A Takfiri is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim or an adherent of another Abrahamic faith of apostasy. The accusation itself is called Takfir, derived from the word kafir (unbeliever). The emergence of ISIS in the Middle East region and the territories in the vicinity of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the support of some of the regional and extra-regional countries of this current, have led to profound changes in the local equations. The purpose of the present article is to examine one of the Middle East's fundamental problems in recent years is the emergence of Takfiri Terrorist groups particularly in Iraq. It is necessary to evaluate the theoretical emergence of the phenomenon of ISIS in this country. In terms of cultural and ethnic diversities, Iraq has always been involved with terrorist movements. A typical example of this phenomenon is the emergence and empowerment of ISIS. The control of ISIS over large Iraq and Syria areas has surprised many scholars in political and security circles. The main question is; ‘what platforms and components have been influential in the empowerment of ISIS in Iraq?’ Therefore, the main question to be explored in this study is: ‘what causes and factors led to the formation of ISIS in Iraq?’ Using a theoretical framework and a constructivist methodology and the consideration of the ontological categories that have an excellent capability to explain the emergence of ISIS in Iraq, this paper examined subjective and objective causes of ISIS's formation in Iraq.