
بر اساس گزارش های منتشرشده شهرداری اهواز، این کلان شهر بیش از 13 محله حاشیه نشین دارد که حدود 350 هزار نفر جمعیت دارند. با وجود بهبود نسبی شرایط این محلات در دهه های گذشته، هنوز بسیاری از ساکنان این مناطق شغل مناسب ندارند و برای تأمین برخی از نیازهای اولیه خود با مشکل مواجه شده اند و کمک های افراد یا سازمان های خیریه نتوانسته است به خوبی این مشکل را برطرف کند. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی موانع فعالیت خیریه ها و سازمان های مردم نهاد در این محلات و ارائه راهکاری برای تحول در کمک های خیریه است. با در نظر داشتن این اصل که استفاده از ادبیات نظری در رویکرد کیفی در مرحله بعد از ظهور مقوله ها مورد توجه قرار می گیرد، برای جمع آوری داده ها و ارائه راهکار از روش نظریه داده بنیاد رویکرد گلیزر استفاده شد. در این راستا، با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری نظری، ذینفعان انتخاب شدند و با آن ها مصاحبه شد و جلساتی متعدد به منظور گردآوری داده ها با 16 نفر از این مشارکت کنندگان برگزار شد. ضعف سرمایه اجتماعی درون منطقه ای، بی ثباتی شغلی نهادینه شده، احساس فقر چندبعدی، کار خیر غیرسیستماتیک و ترکیبی بودن چالش های محلات حاشیه نشین مهم ترین مقوله های ظهوریافته هستند. نتایج نشان می دهد اندازه، حجم و توزیع کمک های خیریه برای برون رفت محلات حاشیه نشین شهر اهواز بحران ناکافی هستند و حمایت همه جانبه در این زمینه لازم است.

Understanding the Obstacles and Challenges of Donors' Participation in Creating Educational and Cultural Infrastructures in the Marginal Areas of Ahvaz City

According to the published reports of Ahvaz municipality, this metropolis has more than 13 slum neighborhoods with a population of about 350 thousand people. Despite the relative improvement of the conditions of these areas in the past decades, many residents of these areas still do not have suitable jobs and have faced difficulties in meeting some of their basic needs, and the help of individuals or charitable organizations has not been able to help them. Please solve this problem. The purpose of the current research is to examine the obstacles to the activities of charities and non-governmental organizations in these areas and to provide a solution for the evolution of charitable donations. Keeping in mind the principle that the use of theoretical literature in the qualitative approach is considered in the stage after the emergence of categories grounded theory method of Glazer's approach was used to collect data and provide a solution. In this regard, by using the theoretical sampling method, the beneficiaries were selected and interviewed, and several meetings were held with 16 of these participants in order to collect data. Weakness of intra-regional social capital, institutionalized job instability, feeling of multi-dimensional poverty, unsystematic charity work, and the combination of challenges of marginalized neighborhoods are the most important emerging categories. The results show that the size, volume, and distribution of charitable donations are insufficient to help the marginalized neighborhoods of the city of Ahvaz in crisis, and comprehensive support is necessary in this field. IntroductionNearly 1/2 billion people in the world live in extreme poverty (less than one dollar a day). The United Nations Commission for Social Development has considered poverty to be the world's biggest challenge. Recently, poverty has taken on an urban character, and with the increase in the number of vulnerable groups, especially in developing countries, the center of poverty has gradually moved from the village to the city (Javaheripour, 2001). This causes the spread of marginalization in such a way that the quality of life in these areas is much lower than in other neighborhoods of the city. Social damage caused by marginalization is one of the most important urban issues that must be taken into consideration; Because the aggregation and concentration of social harms in any city and society can threaten its cohesion and solidarity. Eliminating poverty and reducing inequality in marginalized neighborhoods is of particular importance due to the suitable environment for these neighborhoods to cause social damage. For this reason, people and benefactors have always been present in the direction of poverty alleviation and improvement of living conditions in these neighborhoods. Since the distant past, there has been charity and voluntary services to the needy, and people's aid has been given in the form of alms and charity, which is highly recommended in most of the divine religions, especially Islam. In this type of assistance, which was done individually and unorganized, the main focus was financial and livelihood assistance. It should be noted that from a sociological perspective, paying attention to educational and cultural dimensions is also very important, and understanding the obstacles and challenges of donors in this direction is the subject of this article. Research MethodologyIn this research, the qualitative approach and the classical grounded theory method have been used. This method has also been introduced in some sources, the version of Granded Theory or Glazer. The target community in this research includes those who work as key informants related to charity activities in Ahvaz and includes some employees, local people living in Marginal neighborhoods, and related experts who were selected by theoretical sampling method from several neighborhoods or departments of Ahvaz city. In the selection of the interviewees, we tried to observe the principle of having detailed information about the subject under investigation. Research FindingsWeakness of intra-regional social capital, institutionalized job instability, feeling of multi-dimensional poverty, unsystematic good work, and combination of challenges of marginalized neighborhoods are the most important emerging categories. The results show that the size, volume, and distribution of charitable donations are insufficient to help the marginalized neighborhoods of the city of Ahvaz in crisis, and all-around support is necessary in this field. Discussion and ConclusionAs indicated in the analysis section, the multidimensional challenges of charitable activity in the marginal areas of Ahvaz were identified as the main category of this research. In this connection, the deterioration of social capital should be considered one of the important dimensions, because without strengthening trust and attracting people's participation as the most important components of social capital, it will not be possible to remove the obstacles created in this area. It should be kept in mind that the strengthening of these components requires the authorities to pay attention to the real reasons for the existing situation. In such a context, the spread of poverty caused by the increase of the population in the marginal areas, which have faced many challenges before, has faced a serious challenge to the donors because their capacity does not respond to the needs of this population. Another important point is that among some marginalized people, the belief in philanthropists as an external savior has doubled the complications faced by charitable institutions and organizations, which are based on categories that have emerged as research findings and lack a focused plan and roadmap. In such a situation, the presence of individuals and charitable institutions in these areas produces minimal and unstable effects. Therefore, according to the main category of the research that was mentioned, it can be said that the multi-faceted efforts and assistance of the government and the people along with the charity sector are necessary to overcome the problems and issues in the marginal areas of Ahvaz. 
