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هدف این پژوهش ترسیم نقشه موضوعی کووید 19 در ایران در شبکه اجتماعی اینستاگرام است. این پژوهش کاربردی و از نوع علم سنجی است. برای ترسیم نقشه از سنجه های تحلیل شبکه ها اجتماعی مرکزیت، بینابینی، رتبه و روش تحلیل محتوا استفاده شده است. جامعه پژوهش اطلاعات منتشرشده در بازه زمانی یک ماه مرداد 1399 در شبکه اجتماعی اینستاگرام با محوریت موضوعی ویروس کرونا بود که با استفاده از نرم افزار سئوتولز و افزونه فانتوم، داده های مرتبط با نام کاربری، تعداد پست ها، میانگین تعداد لایک ها، هشتگ های مورداستفاده برای یک پست خاص استخراج شد. سپس با استفاده از روش مشاهده مستقیم از میان یک میلیون پست بازیابی شده، هزار پست مرتبط انتخاب و دسته بندی شد. در گام بعدی با استفاده از شاخص های مرکزیت شبکه و نرم افزار یوسی نت، داده های استخراج شده تحلیل شده و با نرم افزار وی.اُ. اس. ویور نقشه موضوعی ویروس کرونا ترسیم گردید. یافته ها حاکی از آن بود که هشتگ هایی با موضوع علائم کرونا؛ بیماری کرونا، تجهیزات پزشکی، تغذیه در دوران کرونا، کادر درمان، درمان کرونا، استان های درگیر بیماری و شکست کرونا جزء محبوب ترین و پراستفاده ترین هشتگ ها بوده اند. با توجه به سنجه های مرکزیت رتبه، بینابینی و نزدیکی، هشتگ های کرونا، کرونا در ایران، کرونا را شکست می دهیم، کرونا را جدی بگیریم، ماسک می زنیم و ماسک جزء پربحث ترین و داغ ترین هشتگ های مورداستفاده بوده است. در پایان می توان نتیجه گرفت برخلاف تأکید مردم بر اطلاع رسانی و بازنشر محتوا و اطلاعات مرتبط با کووید 19 باهدف پیشگیری و مراقبت، میزان ابتلا به بیماری افزایش یافته است؛ کاربران از اینستاگرام به عنوان یک مجرای اطلاعاتی استفاده کرده اند؛ و میزان مشارکت و فعالیت سازمان ها و مراکز بهداشتی و درمانی و متخصصان در انتشار اطلاعات و اخبار ناچیز بوده است.

Subject Map Corona virus in Iran: Case Study of Instagram

 Instagram can play a vital and effective role in managing natural and social disasters by publishing the necessary and correct information. This social media can be a useful and effective source for disseminating information due to its popularity, as well as its easy access to the public. With the outbreak of Covid 19 in the last days of 2019 and the unknown nature of this virus, the methods of its spread and treatment made it more important to have access to accurate information about this virus. One of the ways to identify people, channels and intellectual structure of people is social network analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the social network and draw a topic map of Instagram with a thematic focus on Corona. This research is applied and has used the characteristics of social network analysis to achieve the objectives of the research. For this purpose, the information published in the period of August 1399 in the social network Instagram with the thematic focus of Corona virus has been collected and using Seotools software and Phantom plugin, data related to username, number of posts, average Number of likes, hashtags used for a particular post were extracted. Then, using direct observation method, out of one million retrieved posts, one thousand related posts were selected and categorized. In the next step, using the indicators of network centrality and Ucinet software, the extracted data were analyzed. results of the study indicated that hashtags on the subject of corona symptoms; Corona disease, medical equipment, nutrition during the corona, medical staff, corona treatment, provinces affected by the disease and corona failure have been among the most popular and widely used hashtags. According to the criteria of centrality of degree, betweeness and closness, Corona hashtags, Corona in Iran, we defeat Corona, take Corona seriously, wear a mask, and the mask has been one of the most controversial and hottest hashtags that used. Finally, it can be concluded that despite the people's emphasis on informing and republishing content and information related to Covid19 with the aim of prevention and care, the incidence of the disease has increased; Users have used Instagram as an information channel; And the level of participation and activity of organizations and health centers and specialists in disseminating information and news has been insignificant.IntroductionInstagram can play a vital and effective role in managing natural and social disasters by publishing the necessary and correct information. This social media can be a useful and effective source for disseminating information due to its popularity, as well as its easy access to the public. With the outbreak of Covid 19 in the last days of 2019 and the unknown nature of this virus, the methods of its spread and treatment made it more important to have access to accurate information about this virus. One of the ways to identify people, channels and intellectual structure of people is social network analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the social network and draw a topic map of Instagram with a thematic focus on Corona.Research Question(s)What are the thematic clusters about the corona virus in the Instagram?What are the most popular and selected hashtags related to the corona virus?Which hashtags are more capable of transmitting information about the corona virus?What are the most important and effective hashtags related to the corona virus?What posts and topics have had the most visits?Literature ReviewSo far, many researches have been conducted on the topic of analyzing social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Riesmeyer, Hauswald & Mergen (2019) investigated the relationship between information literacy and nutritional behavior of Instagram users in research. Van Den Ende’s research (2016) showed that in recent years, with the advancement of technology and the emergence of social networks, terrorist organizations have also significantly used social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs. They have started writing. By using social media and analyzing social networks, it is possible to recognize the growing terrorist presence in social media and provide valuable views on the social networks of terrorist organizations. Traces of social network analysis can also be seen in the field of tourism. Indonesia used Instagram account @explorejogja in December 2016 to introduce its tourism destinations. Using the network analysis approach, they identify popular tourist spots, cluster tourist destinations and the popularity of tourist destinations.Researchers have pointed out the importance of the role of social networks after natural disasters. Social networks can play a role in producing and disseminating information and making people aware of what happened. Sometimes, after a disaster, social media can prevent it from happening again by investigating the causes and finding problems and informing about the incident. Social networks can contribute to crisis management by introducing associations, organizations and competent authorities who are responsible for investigating matters related to natural events and also providing the possibility of communication and connection between people and such groups. Help after unexpected events.MethodologyThis research is applied and has used the characteristics of social network analysis to achieve the objectives of the research. For this purpose, the information published in the period of August 1399 in the social network Instagram with the thematic focus of Corona virus has been collected and using Seotools software and Phantom plugin, data related to username, number of posts, average Number of likes, hashtags used for a particular post were extracted. Then, using direct observation method, out of one million retrieved posts, one thousand related posts were selected and categorized. In the next step, using the indicators of network centrality and Ucinet software, the extracted data were analyzed.Resultsresults of the study indicated that hashtags on the subject of corona symptoms; Corona disease, medical equipment, nutrition during the corona, medical staff, corona treatment, provinces affected by the disease and corona failure have been among the most popular and widely used hashtags. According to the criteria of centrality of degree, betweennes and closeness, Corona hashtags, Corona in Iran, we defeat Corona, take Corona seriously, wear a mask, and the mask has been one of the most controversial and hottest hashtags that used.ConclusionFinally, it can be concluded that despite the people's emphasis on informing and republishing content and information related to Covid19 with the aim of prevention and care, the incidence of the disease has increased; Users have used Instagram as an information channel; And the level of participation and activity of organizations and health centers and specialists in disseminating information and news has been insignificant. 
