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الهدف من البحث الحالی هو دراسه مقارنه للتعرف على المبادئ فن الحکم فی حکم القراخطائیین وآل مظفر بناءً على الشؤون السیاسیه والثقافیه. تم استخدام منهج تحلیلی - تاریخی لهذا البحث. تظهر نتائج البحث ما یلی: قبل تشکیل الحکومه المحلیه، تعتبران جزئین من هیکلیه الحکومات السابقه مثل السلاله الغزنویه، الخوارزمشاهات والدَّولَه الإلخَانِیَّه ومن خلال تسربهما فی بنیه السیاسیه لهذه الحکومات، وبتقلیدهما للبنیه السیاسیه للحکومات المذکوره، کان لدیهما هیکل سیاسی من النوع الملکی قائم على الاستبداد ومن الناحیه النظریه، یمکن النظر فی جهودهما من أجل الحصول على أسس الشرعیه فی إطار نظریه الملکیه والخلافه الإسلامیه. هناک محاوله لتعرف مبادئ فن الحکم فی هاتین الحکومتین من خلال الاعتماد على وثائق ومصادر المکتبیه. تشیر نتائج البحث إلى أن الحکومتین حاولتا الحفاظ على العلاقات السیاسیه والدینیه مع حکومات المجاوره والخلفاء العباسیین فی البعد السیاسی والشرعیه الدینیه لحکومتهما. ومن وجهه نظر ثقافیه، أصبحت کرمان واحده من مراکز العلوم والأدب والعماره بعد إنشاء القراخاطئیین الأمن النسبی. وفیما یتعلق بالأداء الثقافی لآل مظفر، یمکن أن نذکر إحیاء الدوله الإیرانیه، وإحیاء الوحده الإسلامیه، وإرساء أسس الدین الشیعی وانتشاره فی إیران.

A comparative study of the principles of statecraft in the government of Al-Qarakhtiya and Al-Muzaffar(based on political and cultural affairs)

The aim of the current research is a comparative study to identify the principles of statecraft in the rule based on political and cultural affairs. An analytical-historical approach was used for this research. The results of the research show the following: before the formation of the local government, were considered to be part of the structure of previous governments such as the Ghaznavid dynasty, the Khwarizmshahs and the Ilkhanid state, and through their infiltration into the political structure of these governments,By imitating the political structure of the aforementioned governments, they had a political structure of the royal type based on tyranny and theoretically, their efforts to obtain the foundations of legitimacy can be considered within the framework of the Islamic monarchy and caliphate theory. Therefore, in this research, there is an attempt to identify the principles of statecraft in these two governments by relying on library documents and sources. The results of the research indicate that the two governments tried to maintain political and religious relations with the neighboring governments and the Abbasid caliphs in the political dimension and religious legitimacy of their government.From a cultural point of view, Kerman became one of the centers of science, literature and architecture after the establishment of the Karakhaites in relative security. With regard to the cultural performance of the Muzaffar family, we can mention the revival of the Iranian state, the revival of Islamic unity, and the laying of the foundations of the Shiite religion and its spread in Iran.
