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زمینه و هدف: تحولات دهه 2010م را می توان شروع نخستین گام های عملی به سوی ایجاد فصل مشترک فی مابین پایداری و بازآفرینی تلقی نمود. در بافت های تاریخی، موضوع پایداری و حفاظت با هدف ایجاد تعادل و به عنوان محرک هایی برای توسعه و بازآفرینی در برنامه ریزی شهرهای تاریخی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. شهر شیراز که در بردارنده ی بافت تاریخی چشمگیر و شایستگی هایی از بعد چشم انداز شهری است نیازمند مدلی برای سنجش پایداری و بازآفرینی شهری است روش بررسی: وشتار حاضر با هدف تدوین مدل مفهومی تحقق بازآفرینی پایدار شهری جهت کاربست در بافت تاریخی شیراز به دنبال پاسخ به سوال اصلی تحقیق است که با توجه به شاخص های پایداری و متون بازآفرینی شهری چگونه می توان مدلی مناسب برای تحقق بازآفرینی شهری پایدار اتخاذ کرد؟ نوشتار حاضر بر مبنای محتوای سوال تحقیق و نیل به هدف تحقیق، با رویکرد تحلیل محتوای کیفی و از نوع استقرائی انجام شده است. برای انتخاب شاخص های مربوط به بافت تاریخی شیراز، روند توسعه شاخص با ترکیب و تطبیق شاخص ها با روش سنجش شاخص های توسعه پایدار که توسط گوردن میشل (1996) ارائه شده، بدست آمد. بر اساس این سازگاری، فرآیند انتخاب شاخص های بافت تاریخی در این مقاله 11 مرحله دارد. یافته ها و نتیجه گیری: نتایج حاصل از مدل تحقق و سنجش پایداری در بافت های تاریخی و ارتباط آن با بازآفرینی شهری حاکی از آن است که این روش سنجش در هر بافت تاریخی به مجموعه ای متفاوت از شاخص ها با توجه به ساختارهای کالبدی/عملکردی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی و زیست محیطی بستگی دارد که باید قابل سنجش بوده و در طی مشارکت طولانی مدت از شهروندان، تیم های درگیر پروژه های بازآفرینی و طی یک فرآیند بازخورد چرخه ای بدست آمده باشند تا اطمینان حاصل شود که شاخص ها معتبراند. با استفاده از مدل پیشنهادی یک رویکرد استراتژیک برای ایجاد محدوده های پایدار تاریخی مدرن می تواند براساس اطلاعات کیفی و کمی توسعه یابد. در نهایت پس از ارائه دستاورد علمی و پژوهشی، کاربرد مدل نوین تبیین شده در بافت تاریخی شیراز مورد شرح قرار گرفته است.

Specifying a critical paradigm as a new model for the Realization of sustainable urban regeneration to apply in the historical area of Shiraz

Extended Abstract Introductio: The distinction between historical district and other urban district due to their valuable and heritage attributes is completely evident. Historical district needs to undergo changes in their infrastructure and physical structure in order to update and align with contemporary developments. It is evident that if these valuable historical districts do not adapt to the needs of modern times, they will face the process of deterioration, affecting both the fabric itself and its residents. In fact, this necessitates the conservation and protection of historical districts. addressing the topic of "urban conservation and protection" globally and in Iran itself is a complex and detailed research endeavor, as the existing experiences in this field testify to the extensive range of topics that can be investigated. The developments of the 2010s can be considered as the first practical steps towards establishing a common ground between sustainability and revitalization. in historical districts, sustainability and preservation have been given attention as drivers for development and revitalization in the planning of historical cities. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual model for achieving sustainable urban revitalization to be applied in the historical district of Shiraz, by answering the main research question: How can an appropriate model for achieving sustainable urban regeneration be developed based on indicators of sustainability and urban regeneration texts? to address this question, the present paper is divided into two main stages. The first stage involves examining the content of sustainability in the historical district, while the second stage focuses on intervention procedures in the historical district to study the process of achieving classified sustainable regeneration. Methods and Material: The research methodology employed in this paper is based on the content of the research question and the achievement of the research objective, which is the realization of sustainable urban  regeneration in the historical district of Shiraz. The approach used is qualitative content analysis and is of an inductive nature. Influential processes related to the concepts of sustainability and regeneration were examined through documentary study, referring to information contained in books, articles, and credible documents, in a structured manner to gather relevant information. The application of a descriptive-analytical method in this qualitative study, based on the practical objective and the collection of data related to the approach of sustainable urban regeneration, seems justified. The main purpose of this research is the growth and improvement of the old district of Shiraz through the realization of sustainable urban regeneration in its historical area, and the outcome of this study is based on a strategic planning process and the analysis of a conceptual model for the realization of sustainable urban regeneration, which can lead to the revival of the historical district of Shiraz. Results and Discussion: The protection and development of historical districts, particularly in a sustainable manner, are an integral part of contemporary life and future generations. Hence, if the city of Shiraz develops a conceptual model or intervention approach for itself in relation to sustainable regeneration, the destiny of the historical area will become clearer. A conceptual model that effectively assesses and evaluates the relationship between sustainability, regeneration, and the district will be essential. Conclusion: in this article, a theoretical framework based on concepts and approaches related to "sustainable regeneration" has been presented, and these concepts have been utilized to propose a conceptual model for achieving sustainable urban regeneration in the historical district of Shiraz. To determine the applicability of this approach in assessing the sustainability of historical district in each urban area, it has been recognized that each study site requires a unique set of indicators based on geographical, economic, social, legal, and environmental structural differences.
