
امروزه سازمان ها و مؤسسات فراوانی با هدف انجام برخی از خدمات اجتماعی ویژه افراد آسیب دیده اجتماعی، با مقاصد و اشکال گوناگون در تمامی کشورها درحال فعالیت هستند و بخش بزرگی از منابع درآمدی آنها متکی به کمک های مردمی است؛ درنتیجه، به دست آوردن عواملی که بتوان با برنامه ریزی حول محور آنها، منابع درآمدی این مؤسسات را بهبود بخشید، به بهبود خدمات اجتماعی به اقشار نیازمند خواهد انجامید. براساس این، اهداف این پژوهش شناسایی عوامل مؤثر بر جمع آوری کمک های خرد مردمی و رتبه بندی این عوامل است. این پژوهش پس از استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ای و استفاده از نظرات ده نفر از خبرگان در مرحله اول دلفی، تعداد 47 عامل را به عوامل مهم تأثیرگذار بر کمک های خرد مردمی معرفی کرد. سپس با استفاده از گام دوم دلفی تعداد آنها را به 40 عامل کاهش داد. در ادامه، عوامل شناسایی شده با استفاده از نمودار خویشاوندی در هشت طبقه اصلی یا عامل اصلی، تقسیم بندی و تمام طبقات و تمامی زیرعوامل آنها با استفاده از تحلیل سلسله مراتبی رتبه بندی شدند. یافته های پژوهش نشان دهنده اهمیت فراوان باورهای دینی و عوامل اقتصادی در میزان انگیزه کمک مردمی و در مقابل، اهمیت کم برخی از شاخص ها مانند عوامل جمعیت شناختی است.

Identifying the Factors Affecting the Collection of Public Small Donations

IntroductionThis paper tries to examine with a comprehensive view the effective factors in the collection of public micro-donations. The results of a national survey in Iran's National Charity Atlas for three consecutive years from 1399 to 1401 show that more than 90 percent of the country's people pay for charity. Based on this data, it can be claimed that one of the most important methods of collecting public donations is public micro-donations, and paying attention to the topic of this research can affect donations. Another important point is that although charitable donations are widespread worldwide, in the review of theoretical literature, there aren't consistent reviews about the factors that influence the collection of micro-donations, especially in a culture like Iran. This indicates that the use of related scientific methods in social research such as collecting public donations can both bring attention to this important social task on the part of a member of the country's scientific community and help the responsible institutions. With this approach, this research is looking to answer these questions: What factors are effective in the collection of micro-donations? How is the ranking of the identified factors effective in the collection of micro-donations?Regarding the theories and motivations explaining charitable donations, very scattered topics have been raised in the research background and the area of indicators affecting the collection of public donations, almost the majority of the research presented is in the field of sociology. Research MethodologyThe main purpose of the research is to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the collection of micro-donations. From the objective point of view, the current research is in the category of applied research with a descriptive-analytical approach, and it has been done using library and documentary sources. In this research, a part of the necessary data to answer the questions has been collected through existing documents and research reports, and the other part has been done by referring to experts. In this research, the acceptability is confirmed by the validity of the research inputs, such as collecting data from past research, the selection of experts, and the validity of calculations. To achieve the research objectives and answer the questions, the current research has been carried out in two stages:The first stage is the identification stage; At this stage, the factors have been identified through library studies. In the following, experts' opinions have been obtained through the Delphi technique.In the second stage or the prioritization stage, these factors have been questioned for ranking. At this stage, the affinity diagram approach is used and the effective factors of the same family are placed in one class and all previously identified factors are taken as sub-factors in these classes. In the following, using the process of hierarchical analysis and two-by-two comparison, prioritization has been done. Research FindingIn the first stage, after collecting all the factors from the library sources, 98 factors with different titles were obtained. Considering the possibility of integration, aggregation, and standardization of factors, based on the number of 98 factors, 37 standard factors were extracted in this section after adjustment and standardization. In the first part of Delphi, 10 factors were extracted. From these questionnaires, then according to the average scores of each indicator, all indicators with a score lower than the first quartile, i.e. 3.5, were removed, and 7 factors out of 47 factors were used for ranking. In the second step, the researcher classified all the factors that have a content affinity or natural relationships into eight separate groups using the kinship chart. These categories include factors related to society, factors related to the collection area, factors related to the type of collection place, social commitment factors, economic factors, demographic factors, psychological factors, and religious belief factors. Discussion and ConclusionThe first ten sub-factors have gained almost half of the total weight of the sub-factors, so it is very important to pay attention to these factors in decision-making. The first sub-factor with a high weight is the spiritual pleasure of helping (peace and sense of divine pleasure). This factor along with the third factor (religious beliefs) and the seventh factor (the reward and acting according to the divine order), show the great importance of religious beliefs in the levels of charity motivation. Also, the first ten sub-factors clearly show that the most effective factors in the amount of charity are internal factors rather than environmental factors, so the cultivation of internal factors such as the use of motivational factors and emphasis on educational issues in educational content, has a great impact on the change in charity statistics.In contrast to this issue, the sub-factors related to individual demographic class are among the least important factors. Interestingly, unfortunately, many social judgments are based on demographic differences. Also, this research shows that in the economic class, confidence in income is more important than the income itself, so in the decision of choosing the target community, one should not pay much attention to the amount of income, but pay attention to the source of income. 
