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نقد روان شناختی از جمله حوزه های جدید نقد ادبی است که ناقد در آن بر اساس اصول علم روان شناسی، به نقد و تحلیل اثر ادبی می پردازد. یکی از مقوله های مهم در نقد روان شناختی، تیپ شناسی شخصیت است؛ از این روی روان شناسان برای شناخت نسبی شخصیت ها، روش های گوناگونی ارائه داده اند و هر یک از زاویه خاصی به موضوع پرداخته اند. هدف اصلی این مقاله، بررسی تیپ شناسی قهرمان داستان در رمان مدیر مدرسه از جلال آل احمد است که برای دست یابی به این امر، از نظریه روان شناسی کارول. اس. پیرسون و هیو. کی. مار و نظریه انیاگرام استفاده شده است. روش تحقیق به صورت توصیفی تحلیلی است. جلال آل احمد، شخصی روشن فکر و امروزی بوده است که واقع گرایی را برای داستان «مدیر مدرسه» انتخاب کرده است. وی که با واقع نگری خود سعی در نشان دادن جامعه و زندگی دارد، در این داستان، افراد عادیِ جامعه را محور سخن خود قرار می دهد و سعی در شناخت جامعه امروزی برای خواننده داستانش دارد. نتایج مقاله بیانگر این است که در نظریه کارول. اس. پیرسون و هیو. کی. مار شخصیت راوی داستان، نشان دهنده سه کهن الگوی، یتیم و معصوم، حامی و جست وجوگر است و در تیپ شناسی انیاگرام نشان دهنده سه تیپ اصلاح طلب و کمال گرا، رئیس و رهبر و فکور و مشاهده گر است که تقریباً در هر دو نظریه این تیپ ها مشابه همدیگر هستند.

Typology of the character of the protagonist in Al Ahmed school principal based on Pearson and Enneagram theory

Introduction Every text is the product of a creative mind that comes from within and the mind of its creator. It can show the mental states of the author and the poet. In the story that consists of heroes and other characters, the heroes, especially the main hero of each story, can be a reflection of the author's own life; Therefore, their analysis can be an insight into the author's personality. The main question of the research is, according to Pearson's theory and Enneagram, the character of the hero in Al-Ahmed school principal story is in which personality type. Research Methodology The research method is descriptive-analytical. Discuss By reviewing the characters in the story, it can be seen that the students and teachers are mostly introduced with the archetype of the orphan and innocent and are involved in the problems of poverty and deprivation and do not take steps in striving to achieve self-knowledge and trying to reach the next stage. The second archetype that manifests itself in the principal is the patron. He does not hesitate to help others and shows his true dignity. Cooperation, help, compassion and magnanimity can be seen in him during the story. Conclusion The journey into the character of the school principal takes place in the way of "reminiscence". The narrator/principal begins with the formation of four archetypes. He pursues this heroic journey with the intention of transformation in his life and thoughts, although he has no end other than "resignation" and withdrawing from creating transformation; But he is able to travel inside. his intention is to disguise "self-knowledge". During this journey, he recognizes himself as a person who wants to create change, but society's obstacles do not allow him to do anything. The author has been able to show this inner journey with the intention of achieving excellence and perfection in the existence of the narrator/principal, he shows examples and evidence, this character is actually Al Ahmed, who wants change in his society and the school is also a symbol of the society around him, students, teachers and parents are the members of the society that Al Ahmad faces every day and every moment. The presence of numerous archetypes in the existence of other characters have a great effect on the development of the narrator/writer's personality. The dynamism of the narrator's personality is due to his presence in the inner journey.    
