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خلال الثوره الدستوریه فی إیران وفتره الصحوه العربیه، تأثر الأدب الفارسی والعربی، وخاصه الشعر، بشکل مباشر بهذا الحدث الثقافی السیاسی، بحیث تغیرت موضوعات الشعر وتتماشى مع تیارات تلک الفتره. معظم الشعر الدستوری فی إیران وشعر عصر حرکه الصحوه فی العرب ینتقدون القضایا السیاسیه. فی هذا المقال الذی کتب بطریقه المکتبه، تم التحقیق فی موضوعات الشکاوى السیاسیه من الشعر الدستوری وعصر حرکه الصحوه العربیه وتحلیلها بطریقه مقارنه. تظهر نتائج البحث فساد الحکام والمؤامرات وخیانه البرلمان والحکومه، والحریه والمقاومه ضد الاستبداد الداخلی والاستعمار الأجنبی، وعدم الکفاءه الشعب والحکومه، والخرافات، وجهل الأمه بالحیویه. القضایا الراهنه للبلاد، وسیطره الأجانب والتعدی على أراضی البلاد وشعبها، والمدافعه عن الأجانب من قبل رجال الدوله والوزراء والمحامین، وإبرام العقود المخزیه، ومنح الامتیازات للأجانب وأخذ السیاسات منهم، إلخ من أهم موضوعات الشکوی السیاسی.القضایا الراهنه للبلاد، وسیطره الأجانب والتعدی على أراضی البلاد وشعبها، والمدافعه عن الأجانب من قبل رجال الدوله والوزراء والمحامین، وإبرام العقود المخزیه، ومنح الامتیازات للأجانب وأخذ السیاسات منهم، إلخ من أهم موضوعات الشکوی السیاسی.

A comparative study of the issues of political complaints during the constitutional period of Iran and the era of the Arab awakening movement

During the constitutional revolution in Iran and the period of the Arab Awakening, Persian and Arabic literature, especially poetry, was directly affected by this cultural and political event, so that the topics of poetry changed and were in line with the currents of that period. Most of the constitutional poetry in Iran and the poetry of the era of the Awakening movement in the Arabs criticize political issues. In this article, which was written in the library manner, the topics of political complaints from constitutional poetry and the era of the Arab awakening movement were investigated and analyzed in a comparative way. The results of the research show the corruption of rulers, conspiracies, betrayal of parliament and government, freedom and resistance against domestic tyranny and foreign colonialism, incompetence of people and government, superstition, and ignorance of the nation's vitality. The current issues of the country, the control of foreigners and the encroachment on the lands and people of the country, the defense of foreigners by statesmen, ministers and lawyers, the conclusion of shameful contracts, the granting of privileges to foreigners and the taking of policies from them, etc. are among the most important topics of political complaints. The current issues of the country, the control of foreigners and the encroachment on the country's lands And its people, defending foreigners by statesmen, ministers, and lawyers, concluding shameful contracts, granting privileges to foreigners and taking policies from them, etc. are among the most important topics of political complaint.
