The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between coaching leadership behaviors and burnout (physical and emotional exhaustion, feeling of progression and feeling of unworthy) in male athletes. This was an applied and descriptive study. The statistical population of this research was all male athletes in age range of 18-23 (young). A total of 196 athletes were selected by simple random sampling. The instrument of study included two questionnaires: Raedeke & Smith (2001) Athletes 'Burnout Questionnaire and Chelladurai (1998) Coaching Leadership Report. Their internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha for athletes' burnout questionnaire was 0.765 and leadership behaviors of coaches 0.784. Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis and SPSS-22 software were used to investigate the hypotheses. A linear model (structural equation) was used to present the model. According to findings of research, coaches are more likely to use behavioral training and less than arbitrary behavior. There was a significant relationship between behavioral training behavior and all scales (physical exhaustion, feelings of depreciation and reduction of progress), between the authoritarian behavior and physical-emotional exhaustion scales, and feeling of progression reduction in scorpion between democratic behavior and a significant positive correlation scale of progress reduction feeling and bu.