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 هدف از این پژوهش، تبیین ویژگی های فرمی مجسمه سازی مدرن است. دوران مدرن، دوران پرتلاطمی برای دنیای هنر بوده است. این مقاله، مدرنیسم را در محدوده جنبش های هنرهای تجسمی، طی سال های1890 تا1950بررسی می کند. برای شناخت هر چه بیشتر ویژگی های مجسمه سازی مدرن، آثار هنرمندان برجسته این دوران بررسی شده و ویژگی های زیباشناختی آنها، شناسایی شده است. براساس این ویژگی ها، معیارهای تجزیه وتحلیل فرمی تعریف شده اند که به روش افتراق معنایی در سه گروه دوقطبی (انتزاعی-بازنمایانه؛ هندسی-ارگانیک؛ و انسانی- غیرانسانی) قرار گرفته اند. بررسی مجسمه های دوران مدرن نشان می دهد که مجسمه سازی از اواخر قرن نوزدهم از فرم بازنمایانه- ارگانیک فاصله گرفت و در دهه سی قرن بیستم این فاصله به اوج رسید و بار دیگر در دهه های چهل و پنجاه، دوباره به فرم بازنمایانه-ارگانیک، روی آورد. فرم های هندسی- انتزاعی در دهه های سی و چهل به اوج رسید و در دهه های بعد نیز تعداد کمی از آثار را به خود اختصاص داد. به طورکلی در این دوران بیشترین سهم متعلق به آثاری است که از فرم های بازنمایانه، ارگانیک و انسانی تشکیل شده اند و کمترین تعداد متعلق به آثاری است که از فرم های ارگانیک، انتزاعی و غیرانسانی شکل گرفته اند. بیشتر مجسمه های این دوران، پیکر انسان را با فرم های ارگانیک و بازنمایانه تصویر کرده اند.

The formic features modern sculpture

The aim of this study is to determine the formic features of modern sculpture. Modern era has been an era filled with ups and downs for art world. In this article, modernism has considered the visual art movements, between 1890 and 1950 that with their innovations, have tried to be separating from the art of the past and have been confronting classical forms. Although it is difficult to explain all the factors involved in the emergence of modern art , the industrial revolution, scientific discoveries and religious reforms were the most important factors that had opened the way for the new thinking of artists to change the methods of representation and the process of artistic creation. Sculpture art developments in this period were enormous and unprecedented. To know more about the features of these works, a study has been conducted on the artists of the period and aesthetic features of these works have been identified. In the view of some modern sculptors, we see how some artists in each decade have changed their style and go along with the other artists. Now the question raised is, whether, for any period in the history of modern art sculpture, prominent form features of each decade can be extracted? So the purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of modern sculpture and extract prominent form features of each decade. The study of the modern sculptures shows that in the last decade of the nineteenth century, sculpture was only related to the presentation of the human body. From the late nineteenth century sculpture gradually has distanced from the organic forms, and has gone toward the abstraction.  In the third decade of the twentieth century, this gap reaches its peak. In the 30th and 40th decade, more sculptures have been made from abstract forms, and the human body has been removed from their subject, but by this time, in the subject of sculpture, human body can be gradually seen, even if it was very simplified. Thus, in the late 40th and 50th decade of the twentieth century, once again representational forms-organic, has reached its peak. As mentioned, in the 30th and 40th decade geometric - abstract forms have reached their peak and in the next decade, a few sculptures have been dedicated to this type of form. The 50th decade can be likened to a return to the early years of modern era. Once again, human body is the largest part and the most important subject in sculptures. In the great sculptures in modern era, the organic, representational and human body forms, allocated the largest part to themselves, on the other hand, abstract, geometric and non- human body forms, formed the smaller part. The other trend in this era is the organic-abstract and non- human body forms, which allocated the limited number to themselves while representational-geometric and human body forms formed the lowest part.
