The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring the service quality in sport scientific journals. A mixed approach was conducted to fulfill the research objectives. In qualitative phase 15 sport paper writer were interviewed and in quantitative phase, 357 sport researchers were studied through systematic random sampling. The face and content validity of the scale was confirmed by 15 experts and the final questionnaire of the scientific journals service quality was provided to 29 subjects. 26 items were ranked in five factors (accountability speed, executive structure, trustworthiness, employees and updating) based on exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation. Cronbach's alpha, KMO, Bartlett Test and confirmatory factor analysis were used by SPSS and LISREL for data analysis. It is worth noting that the results of confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.91) supported the five-factor structure of JourQual scale and confirmed its validity and reliability.