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با بهره گیری از سرمایه اجتماعی، ظرفیت جامعه برای استفاده و تغییر شکل سیستم بهره وری شهری، توزیع عادلانه فرصت ها و امکانات (عدالت شهری)، واکنش به انواع فشارها و مشکلات شهری، افزایش مشارکت اجتماعی و ادامه استفاده و تداوم برنامه های شهری (ثبات)، افزایش خواهد یافت. لذا در همین راستا هدف این پژوهش تحلیل ساختاری روابط عدالت شهری و برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر با تأکید بر نقش واسطه ای سرمایه اجتماعی در شهر ارومیه بود. روش پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی و جامعه آماری نیز کلیه مدیران رده بالا و میانی، معاونین و کارشناسان تخصصی مناطق 5 گانه شهرداری ارومیه به تعداد 545 نفر بود که با استفاده از جدول مورگان نمونه آماری این پژوهش (225 نفر) به شیوه نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب گردید. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه های استاندارد شده عدالت شهری، برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر و سرمایه اجتماعی بود. روایی ابزار از نظر متخصصین و پایایی مطابق آلفای کرونباخ گزارش شده است. روش تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری بود که  نتایج حاصل از آن نشان داد که رابطه مستقیم عدالت شهری بر برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر (31/0) و سرمایه اجتماعی (62/0) مثبت و معنادار است. ارتباط مستقیم سرمایه اجتماعی بر  برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر (41/0)  مثبت و معنادار است. همچنین رابطه غیر مستقیم عدالت شهری بر برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر با میانجیگری سرمایه اجتماعی (25/0) مثبت و معنادار است. بنابراین برنامه ریزی رقابت پذیر بعنوان یک رویکرد نوین و دیدگاه صراحتاً مثبت در مدیریت شهری می تواند با ایجاد سرمایه اجتماعی در شهر زمینه ارتقای عدالت شهری را در شهر ارومیه را فراهم آورد.

Structural Analysis of Relations of Urban Justice and Competitive Planning With Emphasis on The Mediating Role of Social Capital (Case Study of Urmia)

Extended Abstract Introduction Using competitive planning will improve urban justice, social capital, the capacity of the society for using and changing the form of urban productivity system, fair distribution of opportunities and facilities (urban justice), reaction to all types of urban pressures and problems, social participation, and continued use of urban programs (i.e., stability). Taking the issue into account, this study tried to explore the relationship between urban justice and competitive planning with the mediating role of social capital in Urmia city, since finding the relationship between urban justice and competitive planning in urban studies can contribute to the recognition and creation of theoretical and experimental knowledge in this field. Moreover, doing research on the nature of urban justice and social capital effectively impact good governance, development, and urban justice and the implementation of the developmental goals. So it seems a significant issue so that many researchers and experts have focused on the related issues. This study was conducted to anticipate the possible relationships between the research variables, the direct and indirect impacts of the variables, and the estimation of the fit coefficient. Method This applied research used a descriptive-correlation method. It was conducted using the structural equation modeling. For identifying possible relationships and their impacts on each other, simple correlation (correlation matrix) and causal pattern of structural equations were used. The statistical population consisted all high rank and middle rank managers, deputies, and experts from five districts of Urmia municipality. The population included 545 people, and using Morgan's table, out of whom 225 people was selected using stratified random sampling. The standardized questionnaire of urban justice, competitive planning, and social capital was used for collecting the data. The validity of the tool was confirmed by the experts and reliability based on Cronbach's alpha. Results The analyses of the data showed that there is a positive significant relationship between competitive planning and urban justice (r=0.51, p<0.01) and social capital (r=0.61, p<0.01) and as well between social capital and urban justice (r=0.01, p<0.71). So, the high correlation between variables establishes the default of using structural equation modeling. The results showed the positive relationship between urban justice and competitive planning (0.31), the direct and significant impact of social capital on competitive planning (41.41) 0), and the positive significant relationship between urban justice and social capital (0.62). The analysis also showed an indirect, positive, significant relationship between urban justice and competitive planning and the mediating of social capital (0.57), and an indirect, positive, significant relationship between urban justice and competitive planning (0.25). The total effect of social capital on the competitive planning and urban justice on social capital are exactly the same as direct impacts (0.41 and 0.62, respectively). The results of the test showed that the value of the coefficient of the relationship between of urban justice and competitive planning is 0.31. The t-statistic of this relationship is 4.72, being significant at the 95% confidence level (p≤ 0.05). Therefore, we can say that there is an effective relationship between urban justice and competitive planning. Moreover, the value of the coefficient of the relationship between urban justice and social capital is 0.62. The t value of this relationship is 7.96, being significant at the 95% confidence level (p≤ 0.05). Accordingly, there is a strong relationship between urban justice and social capital. Moreover, the study showed that the coefficient of the relationship between social capital and competitive planning is 0.41. The t value of this relationship is 4.96, meaning significant at the 95% confidence level (p≤ 0.05). So, we can say that social capital has an impact on competitive planning. Conclusion Considering the findings we can say that achieving a city with high competitiveness requires an integrated action. Accordingly, using urban justice and social capital as the drivers of urban development will improve the current conditions and help to achieve urban competition. So, urban justice as a new concept and an explicitly positive attitude of urban managers can make the ground for competitive planning in cities through creating social capital. Generally, the injustice among the different neighborhoods of Urmia city shows that more efforts and exact planning are needed to improve urban justice in the society and to achieve a city with high competitiveness, as the issue is also so effective in the social development of cities. The remarkable differences regarding the development and its important components between the neighborhoods of Urmia showed that for improving the competitiveness indicators, the officials should due attention to the platforms, the conditions for establishing justice, trust, sense of belonging, participation, credit, and awareness among the residents of the neighborhoods. That is, the challenges resulted from the lack of due attention to urban justice and the increase of social capital in urban areas like different neighborhoods of Urmia should be carefully examined. Then, considering the social and environmental capacities of each area, some solutions should be predicted and included in social and cultural development programs.      
