Due to the great importance of health in the nursing profession, it can be potentially stressful for them. The aim of this study was to compare emotional intelligence, general health and physical health in nurses working in psychiatric wards and other wards of hospitals. The present study was descriptive and causal-comparative. The statistical population of the present study was all nurses in Ardabil in the first half of the year 1400 that 50 nurses working in psychiatric wards and 50 nurses were selected by simple random sampling. Bar-Ann's Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1980), Goldberg & Hiller's General Health Questionnaire (1972) and Scott and Clovi's Physical Health Questionnaire (2003) were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups of nurses in the psychiatric ward and other wards in the variables of emotional intelligence (F = 9.85and P<0.01), general health (F = 24.22 and P<0.01) and physical health (F = 14.77 and P <0.01). Therefore, according to the results of the present study, it is suggested that education of emotional intelligence, general health and physical health components be included in the in-service training program of nursing students both as in-service training courses for employed nurses and as a course unit. Efficiency and effectiveness of the level of nursing services and empowerment of nursing students, increase the satisfaction of patients and their families from nursing services and also improve the level of community health.