
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


امروزه نظرورزی ضروری ترین وجهِ مباحث هنر محسوب می شود، اما، این مهم در فرهنگ ما سابقه ای درخور ندارد. هنر ما از اواخر صفویه رو به افول نهاده است، این امر دلایل متعددی دارد که قسمی با هنر مناسبت درونی دارند و قسمی بیرونی، و عدم خلاقیت مهم ترین دلیل درونی آن می نماید. پس، نظرورزی در خصوص خلاقیت بایسته است. این نوشتار که در پی همین بود، نقاشی های بیکن را پیکره ی خود برگزید و روان سنجی مورون را روش تحقیق خود. متخصصان آثار بیکن را "خلاقانه" می خوانند و به زعم آنان درک "فرآیند خلاقیت" نزد او مستلزم وقوف به اصول روان کاوی است. و روان سنجی مورون نخستین روش تحقیق روان کاوانه در حیطه ی هنر محسوب می شود که تبیین "خلاقیت هنری" غایت آن است؛ مورون بر آن است که در مجموعه ی آثار هر هنرمند خلاقی انسجامی ویژه قابل پیگیری است که ریشه در ناخودآگاه او دارد، ناخودآگاه هر هنرمند خلاقی چهره ای فراگیر دارد که اسطوره ی شخصی او را بازنمایی می کند، و این نیروی محرکه ی هر نوع خلاقیتی است. این نوشتار از روان سنجی خلاقیت در نقاشی های بیکن، بدین نتیجه رسید که اسطوره ی شخصی او؛ اسطوره ای که نیروی محرکه ی خلاقیت نزد او بوده و از این راه در خلق نقاشی های او نقشی بنیادین ایفا کرده است، همانا، هراکلس است.    

Psychocritic of creativity in paintings of Francis Bacon

In the present age, dealing with theorizing and theorization is the most necessary aspect of human discussions, as also in the field of art, theoretical attention to artworks is as important as their creation, and it is effective in determining their destiny. This aspect of art in our culture does not have a proper history, as our art has declined since the late Safavid. For this decline, many different causes can be considered which some have inner and some have outer relations to art, and lack of creativity is the most important inner cause. So this is why theorizing and making new definition for this old principle of art is necessary. And this is what this essay is looking for, therefore the paintings of Francis Bacon are chosen to work on and Charles Mauron's method, psychocritic, is chosen to work with. The experts call the works of Bacon "creative" and they believe that understanding his "process of creativity" requires familiarity with the principles of psychoanalysis. Also It must be noted that psychocritic of Charles Mauron is the first systematic and methodical psychoanalytic approach to art which defining "artistic creativity" is its final aim, based on Charles Mauron's psychocritic in the series of artworks of each creative artist a special coherence can be followed which is rooted in the unconscious of each artist. Due to Charles Mauron, unconscious of each creative artist has a holistic face that represents his personal myth. And it is this personal myth that is the basis of any kind of artist's creativity. In order to find personal myth of Bacon with the method of psych criticism of Charles Mauron which will be the key to analyze all of his paintings four stages have been done; first, researching in all of his artworks to find the network of the obsessive metaphors and images made it clear that the general form of his paintings is a closed space, and the part of this space that is assigned to object and things is always at focus, also the content of them is consisted of figures and portraits that are so overwhelmed that are more like a piece of meat or an object than a human, a human which is very lonely and panic; second, keeping attention to this network to find the basic characteristic of these metaphors and images and complexes of Bacon was led to claustrophobia, panic disorder, Oedipus complex and Peterpan syndrome; third, keeping attention to these complexes to discover and find the personal myth of Bacon led to Heracles as a personal myth; and forth, examining the main characteristics of personal myth which was Heracles and is discovered in the last stage with the life of Bacon in order to ensure the above findings, so finally studying biography and interviews of Bacon proofed the third stage's hypothesis. And the result is that Bacon's personal myth that has been his driving force behind his creativity which has had a fundamental role in creating his paintings is Heracles.
