
فعالیت نیکوکارانه از دیرباز مورد علاقه اقشار مختلف جامعه بوده است و زمینه مناسبی برای مشارکت زنان در اجتماع فراهم می سازد. برخی ادوار تاریخی همچون صفویه، اوج فعالیت زنان در این عرصه بوده که از نتایج آن حل بسیاری از چالش های اجتماعی است. ولیکن با گذشت زمان، افول حضور زنان در این عرصه و محدود بودن نوع آنها دیده می شود. باتوجه به اینکه انجام دادن چنین فعالیت هایی در بیشتر مواقع داوطلبانه و با اثربخشی بسیار در حل چالش های جامعه است، حضور خیل عظیم بانوان در این عرصه فواید بسیاری را برای جامعه دارد؛ بنابراین، بررسی درک و تصور کنشگران در این خصوص لازم است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبیین درک کنشگران اجتماعی (زنان و مردان) از عوامل مؤثر بر مشارکت نیکوکارانه زنان و با رویکرد کیفی و روش تحلیل تماتیک این موضوع را بررسی کرده و با استفاده از ابزار مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته و با اعمال معیار اشباع نظری، مقوله های مؤثر دراین خصوص را استخراج کرده است. نتایج پژوهش، 4 حوزه بستر شکل گیری (فاکتورهای اثربخش مشارکت، سطح آشنایی)، عوامل اثر بخش (نحوه آشنایی زنان، اعتماد اجتماعی)، نوع فعالیت (حمایت مالی – غیرمالی) و راهکارها (فردی، خانوادگی، اجتماعی) را از مقوله های مؤثر در این عرصه می داند.

Social Activists' Understanding and Perception of Categories Affecting Women's Charitable Activities (Case of Study: Isfahan City)

IntroductionCharitable activity has long been favored by different sections of society and provides a suitable ground for women's participation in society. Some historical periods, such as the Safavid period, were the peak of women's activity in this field, and one of its results was the solution to many social challenges. But with time, this growth in women's voluntary charitable participation has been stopped or very slow, which has provided the basis for society not benefiting from this powerful potential. Meanwhile, the global approach to this issue shows its expansion in different countries; As a result, it seems necessary to analyze the understanding and perception of social activists about the factors that contribute to the promotion of this issue. In this article, an attempt is made to answer these questions: What factors contribute to the increase of women's participation in voluntary charitable activities? What are the solutions to increase the presence of women as half of the existing and actual social potential that can be the basis of fundamental changes in society in this field? Research MethodologyTo investigate the understanding and perception of social activists (and not only women) regarding women's charitable activities in Iran, an interview was conducted with 30 women and men from Isfahan city in the age range of 17-54 years and education degree from high school to doctorate. The interviewees were selected from both sexes so that the difference of views in terms of gender was also investigated. This interview is semi-structured and its analysis is done through the thematic analysis method (primary and secondary coding, conceptual order, analysis of results) and compiling the network of themes. To increase the reliability, the codes were entered into Macq da2018 software and the results of research and analysis were examined.The interviewees were selected through targeted sampling according to the qualitative method. To increase the credibility of the research, it has been tried to conduct research from different ages, considering the generational changes in different decades. Also, according to Inglehart's theory about the effect of education level on charitable activities, the level of education from high school to doctorate was considered to take into account the opinions of different educational levels. After each interview, analysis, and coding were done, and after 26 interviews, we reached theoretical saturation, but to ensure that, 4 more interviews were also conducted. Findings Based on the results of the research, 4 main categories under the title of formation platform, interveners, type of activity, and solutions were extracted as effective factors in women's charitable participation, the lack of which is one of the obstacles to promoting women's voluntary participation. Conclusions Regarding the formation platform category, effective factors on women's charitable participation were extracted into two categories of selective codes: common factors and specific factors. Common factors are factors that are similar between women and men and gender differences are not very effective in them, which are in two parts of the core codes: 1-A human-natural factors, and 1-B religious factors, and 2- special factors that are influenced by the characteristics of Gender. Gender difference was not involved in people's innate tendency to do good deeds, and the nature of humans is the factor of tendency towards these activities and provides the ground for doing them in a way that can be seen in the results of the upcoming research; In other words, philanthropy is a special form of love that is rooted in human nature and manifests voluntarily and with the awareness of a human being towards another human being. Among the other factors that were very effective in carrying out charitable activities from the perspective of the interviewees were religious factors and motivations, which were defined under the influence of religious upbringing and norms. This issue originates from the dependence of attitudes on value. In the section on special factors that are based on the effect of gender differences, the results of the research indicate that the innate talent of most women in this field was considered and they expressed the female gender background as very susceptible and a positive factor in doing good work. They stated factors such as genetic conditions, feelings, maternal emotions, more free time, and less concern than men, among the factors affected by gender affecting charitable activities. Another category that is influential in the context of the formation of conditions is the level of familiarity with charitable activities, which is placed under the headings of general-specific familiarity made by the researcher. General awareness means that a person is not completely alien to the activities at the beginning and has a relative understanding of these activities, but special awareness refers to a deep and specialized understanding of these activities. The results of the research confirm that there is almost no one who lacks any kind of awareness and familiarity about performing charitable activities and the need for it, and this refers to the cultural and educational contexts of the society, religious contexts, and orders of the Qur'an and religious elders. The higher the level of familiarity goes from general awareness to specific familiarity, the higher the level of participation and the more effective it is in the process of expanding the platform for the formation of voluntary contributions. Based on the results of the research, women's awareness of charitable activities and related matters was general, and the knowledge of expertise in Iran was low and the need to improve it was evident. In the category of effective factors in women's voluntary charitable activities, they are classified into two categories: A- way of getting to know each other and B- social trust. The way and type of women's familiarity with charitable affairs is one of the effective interventions on the amount of charitable activities of women. Doing these things, which are considered among the most valuable things in society, is the duty of all the educational forces of the society, i.e. family, school, media, and various social institutions. According to the results of the research, almost one-third of the activists expressed their familiarity with the good atmosphere through the media, especially television and social networks. Regarding the impact of the media as the highest level of effectiveness in getting to know women, almost half of the interviewees stated that the impact of the national media was positive and one-third stated that it was insufficient and lacking and weak in this area. The interviewees also mentioned the impact of social networks in increasing women's participation in these matters. Those in favor of the positive effect of television pointed to special programs such as Honeymoon or Khandwaneh in the past years in promoting good deeds and also pointed to the effect of special days of the year such as Muharram and Safar and especially Ramadan. The family is one of the other institutions that influence the participation of good in people, especially girls. The family, in the role of the first and one of the most important social institutions, affects the personality of people (children) in adulthood, and theorists in the field of family sociology, confirming this, believe that the first social institution that is responsible for internalizing or institutionalizing values and norms is the family institution. This is especially seen in the case of girls spending a long time in the family environment. The charitable activity of women and girls is also one such valuable affair, whose basic foundation is provided and institutionalized by the family in many cases directly and indirectly. According to the results of the research, one-fifth of the activists in question had been introduced to charity by their family and had often seen this type of activity from their father or mother. The result of the research is evident. The topic of social trust in charitable contributions is a common concept and being male or female did not have much effect on it. According to the results of the research, functional or thematic trust is more popular among activists, and more than half of the interviewees were inclined to benevolent voluntary activities in official organizations and charities. This is related to the issue of people's capital and social trust in official institutions and shows the level of social trust. On the other hand, some interviewees stated that they did not trust official organizations and were willing to do charitable activities as individuals or informal organizations. They expressed reasons for not trusting these organizations as corruption of these organizations, waste of money, lack of transparency, and lack of accountability of these organizations.
