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اهمیت بازآفرینی شهری از آنجاست که نمایانگر نگاه برنامه ریزان و شهرسازان به حیات مطلوب شهری و تقابل این شیوه زندگی با شیوه زندگی در برخی بافت ها و نواحی شهر است. در واقع بازآفرینی به معنای بازگرداندن حیات اجتماعی، اقتصادی و محیطی به یک منطقه است. این حرکت مکان ها را دگرگون می کند، تصویر اجتماعی از خودش را تقویت می کند و مکان های زنده و جذاب که سرمایه گذاری درونی پایدار را تشویق می کنند، خلق می کند.  در این راستا تحقیق حاضر با هدف تحلیل رابطه بازآفرینی فرهنگی اجتماعی با توسعه محله دیزج جنوبی شهر بناب انجام شده است. با توجه به اهداف تحقیق و مؤلفه های مورد بررسی نوع تحقیق کاربردی و روش بررسی آن توصیفی- تحلیلی است. جامعه آماری محله دیزج جنوبی شهر بناب می باشد. اطلاعات مورد نیاز برای بررسی رابطه بازآفرینی فرهنگی اجتماعی و توسعه پایدار محله ای که شامل4 شاخص و 19 معرف بازآفرینی فرهنگی اجتماعی به عنوان متغیر مستقل و 6 شاخص توسعه محله ای به عنوان متغیر وابسته است. ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات، پرسشنامه محقق ساخته است. روش نمونه گیری پژوهش به صورت تصادفی ساده و حجم جامعه آماری آن 366 نفر بود. نتایج نشان می دهد که مولفه های اجتماعی و فرهنگی بیشترین تاثیر را در راستای ارتقای توسعه محله دیزج جنوبی داشته اند، به طوری که یک واحد تغییر در انحراف مولفه های اجتماعی و فرهنگی به ترتیب 409/0 و 578/0 واحد تغییر در توسعه محله دیزج جنوبی ایجاد خواهند کرد. به طور کلی تمامی مولفه های بازآفرینی فرهنگی اجتماعی تاثیر مثبت داشته اند، بدین معنی که با افزایش مقدار بازآفرینی فرهنگی اجتماعی محدوده مورد مطالعه، توسعه آن نیز افزایش پیدا می کند.

Analysis of socio-cultural regeneration in neighborhood development (Case study: South Dizaj neighborhood of Bonab city)

The importance of urban regeneration is due to the fact that it reflects the view of planners and urban planners on the desired urban life and the contrast between this way of life and the way of life in some contexts and areas of the city. In fact, regeneration means restoring social, economic and environmental life to an area. This movement transforms places, strengthens the social image of oneself, and creates vibrant and attractive places that encourage sustainable inner investment. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the relationship between socio-cultural regeneration and the development of the southern Dizaj neighborhood of Bonab city. According to the objectives of the research and the studied components, the type of applied research and its study method is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population is the southern Dizaj neighborhood of Bonab city. Information required to investigate the relationship between socio-cultural regeneration and sustainable development of a neighborhood that includes 4 indicators and 19 indicators of socio-cultural regeneration as an independent variable and 6 indicators of neighborhood development as a dependent variable. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The research sampling method was simple random and the statistical population was 366 people. The results show that the social and cultural components have the greatest effect in promoting the development of the southern Dizaj neighborhood, so that one unit of change in the deviation of social and cultural components are 0.409 and 0.578 units, respectively. They will make a difference in the development of the South Dizge neighborhood. In general, all components of socio-cultural regeneration have had a positive effect, which means that with increasing the amount of socio-cultural regeneration of the study area, its development also increases.. Extended abstract Introduction:           Reconstruction, improvement and renovation of the city requires the adoption of multifaceted policies in the field of development, services and urban housing and the provision of social and economic services to the residents of these areas, so this task alone can not be done by a government agency and promote it. On a large and effective scale, it requires a joint and coordinated commitment of all government agencies and municipalities in the relevant areas at the national, provincial and local levels with the support and participation of the people and non-governmental and private activists. If the inhabitants of these areas do not bring their social and economic capital, which is the same spirit of social cooperation, personal initiatives, property (land, goodwill and cash and non-cash assets), etc .; The actions of government agencies in this regard will be fruitless. Therefore, the social and financial participation of the people and the private sector has been emphasized as central principles and the actions of government agencies have been focused on bedrocking (instrumentation, institution building, capacity building and empowerment) based on priorities. Methodology:       According to the objectives of the research and the studied components, the type of applied research and its study method are descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of the southern Dizaj neighborhood of Bonab is based on administrative-political divisions. Information required to study the relationship between cultural and social regeneration and sustainable development of a neighborhood that includes 4 indicators and 19 indicators of socio-cultural regeneration as an independent variable and 6 indicators of neighborhood development as a dependent variable. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire, which was conducted in 1399. The sampling method was randomly selected and the size of the statistical population was selected by Cochran model with an error rate of 5% of 366 people. Cronbach's alpha was used to obtain the reliability of the research instrument, its value with 0.81 indicates that the research instrument has a very good reliability. Also, to obtain the validity of the questionnaire, factor analysis was used, which KMO value of 0.78, indicates that the questionnaire is at a good level in terms of validity. Some information has also been collected from the general population census, statistical yearbooks, relevant organizations and institutions. In data analysis, inferential statistical tests such as correlation coefficient, analysis of variance, multivariate regression and path analysis in Spss software have been used for the relationship between variables. Results:       The results of the Among the components of socio-cultural regeneration in South Dizge neighborhood, the economic component with the lowest average of 1.91 is in the weak range and the social component with 2.87 has the highest average. Other components of socio-cultural regeneration are below average. Therefore, it can be clearly seen that the cultural and social regeneration situation in the South Dizge neighborhood is generally below average. Continuation of this process can cause poverty and dissatisfaction in the neighborhood. Figure (3) also shows well that among the components of neighborhood development (dependent variable) in the questionnaire, from the perspective of the respondents, the component of participation with an average of 2.74 is the highest and the component of social justice is the lowest. They have the average value. This chart clearly shows that the development situation of South Dizge neighborhood is below average or close to average from the respondents' point of view. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that among the components of socio-cultural regeneration in South Dizge neighborhood, the economic component with the lowest average of 1.91 is in the weak range and the social component with 2.87 has the highest average. Other components of socio-cultural regeneration are below average. Therefore, it can be clearly seen that the cultural and social regeneration situation in the South Dizge neighborhood is generally below average. Continuation of this process can cause poverty and dissatisfaction in the neighborhood. The results well indicate that among the components of neighborhood development (dependent variable) in the questionnaire, from the respondents' point of view, the component of participation with an average of 2.74 has the highest and the component of social justice has the lowest average value. Data. This chart clearly shows that the development situation of South Dizge neighborhood is below average or close to average from the respondents' point of view. The results of explaining various factors in the evaluation of socio-cultural regeneration in South Dizaj neighborhood showed that all components of socio-cultural regeneration (physical, economic, social and cultural) are significant. These indicators have a strong correlation with the dependent variable (neighborhood development). The results of analysis of variance also showed that 96% of the variance of the development of the southern Dizaj neighborhood explains the socio-cultural regeneration. Looking at the β values, it was found that the social and cultural components had the greatest effect in promoting the development of the southern Dizge neighborhood, so that a unit of change in the deviation of the social and cultural components were 0.409 and / 578, respectively. 0 units will make a difference in the development of the South Dizge neighborhood. In general, all components of socio-cultural regeneration have had a positive effect, which means that with increasing the amount of socio-cultural regeneration of the study area, its development also increases.
