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در این مقاله، متامورف فراتر از یک تکنیک انیمیشن، و به عنوان شیوه ای بیانی که ساختار استعاری دارد، مورد مطالعه قرار می گیرد. منظور از ساختار استعاری، ساختاری دو بخشی است که در آن دو شکلی که قرار است به هم تبدیل شوند، دارای شباهت های ظاهری و یا مفهومی با یکدیگرند. این شباهت، عامل جانشینی و معناسازی است. همچنین این تکنیک را می توان قابل مقایسه با شعر و رویا که مصادیق تخیل شاعرانه اند، دانست. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، تعیین شباهت های ساختاری میان تکنیک متامورف و تخیل شعرگونه است. درک شیوه بیانی متامورف، با توصیف انواع مورف در نمونه های انیمیشنی و مطالعه تطبیقی ساختار آنها با ساختار انواع شیوه های بیان در نظریات رومن یاکوبسن در زبان شناسی امکان پذیر می باشد. برای شناسایی ساختار تخیل شعرگونه، از نظریات زیگموند فروید در تحلیل رویا استفاده شده است. طی این پژوهش درخواهیم یافت که تکنیک متامورف، بستر مناسبی را جهت به تصویر کشیدن تخیل شاعرانه در اختیار فیلمساز انیمیشن قرار می دهد، که با استفاده از قواعدی که در مقاله مشخص شده است، می تواند مسائل خیال انگیز و رویاگونه را به کمک آنها به تصویر کشد.    

A Study of Expressive Meta-Morph Technique in Representation of the Poetical Imagination

In this essay, the Metamorphosis technique in animation is treated as a metaphoric structure, using visual or conceptual similarities between two shapes to express poetic imagination. This structure makes metamorphosis technique comparable with poem and dreams.  This project has been carried out using the data available in books, articles and other published documents and movies. The data has been analyzed using comparative approach. The main purposes of this essay are determining the structural similarities between Metamorphosis Technique and poetic imagination. First, the primary data Will be elaborated its manifestations in different animations; second, the data will be analyzed through a comparative study of  different approaches of expression based on Roman Jacobson’s theories in linguistics, and also by a comparative study of Sigmund Freud’s theories on interpretation of dreams. There is a pattern inferred from Jacobson’s theory that massage is communicated between sender and receiver, so metamorphosis as the core of animation has a narrative ability for carrying the massage. Metamorphosis is an ability to change picture to another picture without editing, So this technique is inspiring for animation techniques which editing is done under camera like painting on glass .Metamorphosis has two outputs, Firstly by transforming two different scenes like a transition (dissolve), and secondly metamorphosis of one character to another like fable stories that a hero usually change to something else by an spell. If morphing hasn’t just a decorative purpose, the expression might exit, Base on Jacobson’s theory in linguistic there are two kinds of expressive relationships: Paradigmatic relationships and syntagmatic relationships. These relations are important because our understanding of the world and our interaction in it are governed largely by relationships; metaphor is similar to paradigmatic relations and allegory is similar to syntagmatic relation, in metaphoric way two different objects replace with each other but in allegory part of object replace to the whole object. The metamorphosis , more than a mere technique, is a way for expression; true metamorphosis has two parts that morph to each other ,thus the relationship between them could result in one of two main way of linguistic expression. There is a similarity between two parts ,in metaphoric metamorphosis, When metaphoric relationship happens the spectators mind is looking for the meaning and the reason of changes, So start analyzing and dreaming about meaning .This poetic way of expression that exist in metamorphosis made it suitable for representing dreams. Dream is a road to unconscious part of mind and also a special feature that everybody experiences it. Thus, it is important to understand its structure. Based on Freud approach, latent content of dream infer the manifest content; that can be interpreted as some information that the conscious individual remembers experiencing. Dream work is changing these materials by condensation and displacement. Other similarities among metamorphosis and dream and poem consist of symbol and similarity and being visual; and paradox is acceptable. A pattern for finding ideas for making animations by using the Metamorphosis Technique could be possible by metaphoric approach
