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هدف اساسی پژوهش حاضر، تبیین هیجان های تحصیلی براساس حمایت تحصیلی و جهت گیری هدف پیشرفت با نقش واسطه گری خودتنظیمی تحصیلی بود. روش پژوهش همبستگی از نوع مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری بود. ﺟﺎمعه آﻣﺎری ﺷﺎﻣﻞ کلیه دانش آموزان دختر و پسر دوره اول متوسطه شهر سنندج در سال تحصیلی ۱۴۰۱-۱۴۰۰ بودند که از میان آنها تعداد 390 نفر، با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای چندمرحله ای انتخاب شدند و به ابزارهای پژوهش شامل پرسشنامه هیجان های تحصیلی، پرسشنامه حمایت تحصیلی، پرسشنامه جهت گیری هدف پیشرفت و پرسشنامه خودتنظیمی تحصیلی پاسخ دادند. تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها با استفاده از روش مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری ازطریق نرم افزار Spss-21 و Amos-21 انجام شد. نتایج تحلیل نشان داد که مدل با داده های پژوهش برازش مناسبی دارد. باتوجه به یافته ها، مسیرهای مستقیم حمایت تحصیلی، جهت گیری تسلطی و عملکردی به هیجان های مثبت و منفی تحصیلی معنادار (01/0>P) بود. همچنین، مسیرهای غیرمستقیم حمایت تحصیلی، جهت گیری تسلطی و جهت گیری عملکردی ازطریق خودتنظیمی تحصیلی به هیجان های مثبت و منفی تحصیلی در دانش آموزان معنا دار (01/0>P) بود. براساس این نتایج، خودتنظیمی تحصیلی می تواند در رابطه بین حمایت تحصیلی و جهت گیری هدف پیشرفت با هیجان های تحصیلی مثبت و منفی در دانش آموزان نقش میانجی داشته باشد.

Explaining Academic Emotions Based on Academic Support and Achievement Goal Orientation: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-regulation

The main purpose of this study was to explain the academic emotions based on academic support and achievement goal orientation through the mediating role of academic self-regulation. The research method was correlational of structural equations modeling type. The statistical population included all male and female students of junior high schools in Sanandaj in the academic year of 2021-2022, from which 390 students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. They answered the Academic Emotions questionnaire, Academic Support questionnaire, Achievement Goal orientation questionnaire and Academic self-regulation questionnaire. The data were analyzed with the structural equations modeling via SPSS-21 and AMOS-21 softwares. The findings corroborated the good fitness of the model with research data. According to the findings, the direct paths from the academic support, mastery and performance orientation to positive and negative academic emotions were significant (P <0.01). Also, the indirect paths from the academic support, mastery orientation and functional orientation through the academic self-regulation to positive and negative academic emotions were significant (P <0.01). In conclusion, the academic self-regulation can play a mediating role in the relationship between academic support and achievement goal orientation with positive and negative academic emotions in students. Introduction Academic emotions are pleasant and unpleasant emotions that learners perceive as an important part of their daily experiences in learning contexts. They are directly tied to activities or academic achievement outcomes, (Tang et al., 2021). Today, educational psychologists have accepted that students experience a range of positive and negative emotions related to learning and academic achievement as a part of their identity in educational environment. Based on the "control-value" approach of the academic emotions (Pekrun, 2006), emotions in educational situations are mediated by a number of cognitive and motivational mechanisms and classified at the two levels of "personal " and "social " antecedents. At personal level, control appraisal and value appraisal are the most important determinants of individual emotional experiences. Based on this model, the social antecedents of emotions including various social environments around the student, such as the family and the classroom stimulate emotions. Emotions in turn, affect learning and academic success. Accordingly, one of the important social antecedents of these emotions is the level of academic support from the learner which can be done through the four main sources of father, mother, teacher and peers in various aspects of emotional, instrumental and cognitive support (Won & L-Yu, 2018). Previous studies have also shown that emotional support for the student is significantly related to improving the experience of positive emotions such as enjoyment and reducing the experience of negative emotions such as anxiety in the classroom (Choe, 2020). In addition, according to the theory of control-value, academic emotions can be influenced by several intra-personal antecedents, one of which is achievement goal orientation. According to goal orientation theory, students usually respond to situations in three basic ways: 1) mastery goal orientation, 2) functional goal orientation, and 3) avoidance goal orientation. The empirical literature shows a significant relationship between the achievement goal orientation and academic emotions (Elliot & McGregor, 2001). Finally, another important variable related to the experience of academic emotions is academic self –regulation that based on the academic self -regulating model (pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Zimmeman, 2008) includes the conscious usage of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, guidance of mental processes, and monitoring and regulating behavior, all in order to achieve the learning goals and acceptance of learning responsibility (Choe, 2020). According to the value-control model, academic self-regulation is one of the subsequent variables of academic emotions. However, it seems that the relationship between academic emotions and academic self -regulation can be two-sided. That is, different levels of academic self -regulation are able to predict the experience of positive and negative academic emotions in educational environments (Ahmed et al., 2013). No studies have been conducted on the role of academic self -regulation in relation to positive and negative academic emotions so far. Therefore, conducting the present study can help fill the existing research gap. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self -regulation in the relationship between academic support and the achievement goal orientation with positive and negative emotions in students. Method The research method was correlational structural equations modeling type. The statistical population included all male and female students of junior high schools in Sanandaj in the academic year of 2021-2022, from which 390 students were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method. They answered the research tools including Academic Emotions questionnaire, Academic Support questionnaire; Achievement goal orientation questionnaire and Academic self-regulation questionnaire. To describe the statistical data, Pearson Correlation Coefficient was calculated through using Spss-21. To determine the fit of the studied model, structural equation modeling method was used through AMOS-21.   Findings According to the findings, the direct paths of academic support and achievement goal orientation for positive and negative emotions, as well as academic support and achievement goal orientation to academic self -regulation were significant ( P <0.01). However, in the indirect paths, the results showed that academic support through academic self-regulation has an indirect and positive effect on positive emotions and has an indirect and negative effect on negative emotions of students. Another finding showed that the mastery achievement goal orientation through academic self-regulation has an indirect and positive effect on positive emotions and has an indirect and negative influence on negative emotions of students ( P <0.01).   Conclusion In line with the explanation of the main findings and based on the control-value theory, self-regulated learners use cognitive and metacognitive skills and learning strategies. Also, they have the ability to self-review, self-react and self-correct (Garcia et al., 2018). Furthermore, they apply internal motivational sources for a higher control appraisal of the learning situation, with a more positive perception of the provided educational support and will make more effective use of these support situations, which can result in experiencing more positive emotions and reducing negative emotions during learning. In addition, higher levels of self-regulation and specifically the use of more metacognitive strategies and focusing on the intrinsic and positive values of academic activities (Shahabi et al., 2021) can indirectly improve their emotional state in classroom by strengthening the mastery goal orientations in learners. The most important limitation of the present study was that the sample was limited to the students of junior high schools in Sanandaj. Based on results, it is suggested that the officials of the education system, in addition to paying serious attention to the emotional aspect of educational environments, provide more effective training to strengthen the emotional, instrumental and cognitive support of students so that they can have more tendency to acquire a mastery goal orientation, increase self-regulation and strengthen their positive academic emotions. It is suggested that other cognitive and environmental factors affecting academic emotions, including the moderating role of the gender variable be investigated. Also, the effectiveness of academic self-regulation training on students' emotions in different learning situations could be studied by future studies. <br /><br />              
