
ریشه کنی فقر و دستیابی به عدالت را می توان در افزایش مشارکت مردمی در امور خیرخواهانه یافت. بازاریابی اجتماعی خیریه به عنوان عاملی مهم در تغییر رفتاری افراد و افزایش مشارکت های آنها به نفع جامعه و فرد مطرح است؛ بنابراین، رسیدن به اهداف بازاریابی اجتماعی خیریه نیازمند بخش بندی بازار اهداکنندگان است تا برای هریک از بخش ها بتوان برنامه بازاریابی جامع و دقیقی تدوین کرد و درنهایت بر افزایش وفاداری نیکوکاران افزود. پژوهش حاضر با مبنا قرار دادن سه مؤلفه وفاداری به برند خیریه، وفاداری به کانال توزیع و وفاداری به موضوع اهدایی، به بخش بندی رفتار بخشندگی افراد مبادرت ورزید. این پژوهش از نوع کمّی و با رویکرد اکتشافی انجام شده است و در زمره پژوهش های کاربردی قرار می گیرد. همچنین، با انتخاب شهر قم به عنوان جامعه آماری این پژوهش و استفاده از روش نمونه گیری در دسترس و به کارگیری ابزار پرسشنامه، 405 نفر از دو منطقه سه و هفت شهر قم بررسی شدند. برای تحلیل داده های به دست آمده از تکنیک خوشه بندی دومرحله ای با نرم افزار SPSS استفاده شد. یافته های تحقیق حاکی از وجود پنج نوع رفتار بخشندگی است که هر بخش با توجه به خصیصه های رفتاری، آمیخته های بازاریابی اجتماعی مناسب خود را طلب می کند تا درنهایت باعث وفاداری بالای نیکوکاران شود.

Typology of Donation Behavior Based on Indicators of Loyalty to Charity

 IntroductionSocial marketing is one of the most widely used branches of marketing knowledge that is used in various social issues. Social marketing seeks to create behavioral changes that benefit individuals and society (Romero-Domínguez et al., 2021, p. 3). Non-profit organizations (NPOs) have faced intense competition for charitable donations due to declining government support and rapid growth (Hsu et al., 2021, p. 52728). A review of previous literature on donor behavioral loyalty indicates that donors may be loyal to more than one nonprofit organization in different ways (O'Reilly et al., 2012, p. 69). Achieving charity marketing goals like business marketing, in addition to choosing an efficient strategy, also requires determining effective techniques and tactics such as market segmentation, which can increase the loyalty of philanthropists even more. But statistics show that organizations lose up to 60% of their first responders. Therefore, an adequate understanding of the determinants of donor loyalty is necessary and essential (Zogaj et al., 2021, p. 379). The closest research to the current topic is the research of Masoodipoor (2018), which used other criteria for classification, so the topic is completely new and original. Therefore, the main question of this research is how people's loyalty is in the three indices of loyalty to the charity brand, loyalty to the distribution channel, and loyalty to the donation subject. The main purpose of this research is to measure the behavior of benefactors in charity affairs based on the components of loyalty to charity marketing and behavioral segmentation in the statistical population of Qom province. Research MethodologyThe current research is a descriptive-survey type of quantitative research with an exploratory approach and is included in applied research. The statistical population of this research includes the Qom metropolis. Therefore, by using the available sampling method, two urban areas, three and seven, were selected and sampling was done from the people in those areas. According to Cochran's formula including the confidence factor of 95%, the value of 0.5 for p and q, and the error factor of 0.05, the sample size is at least 384 people. The method of data collection in this research is a questionnaire that evaluates the donation behavior of individuals in terms of loyalty to charity brand, loyalty to distribution channel, and loyalty to the subject of donation in different places and times through 42 questions in two forms of specialized and demographic questions. All questions were designed according to the Five-point Likert scale according to the variable; Therefore, the evaluation of options is variable. In total, 571 questionnaires were distributed to people physically and electronically, and 405 questionnaires were obtained that could be used for statistical analysis, and then the data of the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software and clustering technique and two-step clustering analysis.  Research FindingsSurveys show that from the total of 405 people who answered the questionnaire, the highest percentage of frequency is related to men with approximately 51.4 frequency, and the lowest number of responses is related to women with a frequency of 48.6. The youngest declared age is 14 years and the highest age is 75 years. The average age of the people studied in the research is about 32 years, and people with the age of 20 include the largest number of this sample. 59.5% of them were married. In terms of education, 37% of people have a bachelor's degree. The classification of people based on their job shows that the highest frequency of people in the studied sample belongs to freelancers with 24.7%. The most frequent percentage in the income classification, i.e. 25.4%, belongs to the category of people who do not have a fixed and independent income. Based on the answers provided, these people were classified into 5 separate clusters, 15.8% in the first cluster, 10.4% in the second cluster, 22% in the third cluster, 28.4% in the fourth cluster, and 23.5% in the fifth cluster. The highest level of loyalty to the charity brand includes the third cluster, the highest level of loyalty to the distribution channel includes the fifth cluster, and the highest level of loyalty to the donation topic includes the fourth cluster. Discussion and ConclusionDue to the optional nature of charitable donations by people in the community, the competitive conditions between charitable organizations to earn more money reveal the necessity of attracting the attention of the audience. Attracting more attention from the target audience means identifying their behavior in the face of charitable affairs, and this information is used to predict people's future behavior and has a significant contribution to the growth of altruistic donations. The general results of this research indicate the existence of a gap between theory and practice. Based on the classic marketing process, segmentation is necessary to accurately and better identify the giving behavior of people and also to provide them with optimal marketing mixes. Segmentation causes people to be placed in categories with similar behavioral patterns so that advertising and promotion programs suitable for each segment are selected and implemented. The existence of criteria or criteria for segmenting people is one of the strategic challenges in the field of social policies. These criteria can measure the status of benefactors in different dimensions of charitable behavior. Since the loyalty component of philanthropists is very important for all charitable organizations, this research was conducted to investigate the loyalty behavior of philanthropists based on the geographical location of the Qom metropolis. Therefore, using the two-stage clustering technique, this research divided people's loyalty into three indicators: loyalty to the charity brand, loyalty to the distribution channel, and loyalty to the donation issue. The increase in their charitable contributions was expressed.
