
کارآفرینی اجتماعی به عنوان یک نوع کارآفرینی جامعه محور که با رویکرد کارآفرینانه به دنبال رفع نیازهای اجتماعی جامعه است، شایان توجه بسیاری از افراد در جوامع دانشگاهی قرار گرفته است. با توجه به اینکه تلاش دولتمردان و اقدامات بشردوستانه و عملکرد نهادهای بخش اجتماعی به طور کامل پاسخگوی انتظارات نیست، برای توسعه الگوها و روش های نوین به کارآفرینی اجتماعی نیاز است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تدوین راهبرد برای توسعه کارآفرینی اجتماعی در حوزه های مختلف برای ایجاد تغییرات اجتماعی است. این پژوهش ازنظر هدف، کاربردی و ازنظر ماهیت و روش توصیفی بوده است و جامعه آماری تحقیق را خبرگان، کارآفرینان، کارآفرینان اجتماعی و افراد فعال در حوزه های اجتماعی تشکیل می دهد که با روش نمونه گیری غیراحتمالی گلوله برفی و با مصاحبه با 15 نفر اشباع نظری حاصل شده است. نتایج یافته های تحقیق پس از تهیه ماتریس های ارزیابی عوامل داخلی و خارجی نشان می دهند کارآفرینی اجتماعی در منطقه پنج از ماتریس IE یعنی حفظ و نگهداری وضع موجود قرار دارد و سه راهبرد برتر در ماتریس QSPM با عناوین ایجاد سازمان های مردم نهاد (NGO) برای حمایت از کارآفرینی اجتماعی، آموزش کارآفرینی اجتماعی از سطوح پایین تحصیلی و ایجاد بنیاد کارآفرینی اجتماعی در دانشگاه ها برای توسعه کارآفرینی اجتماعی در اولویت قرار گرفتند.

Developing a Strategy for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship

IntroductionIn recent years, the role of social entrepreneurship has increased significantly as a result of the weak efficiency of government institutions in improving living standards in different social sectors. Accordingly, the advantage of social entrepreneurship is focused on the less dependence of companies on financial markets and the less impact of financial crises on them (Palacios-Marqués et al., 2019). The concept of social entrepreneurship lies in the creation of social value and the question of what innovative methodologies, services, or products are chosen to create social change. Most of the social movements are managed by individuals and business groups only to improve the lives of the poor; However, social entrepreneurship is created to create a link between human, social, and sustainable development in societies (Zajda et al., 2023). For the development and expansion of social entrepreneurship in for-profit and non-profit organizations, there are many influential factors and actors. The most important actors of social entrepreneurship success include leadership, planning of social organizations, community interaction, innovative financing, human capital, legal support, and marketing of social organizations (Satar & John, 2019). Meanwhile, factors such as the role of entrepreneurs, networks, and government support are also very influential in the success and sustainability of social entrepreneurship (Bonfanti et al., 2024). Considering the importance of social entrepreneurship in creating productive employment and sustainable wealth, as well as the focus of this field on creating a continuous income stream with minimum reliance on voluntary contributions, this research seeks to answer the question, what are the main factors and actors of social entrepreneurship? And what are the appropriate strategies for the development of social entrepreneurship? Research MethodologyThe current research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in terms of nature and method, and qualitative in terms of approach; Therefore, the data collection tool in this research is an exploratory interview. The statistical population of this research includes experts, university professors, entrepreneurship lecturers, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, social activists (NGOs), managers of charity organizations, and all those who are active in social fields, which are included in a non-probable snowball method. And based on the rule of saturation, 15 people have been selected. In this research, Fred R. David's framework, which has three stages, is used for the analysis and formulation of strategies. The first stage, called input, in which the main information needed to develop strategies is specified, includes two internal factors evaluation matrix (IFE) and external factors evaluation matrix (EFE). In the second stage, called the comparison stage, various types of possible strategies are explained, and for this purpose, a kind of balance is established between internal and external factors. The tools of this stage include the threats, opportunities, weaknesses, strengths (SWOT) matrix, and the internal and external (IE) matrix. Finally, the third stage, called the decision stage, uses the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). In the said matrix, the information provided in the first step is used so that the types of applicable strategies identified in the second step can be evaluated objectively without applying personal opinion. It is worth mentioning that in this research, the triangulation method was used to check the validity of the research findings. Research Findings:Based on Fred R. David's analysis framework, to develop a strategy, one must go through three stages of input, comparison, and decision-making, in each of these stages, matrices are predicted, and finally, based on the findings and results of these matrices, strategies can be explained and prioritized based on the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) is a suitable tool and technique for strategic planning and integration and prioritization of important internal and external factors. This technique determines which of the selected strategic options are possible and prioritizes these strategies (David et al., 2009).The strategies calculated based on the SWOT matrix include the following strategies, which are summarized from the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), the prioritization of social entrepreneurship development strategies is shown below (Table 1). According to the average scores of the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to support social entrepreneurship, the best strategy is selected. Table 1. Prioritization of social entrepreneurship development strategiesNoStrategyScore1Creating non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to support social entrepreneurship5.7212Teaching social entrepreneurship from low educational levels5.3773Creating social entrepreneurship foundations in universities5.3314Improving the business environment for social entrepreneurship4.8395Developing laws and regulations to support social entrepreneurs4.6466Providing low-interest banking facilities for social entrepreneurs4.351Source: Researcher's findings Discussion and Conclusion:According to the findings from the interviews and the analysis done on them, it was determined that appropriate strategies should be adopted to enter the field of social entrepreneurship. In this part, based on the prioritization of the strategies, practical suggestions are presented as follows.Facilitating the process of creating non-governmental organizations through the national license portal;Systematic and institutional guidance of the informal economy towards the formal economy with the approach of identifying and supporting social entrepreneurs;Cultivation of social entrepreneurship through education and including courses related to this issue from the primary level of education;Spreading information and increasing the awareness of families through advertisements to strengthen social entrepreneurship in family members;Creating a center of active graduates in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social activities;Holding creativity and innovation training workshops in the field of social entrepreneurship;Planning and taking action to design and implement the "Comprehensive Education and Employment Plan" to harmonize the demands of the labor market with university teachings with a social entrepreneurship approach;Expediting the issuance of required licenses for activities in the field of social entrepreneurship;The possibility of active participation of social entrepreneurs in macro decisions;Developing laws and regulations to support social entrepreneurs;Speeding up the process of approving and communicating the executive regulations of the law on continuous improvement of the business environment in the field of social entrepreneurship;Providing self-employment loans to eligible people to set up social businesses;Providing gratuitous banking facilities for specific areas of social entrepreneurship (such as helping the clients of the relief committee, the disabled, and others).
