
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یکی از کهن ترین شاهنامه های مصور ایران، که برای بسیاری از پژوهشگران ناشناخته است، شاهنامه ی « کاما» یا «دستور» است که به نظر می رسد متعلق به اوایل قرن هفتم ه.ق باشد. این نسخه ی مصور دارای جنبه های ساختاریِ بسیار اصیلی است که تاکنون بدان و تأثیرات زیبایی شناختی آن بر سایر نُسخ ادوار بعد پرداخته نشده است. هدف اصلی این جستار تحلیل هندسه ی مبنایی و بررسی تأثیرات زیبایی شناختی این شاهنامه بر شاهنامه های مکتب شیراز اینجوست. سوال اصلی پژوهش حاضر این است که شاهنامه ی مذکور به لحاظ عناصر تصویری و هندسه ی مبنایی چه تأثیراتی بر نگاره های اصیل مکتب اینجو گذارد؟ روش این تحقیق توصیفی و تحلیلی- تطبیقی، مبتنی بر اولین مرحله از رویکرد اروین پانوفسکی، که توصیفی پیشا شمایل نگارانه است، با تکیه بر منابع کتابخانه ای و اینترنت می باشد. تحقیقات این پژوهش اشکار می سازد نگارگر شاهنامه ی کاما از نسبت رادیکال 2 که نسبتی است متعلق به دوران کهن -پیش از نسبت طلایی که مصریان باستان به کار می بردند_ حدّاکثر بهره برداری را نموده است. این نسبت در شاهنامه های اینجو تداوم می یابد. نتایج حاصل از تطبیق نگاره های دو مکتب سلجوقی و اینجو آشکار می سازد که به جز هندسه ی مبنایی، بسیاری از عناصر تصویری شاهنامه های اینجو نظیر رنگ های ناب، فضاسازیِ کتیبه وار و فشردگی عناصر بصری در کادر افقی و طراحی پویا، از نگاره های شاهنامه ی کاما، تأثیرات بسیاری پذیرفته است.

"A comparative study between the painting of the most ancient world's Shahnameh by the School of Shiraz Injo (725- 758 AH) "

One of the most ancient Iranian manuscripts, which unknown for many researchers, is Shahnameh "comma" or "Dastur that seem to belong to the early seventh century AH. This illustrated MSS with very genuine structural aspects, which its aesthetic has potential impact on the other MSS of the following periods, have not been addressed. Many researchers, such as Adamuva and Gyvzalyan believe the oldest illustrated MSS of Shahnameh belongs to the mid-eighth century of the Hijra (Adamuva, Gyvzaliyan, 2007: 27). Shahnameh "comma" and visual elements of this manuscript to challenge the views of the researchers on some pictorial characteristics, which is believed to be Mongolian elements before the discovery of this Shahnameh in India; eg, Sheila Canbay believed that breaking the frame of picture with legs of horses and riders is the elements of Mongol in the year of 730 AH/ 1330 AD in Tabriz 1 or Bagdad School. She also stressed the move and horse riding in tight spaces and compact horizontal frame are of features and elements of Mongol. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the geometry of the foundation and the aesthetic impact of Shahnameh of "comma" on the Shahnamehs of Shiraz School in the Injo period. The other aims of this study are to investigate the motifs of the Shahnameh "Comma" in order to determine its originality, and check the continuity or discontinuity some important motifs of this Shahnameh on the Shiraz School in Injo age. The main question of the paper is, what are the effect of visual elements and hidden geometry of Shahnameh "comma", on the original, and pure image of the Injo School? So, this article answers the following secondary questions: 1. Is it antiquated and exquisite Shahnameh belongs to the Seljuk period? What resources has affected on this manuscript? 2. What are the Iconic motifs of the Shahnameh comma is there, but don't continue in the Persian paintings of Injo period at the Shiraz? This research is descriptive and comparative analytical method, based on the first phase of Erwin Panofsky's approach, which is pre-iconographical description, relying on library resources and the Internet. The aim of the first stage of the method of Panofsky is, in fact, survey the motifs and stylistic characteristics and structure of the painting in the Shahnama "Comma" and identify the motifs of which have been experiencing a metamorphosis and transformation in the Injo age at the Shiraz. The study shows that the painter of the Shahnameh of "comma" has used to the ratio of radical 2, which belong to ancient world, before the ancient Egypt, for depicturing the frame of painting, and hidden structure in the picture. This ratio continues in the Injo shāhnāmehs. The results of the comparison between the painting of Seljuk and Injo schools reveals that except geometry basis and the ratio of radical 2 in the picture of the Injo shāhnāmehs, many visual elements such as pure and bright color, Compression of the composition and image elements in box-like atmosphere, took much impression of the Shahnameh "comma".
