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 هدف مطالعه حاضر، شناسایی اسنادهای خوش بینانه و بدبینانه مادر در ارتباط با نوجوان بود. پژوهش به روش کیفی انجام شد. با روش نمونه گیری هدفمند، 10 مادر دارای نوجوان 12 تا 18 ساله انتخاب شدند. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها به صورت مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته چهره به چهره بود. تحلیل داده ها با روش تحلیل تماتیک انجام شد. پنج مضمون اصلی با استخراج و کدگذاری مصاحبه ها به دست آمد که عبارت اند از: خوش بینی دیدن نکات مثبت از دریچه یک ذهن مثبت گرا، بدبینی دیدن نکات منفی از دریچه یک ذهن منفی گرا، خوش بینی تسهیل گر رابطه خوب و مؤثر والدین با نوجوان، اسنادهای خوش بینی (تداوم، علت و شخصی سازی) و چالش های فرزندپروری است. براساس پژوهش، هنگامی که مادر از اسنادهای خوش بینانه در تعامل با نوجوان استفاده می کند، روابط سازنده ای بین نوجوان و مادر به وجود می آید، رضایت و آرامش بیشتری بین آنها ایجاد می شود و مادر با چالش های فرزندپروری کمتری مواجه می شود. درمقابل، استفاده از اسنادهای بدبینانه به کلافکی و عصبانیت بیشتر نوجوان منجر می شود. نارضایتی، نداشتن آرامش و تنش داشتن از پیامدهای استفاده از اسنادهای بدبینانه است؛ بنابراین، آشنایی مادران با اسنادهای خوش بینانه و بدبینانه در روابط سازنده با نوجوان نقش بسزایی دارد.  

Identifying the Optimistic and Pessimistic Attributions of the Mothers in Relation to the Adolescent

The aim of this study was to identifying the optimistic and pessimistic attributions of the mothers in relation to the adolescent. The study used a qualitative design and employed purposive sampling method to selected 10 mothers with adolescent children aged from 12 to 18 years. The semi-structured face-to-face interview was used to collect the data and the data analysis was performed by six-step thematic analysis method. The results showed that optimism was seeing the positive points through the lens of an optimistic mind, while pessimism included seeing the negative points through the lens of a pessimistic mind. Moreover, optimism facilitated a good and effective parent-teenager relationship, optimistic attribution (continuation، reason and personalization) and parenting challenges. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that when a mother adopts optimistic attribution in communicating with her teenager, there is constructive relationship between teenager and mother and much more satisfaction and peace happens between them and they face less parenting challenges. On the other hand, adopting pessimistic attribution can result in confusion and anger in teenager and dissatisfaction and lack of peace and tension are among its negative outcomes. Therefore, mothers’ familiarity with optimistic and pessimistic attributions plays an important role in constructive relationships with adolescents. Introduction * Adolescence is associated with extensive changes in several cognitive, social and emotional levels (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2020). Family factors such as parents’ interactions, relations and how they support teenagers play a significant role in their life satisfaction. Chong and Baharudin (2017) showed that optimism contributes to the well-being and life satisfaction of adolescents. Optimistic or pessimistic documentary style is one of the effective factors in parent-teen interactions. Peterson (2002) suggested that parents play an important role in children’s acquisition of optimism due to their role modeling. The way parents talk, their positive or negative orientation, and their interpretation and perspective are effective for shaping teenagers' optimism. When people attribute negative events to unstable, specific, and external causes, they use an optimistic attributional style. When they attribute negative events to stable, general, and internal causes, they use a pessimistic style. This type of style affects behavior and mood (Boden, 2014). Adolescents face various challenges and focusing on optimism helps them to thrive (Thomson et al., 2014). In the meantime, parents’ interactions and relationships affect their life satisfaction and optimism (Chong, & Baharudin, 2017) and pessimistic and optimistic attributions of parents affect those of their teenagers (Guion, & Mrug, 2012). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify the pessimistic and optimistic attributions of the mother in relation to her teenager. Focusing on the optimistic and pessimistic attributions helps to improve parent-adolescent relationships. Therefore, such studies require qualitative research focusing on different aspects of social and individual life by investigating it from the individuals’ perspectives (Hooman, 2015). On the other hand, such a discourse has been neglected in the relationship between parents and teenagers. Therefore, the current study sought to identify the optimistic and pessimistic attributions of the mother in relation to the teenager. The main research question of the study was: What differences do the mother's optimistic and pessimistic attributions create for the adolescent in their interactions?   Method The study was conducted using the qualitative method and employed thematic analysis to analyze the interview data. The participants were mothers with teenagers living in Tehran. Using purposeful sampling and the criteria for entering the research and reaching saturation, 10 mothers who had teenage children were interviewed. The process of interviewing and collecting information continued until no new information was obtained from two new people. The interview protocol was a question-oriented type that was carried out in several steps. The data collection tool in this study was a face-to-face semi-structured interview. Before conducting the interview, the participants were provided with some explanations about the purpose of the research and informed consent was obtained from them. The interviews took 60 to 90 minutes. To code the interviews, coding and classifying the semantic units were done first. They were then named and defined and the final stage included writing a report. After recording each interview, its content was implemented by one of the researchers with all its details. Then the implemented version was coded by another researcher. The thematic analysis method designed by Brown and Clark (2006), which includes familiarization, coding, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and writing a report was used. In order to ensure the validity of the data, attempts were made to increase the acceptability and reliability of the data by spending enough time for data collection and scrutiny, and finally member checking (Creswell, 2016).   Findings Optimism is seeing the positive points through the perspective of a positivist mind. In dispositional optimism, the interviewee considers optimism to be bringing positive possibilities to mind, having a positive outlook and making better use of moments. While in documentary optimism, the interviewee sees optimism in being realistic, having balance in seeing positive and negative points, and appropriate interpretation of events. Pessimism refers to seeing the negative points through the perspective of a negative mind. It is having negative preconceptions, thinking about the worst things, or being suspicious of the behavior, movement and actions of others. The first thought that comes to a pessimist mind is negative. "Pessimism is that your first look at anything is a negative look and consider the possibility of something bad happening...", said one of the mothers. Optimism creates a good and effective relationship between parents and teenagers. The sub-themes of facilitators of good relationships included putting yourself in the place of the child, constructive communication instead of stubbornness and confrontation with the teenager, correct analysis of the behavior of the teenager, appropriate treatment depends on the personality and the right understanding of parenting is knowing the teenager, adapting to the challenges of adolescence and respecting him, using experiences and empathic communication. Themes of pessimistic facilitators were the generalization of adolescent weaknesses to different dimensions of life, tense and pessimistic communication, unstable peace and security, conflict in perceptions, lack of satisfaction in relationships, fear of adolescent concealment, comparing and the presence of negative emotions. Optimistic attributions (continuity, cause and personalization). The explanation and the reason of good and bad events are affected by optimistic and pessimistic attributions. An optimistic parent acknowledges the temporary nature of the problem. In explaining the cause, universality and specificity are considered. An optimist believes in the universality of pleasant events and the specificity of unpleasant events. "Whenever I make him jealous with a word or a behavior, he does something to retaliate because he is stubborn", said one of the mothers. In personalization, being internal versus external. In the relationship between parent and teenager, the optimistic parent attributes many problems to external factors. A person's pessimistic attributions of unpleasant events on the continuum indicate permanence, while it indicates temporality on pleasant events. Parenting challenges: this includes excessive blame and worries, transferring the negative or positive behavior of the teenager to others, whether the behavior is normal or abnormal, expressing the weak points of the teenager, the disagreement of the parents regarding the upbringing of the teenager, and the constant repetition of problems. Each of these challenges, based on optimism or pessimism, can create a different outcome for the teenager.   Discussion The aim of the present study was to identify the optimistic and pessimistic attributions of the mother in relation to the teenager. As Althort (2012) proposed, optimism and pessimism are at the ends of a continuum, which have a negative relationship with each other and plays a significant role in how parents talk and direct their relationships with teenagers. In explaining the results, it can be said that the pessimism and optimism of the mother is significant for paying too much attention to the positive and negative behaviors of the teenager and leads to a better and constructive relationship or a tense relationship. Adolescents in this era need safe and reliable support; therefore, the mother's reliable behavior can provide such a requirement for the adolescents. Boden (2014) proposed that when a person attributes negative events to unstable, specific, and external causes, one uses optimistic styles, and when one attributes negative events to stable, general, and internal causes, the person uses pessimistic styles. Meanwhile, positive thinking and optimistic beliefs is an approach to deal with problems and a clear framework for life (Hamidi et al., 2020). The pessimistic point of view in the mother's imagination and belief is based on the fact that many adolescent behaviors are unnatural, while with the optimistic point of view, she provides the adolescent with empathic and reassuring behaviors which reduces the problems and accompanies the adolescent. One of the limitations of the present study is that interviews were conducted with mothers. Therefore, it is suggested to pay attention to the father's role in future researches.     Ethical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: All ethical issues like informed consent and confidentiality of participants’ identifications were. Authors’ Contributions: All authors contributed to the study. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest for this study. Funding: This study was conducted with no financial support. Acknowledgment: The authors thank all participants in the study.   *. Corresponding author  
