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فیلتر های جستجو: فیلتری انتخاب نشده است.
نمایش ۱ تا ۴ مورد از کل ۴ مورد.

Past-oriented behavioral bias: A study on S&P & TEPIX index-es(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Behavioral finance past-oriented behavioral bias random walk theory

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۶
Behavioral finance had been becoming a fast-growing field of study in the past few years and because of the importance of investors' behavior in market performance, it's extremely noteworthy. By studying biases from their orientation perspective, we can divide them into two major groups, past-oriented, and current-oriented biases. In this research, a model had been developed for the past-oriented behavioral bias, which is closely related to the random walk theory. The research sample included the daily price information of 9 different industry indices in the Tehran Exchange Price Index (TEPIX), the index of 50 Top Companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange, and the S&P index in the New York Stock Exchange from 03/25/2011 to 03/19/2019. The results of the ARIMA model based on Markov switching models were measured for the degree of rigidity of these indexes by random walk theory, and then the effect of past-oriented behavioral bias was calculated in each of these 12 indexes by developing a new model. The results indicate that the cement index had the highest past-oriented behavioral bias (57%), followed by the top 50 companies index (46%), chemicals (41%), and oil product index (12%). However, the S&P index had no past-oriented behavioral bias.

Innovative deposit products in Woori Bank(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Deposit products Woori Bank Banking sector Retain deposit

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۴ تعداد دانلود : ۶۹
This research aims to explore the innovative and varied deposit products offered by Woori, one of the largest banks in Korea, to provide practical solutions for other financial institutions. The study employs a qualitative research methodology, utilizing in-depth interviews with Woori Bank officials and customers to identify the different types of deposits offered by the bank and the factors that attract customers to each product. The results of the study reveal that Woori Bank offers various types of deposits, such as youth savings accounts, foreign currency deposits, and customized deposits for specific professions. Each product is designed to meet the unique needs and preferences of different customer segments, including students, expatriates, and professionals. In addition, the findings suggest that Woori Bank's approach to deposit products is customer-centric and innovative, providing valuable insights for other financial institutions looking to attract and retain customers through differentiated deposit products. The study concludes with practical recommendations for other banks.

سنجش میزان تبعیت از نظریه گام تصادفی در شاخص های صنایع مختلف بورس تهران با استفاده از مدل مارکف سوئیچینگ(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: آریما شکل ضعیف کارایی گام تصادفی مارکوف سوئیچینگ

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۱
این مطالعه به جستجوی وجود یا عدم وجود استقلال در سری های بازده در 9 شاخص صنایع مختلف و شاخص 50 شرکت برتر و شاخص کل بورس اوراق بهادار تهران و شاخص اس اند پی بورس اوراق بهادار نیویورک و میزان تبعیت آن ها از مدل گشت تصادفی در دو رژیم کم نوسان و پر نوسان با استفاده از مدل مارکوف سوئیچینگ می پردازد. نمونه پژوهش، شامل اطلاعات قیمت های روزانه تمامی شرکت های پذیرفته شده در بورس تهران در قالب شاخص کل و 50 شرکت برتر و همچنین 9 شاخص صنایع مختلف بانک، سیمان، فراورده های نفتی، ماشین آلات، شیمیایی، خودرو، قند و شکر، غذایی به جز قند، کانه های فلزی در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران و شاخص اس اند پی بورس اوراق بهادار نیویورک برای بازه زمانی 05/01/1390 تا 28/12/1397 بود. نتایج مدل مارکوف سوئیچینگ و آریما نشان داد فقط در رژیم پر نوسان شاخص های اس اند پی بورس اوراق بهادار نیویورک، با ماندگاری 32 درصد و شاخص فراورده های نفتی بورس اوراق بهادار تهران با ماندگاری 6 درصد، مدل آریما معنادار نیست و در مابقی موارد مدل آریما معنادار می باشد

Comparison of profitability of speculation in the foreign exchange market and investment in Tehran Stock Exchange during Iran's currency crisis using conditional Sharpe ratio(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: conditional risk conditional Sharpe ratio dynamic condition correlation Exchange Rate

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۸
In the first nine months of 2018, the triple increase of dollar price made the stock market an attractive place for speculation, especially for non-professional investors. Hence, this study was aimed to investigate the profitability of speculation in the foreign exchange market (dollar) and to compare it with investment in three indices of sugar, oil products, and basic metals. First, the conditional Sharpe ratio was calculated separately for these four assets. Then, six investment portfolios were developed for these four assets. The results showed although dollar speculation with mean daily return of 0.6% had the highest return among the ten investment assets, dollar speculation was ranked last, or tenth (0.096) in terms of performance and profitability by considering the standard deviation or daily conditional risk using conditional Sharpe ratio. Moreover, the results indicated that from among the six portfolios with equal weight, three investment portfolios consisting of merely Tehran Stock Exchange indices had a better performance than three investment portfolios comprising dollar speculation and each stock exchange index. It was also found that the risk of lack of capital diversification by investors was higher than that of accepting a higher-level risk.

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