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امروزه هر فرد در زندگی، نیازهای خود را دخیل کرده و محصولات را براساس سلایق خود انتخاب می کند. به همین دلیل هدف اصلی این پژوهش، طراحی بسته بندی نگهدارنده دارو با استفاده از مهندسی کانسی است. از اهداف دیگر این پژوهش، بررسی تاثیر طراحی کاربرمحور مانند برنامه های سلامت تلفن همراه و وضعیت توسعه آن ها است. طبق روند مهندسی کانسی، ابتدا تمامی محصولات حتی به صورت ایده جمع آوری شدند و در نهایت چهار محصول انتخاب شد. برای ارزیابی این محصولات، پرسش نامه ای به روش افتراق معنایی توسط 24 واژه انتخابی از 75 واژه کانسی به دست آمده؛ تدوین و توسط 21 نفر از اعضا (خانم ) کانون سالمندان سرای محله شهرک غرب به صورت داوطلبانه تکمیل شد. یافته های حاصل از تحلیل اطلاعات توسط نرم افزارSPSS ، کمک شایانی در دستیابی به معیارهای موردنظرکرد. این معیارها می تواند باعث طراحی محصولی مطابق با خواسته کاربران شود. معیارهای طراحی تعریف شده شامل: طراحی فرمی ساده، جنس های متفاوت پلاستیکی برای بدنه و درب محصول، باز شدن درب نگهدارنده دارو از پایین به بالا و قابلیت جدا شدن محفظه های نگهدارنده دارو از بدنه محصول است. همچنین با توجه به نیاز کاربران به محصولی ساده و کاربردی، برنامه های سلامت محور می توانند به طراحی محصولات مرتبط با این مسائل کمک بسیاری نمایند.

Efficacy of consumer oriented design interventions in products design (Design of drug container for the elderly using Kansei Engineering)

Today, we see the development of societies, especially developing countries. This advancement can have an impact on various aspects of human life. User-centric design methods for creating new tools has been upgraded. For this reason, the primary goals of this study are the design of drug container according to the needs of the users being studied. User-centric design nowadays improves product development. By focusing on the needs of target users and analyzing them, they achieve the main criteria for custom product design. However, technology and its growth in our society are a fact. Today, the overwhelming majority of people are directly connected to computers, the Internet, cell phones, smartphones and other technologically advanced devices that are gradually improving. Considering the effects of user-oriented design on the design of mobile health applications and the impact of these applications on the research objectives, the status and development trends of the design of these applications, as well as user-oriented design are described in brief in this research. Another purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of user-oriented design, such as mobile health applications, and their status and development trends. Given the impact of user-centric design in designing products, it is impossible to ignore the effects of mobile health interventions as part of user-centric design to achieve the goals of this research. Also, Kansei Engineering was selected to fulfill the primary goal of this research, which is the design of drug container in accordance with the needs of the elderly. Kansei Engineering is a product development methodology that transforms customer's feelings, perceptions, and desires from existing products into design solutions and realistic design parameters. Because the sensory features that result from users' responses are also qualitative information, Kansei Engineering is a good tool for converting this information into quantitative and measurable information. According to the engineering process, all products were even collected in the form of ideas and samples. Finally, products were selected from among the collected products. To assess the four products, a questionnaire was developed by term of semantic differentiation with 24 selective words from 75 kansei words and voluntarily completed by 21 members (female) of the elderly community center in the city of  Ghods in Tehran's 2nd district. The results of data analysis using SPSS software showed that the four products evaluated by target users each have similarities and differences in the characteristics mentioned in the questionnaire. At the end, according to the criteria, the product was designed in accordance with the wishes of the users. After product design according to the obtained criteria, the product was re-evaluated and satisfied with the audience. These criteria can help design a product in accordance with users requirements. Design criteria are defined as: Simplified design of the fermi, various plastic material for the body and door products, opening the drug container door from the bottom up, and the ability to separate the container holding the drug from the body of the product.
