, only demographic, economic, political, cultural, physical issues are considered and the issue of defense and national security and less considered areas. Is located; Therefore, the relationship between land use planning and defense-security indicators can be examined from different perspectives.MaterialsThe research materials included basic maps obtained from the surveying organization as well as the geographical organization, including maps of critical, critical and important points. In addition, geological maps and other thematic maps have been used.MethodsThis research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The study area was Khuzestan provinces and the research period was 2016 to 2021. The statistical population of the study was the population of Khuzestan provinces according to the population and housing census data of the Statistics Center in 2016. There was no sample size in this study. The method of data collection was using documentation and survey. Research data for economic and social sectors were obtained from the Statistics Center. Data analysis techniques included frequency tables, descriptive graphs, spatial analysis methods, and spatial statistics techniques.Results & DiscussionIn this study, indicators were studied that can be considered as a representative for a large number of micro and macro indicators. According to these indicators, a picture of the security, defense and defense situation in Khuzestan provinces was shown. It is noteworthy that security cannot be achieved only with the tools of war and the use of military forces, and the threat is not only the existence of a foreign enemy. Rather, any tension that affects the comfort and well-being of the people is considered an insecure element and action must be taken to resolve it. Also, defense is not only the use of weapons and military forces, but also defense mechanisms must be prepared to deal with any insecure elements. Many sabotages in the country can happen without the attack of the enemy forces. In the field of defense planning, there is a need that any action and action for development and planning, must be accompanied by the principles of defense and the correct location of vital, sensitive and important elements. Also, the defense-security planning model showed that defense, security and defense planning pursue three main goals, namely deterrence, capability and self-sufficiency or self-reliance. According to the objectives of the powerful, safe and stable land as the three main arms in defense-security planning. A safe land is a security arrangement and a framework for understanding all the factors that disrupt order and security in the region. Powerful land indicates defense planning, which seeks to provide mechanisms to understand the maximum possible defense of the land and the region. Sustainable land targets defense planning. In this type of arrangement, the main purpose of camouflage is to hide and reduce the effects of possible attacks.ConclusionIn the provinces of Khuzestan and Bushehr, it was found that in addition to military threats, there are other factors that have a civilian aspect; Therefore, in order to establish security and maintain stability in the provinces in question, it is necessary to consider various instances of security, defense and passive defense with a systemic view. Some of these factors have a natural aspect and others have a human aspect including social, cultural, economic, military, technological and political. Therefore, defense-security planning analyzes can consider the most important and effective scientific solutions to deal with military and civilian threats and to establish order and security.
