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شرح و تبیین رابطه میان هنر و اخلاق، از دیرباز سهم عمده ای در پیکره تفکر فلسفی داشته است. با مطالعه ای بر گونه شناسی این نظریات، می توان روابط میان هنر و اخلاق را در دو ساحت «اصالت اخلاق» و «خودآیینی هنر» طبقه بندی کرد. قائلان به نظریه اصالت اخلاقی، بر مبنای اصول اخلاقی، به قضاوت آثار هنری می پردازند؛ حال آن که مدعای حامیان خودآیینی، جدایی مرزهای زیبایی شناسی از اخلاق است. در گرافیک تجاری که از اقتضائات جامعه امروزی و هنر آن به شمار می آید، امروزه با کمترین تبلیغی مواجه هستیم که به بازنمایی عینی ویژگی های کالا یا خدمات بپردازد؛ شمار کثیری از تبلیغات تجاری، به مدد استفاده از عناصر تخیلی در بیان و تکنیک های تصویری، به «بازنمایی کاذب» ویژگی هایی از محصول می پردازند که مطابق خصوصیات ماهوی کالا و خدمات نیست؛ با اتخاذ رویکردی اخلاقی به مسئله حاضر، عدم صدق یادشده در تبلیغات تجاری، از مصادیق قبح اخلاقی است، اما از سوی دیگر، نمایش ویژگی و خصوصیات عینی محصول، ساحت خلاقانه اثر را مخدوش خواهد کرد. پژوهش حاضر با بهره گیری از روش توصیفی و ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات کتابخانه ای، به بازخوانی نظریه های هنر و اخلاق پرداخته و کاربست دیدگاه بافت محوری «بریس گات» را در صورت بندی تناقض یادشده میان وظیفه اخلاقی و وجه زیبایی شناختی در تبلیغات، نشان می دهد.

Explaining the «Contextualism» Relationship between Aesthetics and Morality in Commercial Graphics.

Explaining the relationship between art and morality, has played a major role in the body of philosophical thoughts. Because of the cultural contribution of the art in society and it`s impact on ethical practices and behavior, this relationship has always been reviewed. Therefore, with the advent of philosophy and it`s continuation until now, the relationship between moral values and aesthetics values has always been scrutinized by many theorists and philosophers. The two basic views about this relationship can be seprated based on theories and putting other views in the subset of those two. The first point of view which is known as «Ethicism» points that a qualified work with aesthetics value do not violate moral concepts and stengthen ethics. The second point of view which is called «Autonomism»,basically has questioned the relationship between aesthetics field and ethics and considers a seprate domain for each of them .On the other hand, to avoid dogmatism and absolutism of these two views, we can refer to moderate views in ethics which considers a moderate idea and Contextualism about the existence or none-existence constant and direct relationship between aesthetics and ethics. This one is a kind of general provisions of two views. In commercial graphics, which is the demand of today`s society and art, we encounter less propagandas with objective representation of goods and services. Multitude of commercial propagandas, represent false product features, by using imaginative elements in expression and video techniques.By adopting an ethical approach to this issue, the lack of truth in commercial advertising, is an example of moral evil. According to this view, by entering these two statements «conventionalism» and «cognitive», we can add an exit for the relationship between art and moral. Ethics has contracted moral concepts of good and evil as default and examine the issues and the impact of these actions on thoughts and human societies. The relationship between art and morality is rooted in the depth of West St. mainstream thinking and the relationship between art,as an aesthetic issue, and philosophy which is an area of thinking and explaining the facts by the concepts was beloved by numerous philasophers and theorists. From ancient Greece so far, a kind of philosophical mainstream had been common which linked the good and evil moral to good and evil point of aesthetics view.The prominent example of this is eighth Plato's attack.In the republic ,he almost takes issues of all forms of art imitating.Since he considers them as the false trigger of emotions and feelings which causes false knowledge. Causing «false knowledge» is the example of lack of ethics and it is placed among the «moral evil». On the other hand, objective presentation of product and it`s real features may deface creativity and the artist remains in a dilemma of showing reality or performing arts. The current studies rereads the theory of art and ethics by using discriptive methods and the datas collected through library and shows the Berys Gaut application of Contextualism in these contradications between moral duty and aesthetics.
