فرید رضایی علی کمر

فرید رضایی علی کمر


فیلتر های جستجو: فیلتری انتخاب نشده است.
نمایش ۱ تا ۲ مورد از کل ۲ مورد.

Identifying the Factors Affecting High School Technological Competency-Based Curriculum: A Qualitative Study

کلید واژه ها: Curriculum technological competency High school

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۰
Purpose : The aim of the present study was to identify the factors affecting the high school technological competency-based curriculum. Methodology : This was an applied study in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of methodology. The research population included the documents and experts of the technological competency-based curriculum in Tehran during 2018. Of these, twelve were selected as a sample according to the principle of theoretical saturation and purposive sampling. The research instrument included a semi-structured interview whose validity was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was estimated at 0.85 by calculating the interrater agreement coefficient. Data analysis was carried out using open, axial, and selective coding methods in MAXQDA software. Findings : The results showed that the factors affecting the high school technological competency-based curriculum consisted of 66 concepts, 15 components, and 6 dimensions. The dimensions included network infrastructure status (with two components of access and quality), communication and interaction tools (two components of simultaneous and simultaneous tools), non-technical competencies and technical skills (with three components of knowledge, skills, and attitude), training facilitation strategies (three components of participation modeling, management, and supervision), training strategies to increase trust (with three components of trust, honesty, and appreciation) and management (with two components of time management and support). Conclusion : According to the research results, the components, and dimensions identified for the factors affecting the high school technological competency-based curriculum, it is essential to have plans to improve it by promoting concepts, components, and dimensions.

Designing and Validation of Curriculum Model of Medium Period Technological Competence(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Virtual Training Medium Period Technological Competence

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۷۹ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۳
Purpose: Increasing improvement in the field of computer sciences, appearance and development of information networks, especially internet, facilities and new ways are provided for the programmers and executives of training plans. The purpose of present research is planning and validation of curriculum model of medium period technological competence. Methodology: This research has mixed strategy. To answer these questions, the research was done in four phases. The first phase was done with qualitative approach and other phases with quantitative approach. Handling this research in the first phase, interview, search and investigation was used for data collection. After doing interviews with 12 persons of elites and using the articles of related researches, obtaining data were collected and the questionnaire including 76 questions in 6 main effective indices on curriculum model of medium period technological competence was planned. In the next step of this questionnaire, it was distributed among some elites of managers and assistants of electronic training schools to determine efficiency amount of each noted factors in the questionnaire on curriculum of medium period technological competence and based on their idea using confirmed element analysis method was designed for medium period technological competence. Finding: Obtained findings indicated that 6 indices with 15 components make the status of network substructure with two access components to network and network quality, relation tool and collaboration with two components of concurrent and in-concurrent relationships, non-technical competences and technical skills with three components of knowledge, skill and attitude, strategies of simplicity training with three components of patterning and cooperation, management and supervision, training strategies for increasing trust with three components of trust, honesty and appreciation and management with two components of time management and support for curriculum model of medium period technological competence. In addition, confirmed element analysis of obtaining components indicated that there is acceptable curriculum model of medium period technological competence with data. The most element load was related to management (0.964) and the least one related to network substructure (0.579). Conclusion: Due to obtaining findings, we can conclude that based on the idea of experts, hardware factors such as substructure of communication networks and internet and technical skills along with software and human factors such as management play the role in designing curriculum of medium period technological competence.

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حوزه تخصصی
