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مقدمه: جوانان به عنوان یک سرمایه اجتماعی نیروی بالنده و موتور محرکه یک کشور هستند که در صورت برنامه ریزی و آموزش صحیح به عنوان نیرویی فعال در اعتلای اهداف عالی جامعه عمل می کنند؛ اما در برخی مناطق ازجمله حاشیه نشین به خاطر شرایط جغرافیایی، نبودِ خدمت رسانی، فقر، رواج بزهکاری و اعتیاد و ... جوانان در معرض انواع آسیب های اجتماعی قرار می گیرند. هدف پژوهش: در این مقاله تلاش شده است، با مطالعه پیشینه پژوهش و منابع، ابعاد توانمندسازی جوانان استخراج شده و با تهیه پرسشنامه وضعیت جوانان از نظر این ابعاد بررسی شود. روش شناسی تحقیق: این پژوهش از نوع، توصیفی-تحلیلی و ازنظر هدف، کاربردی است. برای تعیین حجم نمونه با توجه به جامعه آماری این محله که طبق سرشماری سال 1395 بالغ بر ۳۷۲۴۹ نفر بوده، از فرمول کوکران استفاده شده است. ابتدا 30 پرسشنامه در میان جوانان توزیع شد. بعد از تکمیل پرسشنامه و طبق واریانس به دست آمده از نمونه اولیه و با توجه به شناخت از محل 200 نفر محاسبه شد. داده ها با ابزار پرسشنامه جمع آوری شد که از طریق آنلاین و منتشرشدن در شبکه های اجتماعی یا ارسال لینک با حضور در محل و ارسال پیامکی و همچنین تکمیل دستی انجام و با استفاده از نرم افزار spss  و amos تحلیل شد. نتایج: حاکی از آن است که عامل محیط بیشترین بار عاملی را با وزن 94/0 به خود اختصاص داده است؛ همچنین عامل زمینه شخصی با بار عاملی 84/0 در مرتبه بعد قرار دارد که نشان دهنده وجود زمینه زیاد برای برنامه های توانمندسازی در بین جوانان است.

Evaluation of Youth Empowerment in Informal Settlements (Case Study: Ali Ibn Abitaleb Neighbourhood, Arak City)

As a social capital, youths are the driving force of a country, and if they are properly planned and trained, they can act as an active force in raising the high goals of the society. But in some areas, including marginal areas, due to geographical conditions, lack of service, poverty, the prevalence of delinquency and addiction, etc., young people are exposed to all kinds of social harm. In the present study, by studying the background of the research and sources, we have extracted the dimensions of youth empowerment in Ali Ibn Abitaleb Neighbourhood (Arak City) by preparing a questionnaire. This research is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The sample size was determined according to the statistical population of this neighborhood using Cochran's formula. According to the census 2015, the population of the area was 37,249 people. First, questionnaires were distributed (online and manually) among young people, after completing the questionnaire, 200 people were selected according to the variance obtained from the initial sample. The data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The results indicate that the environmental factor has the highest factor load with a weight of 0.94. Also, the factor of personal context with a factor load of 0.84 is in the next order, which indicates the existence of a high context for empowerment programs among young people.Keywords: Empowerment, Youth, Ali Ibn Abitaleb Neighbourhood, Arak City. IntroductionYoung people are willing to strive for change that affects well-being, health, and citizenship status, which should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. They are the main foundation of a country, the main sub-structure of any social structure, and the backbone of any successful nation. In addition, they are the driving force of the country's development and active citizens who participate in building stronger and more just societies. For this reason, they should be seen beyond themselves, because in this period of transition between adolescence and youth, young people are recognized as an active and fully responsible member of the society. This stage is also a period when identity crises affect the individual. The psychological structure is dominant and their identities are never complete but constantly changing. Therefore, youth empowerment as one of the main elements of youth participation is the key to sustainable development and a phenomenon by which young people realize the choices they have or can make. To this end, the purpose of the present study is to evaluate youth empowerment in Ali Ibn Abitaleb Neighbourhood (Arak City). Materials and MethodsThe present study is descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose. In this research, the data were collected through an online questionnaire via publishing it on social networks, and sending links randomly and as SMS to people, as well as filling out the questionnaire manually. The population of the studied area is 37,249. Using Cochran's formula, questionnaires were distributed among 200 young people. Cronbach's alpha test was used to measure the reliability of the research tool, which was calculated as 0.912 for the variables of the questionnaire. In order to explain and model the effects, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used in AMOS software by drawing a second-order factor analysis model. Also, to test the research hypotheses, one sample t-test was used in SPSS software. Research FindingsThe results of this study indicate that the environmental factor with a weight of 0.94 has the highest factor load. Also, the coefficient of personal context with a factor load of 0.84 is in the next order, which indicates the existence of a high platform for empowerment programs among young people. In the next order is the identity coefficient, which ranks third with a factor load of 0.76. In the next order is the education coefficient, which ranks fourth with a factor load of 0.70. And finally, the training coefficient has the lowest factor load with 0.42. Each of the items are discussed in the next section. Discussion of Results and ConclusionConsidering the results of the study, in the first hypothesis, which is related to the personal context of the people, the results show that the youth of this neighborhood in the variables of success in favorable conditions, success with the group and helping others, interest in group work, change of destiny by the individual, willingness to learn skills, belief in progress through education, interest in sports, the effect of sports on learning and interest in filling free time with sports have favorable conditions. Programs are needed only in the variable of accepting the society's rules because it is at an average level. And these conditions show that the youth of this neighborhood are very prone to progress and become empowered in case of favorable conditions. In the factor analysis model, the personal context with a factor load of 0.84 has the most impact after the environmental factor in empowering young people. This shows that the young people of this area have a high ground for empowerment if other factors are provided.In the second hypothesis, the environmental factor was tested. It was found that the variables of the importance of moral principles for parents, satisfaction with life with parents, security in the neighborhood, the help of adults, and belonging to the city as a citizen are at a good level, but the variable of satisfaction with the government service is lower than the average, which shows the lack of attention to this neighborhood. In the factor analysis model, the environmental factor with a factor load of 0.94 had the greatest effect and was ranked first in terms of importance. Therefore, this factor is very important in empowering young people.In the third hypothesis that the education factor was put to the test, the variables of the importance of progress for parents, the usefulness of school education, the effect of school education on self-confidence, satisfaction with school, the usefulness of school education, and the change of insight in school were at a favorable level, which shows good education status in this place. This factor was ranked fourth in the factor analysis model with a factor load of .70.In the fourth hypothesis, the factor of sports was tested, and the variable of neighborhood sports facilities, public spaces and parks for sports, and access to sports facilities in other neighborhoods were reported to be weak.Finally, in the fifth hypothesis, in the identity factor, the variables of liking the neighborhood, group success, pride in being Iranian, pride in playing the national anthem, defending the country, honesty of Iranians, desire to learn about the country's history, respect for the country's flag, imams' role models, the performance of duties and activities of Basij and the mosque were desirable and good places. The variable attendance at the mosque and Basij base was at the average level, which shows that this variable is not well received. In terms of importance, this factor was ranked third in the factor analysis model with a factor load of 0.76. This factor shows that the conditions of this factor in the neighborhood are favorable. 
