
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


از تفاوت های اساسی میان انسان وسایر موجودات از جمله فرشتگان این است که اندیشه ورزی و احساسات او همواره دارای تحوّل و بالندگی است؛ به گونه ای که این بعد اساسی از شخصیت او حتی به معتقدات دینیش هم سرایت می کند؛ واز این بابت است که می بینیم شیوه عبادت این آفریده که فلسفه آن از سوی آفریدگار در یک جمله خلاصه شده است«وما خلقتُ الجنَ والانسَ الا لیعبدون»(الذاریات:56) هم دچار تحوّل شکلی و حتی ماهوی می شود، وضمن حفظ جوهر خود که بندگی خداوند باشد، چنان معقد وپیچ در پیچ می شود که بایستی از جنسِ این آفریده مکلّفِ به عبادت در شکل های مختلف زندگی، انسان های دیگری بیایند و دست به تحقیق بزنند تا زوایای شیوه پرستش و سیر و سلوک او را روشن کنند. ابن الفارض در دورانی می زیسته است که عبادت برخی از مؤمنان از شکل ساده خود عبور کرده و به مرحله زهد وانقطاع الی الله در قرن اول سپس به سیر وسلوک در آغاز قرن دوم و بعد از آن به پدیده فنا و حلول و اتحاد در اواخر این قرن ونیز قرن سوم وبالاخره به وحدت وجود یا شهود و مفاهیم غامض آن در قرن هفتم رسیده است.این پژوهش در صدد بررسی و تحلیل دیدگاه عرفانی ایشان است

Mystical Attitude Of IbnFarez

One of the major differences between human being and other creatures including angels is that his mentality and emotions are always evolving and growing in a sense that the essential aspect of character will penetrate into his religious beliefs. Accordingly, his way of praying whose philosophy is summarized in the verse of the Koran as “We created Jinni and other spirits to be praying” has also undergone a revolution in the form and content. In addition to keeping its essence which is worshiping God it is spiraled and engaged so much that through this kind of creature obliged to pray in different forms of life other creatures should find out and make a research on various aspects of different means of praying and spiritual journeys. Now we would like to recognize the means of spiritual journey and internal ways of praying by the Egyptian IbnFarez. He lived in an era that the praying of some devotees had exceeded the normal situation and turned into abstinence and wayward to God during the first century, then to spiritual journey at the outset of the second century, after which by the late third century toward a phenomenon of fatality and revelation and unity, and eventually to the monism or intuition and hidden concepts of that in the seventh century. Therefore, it is endeavored to study and analyze the mystical view of his. After the introduction on training Sufis and the available expressions used in that era, there will be some explanation on his mystical concepts and then the nature of his love and the procedures. In the end, the comments of some researchers on the nature of unity and his views on revelation and monism will be dealt with.
