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هدف اصلی این تحقیق بررسی خطاب واژه ها در منظومه های گیلکی شیون فومنی براساس رویکرد گفت وگومحوری به عنوان محور اصلی است که باتوجه به بافت، موقعیت، جنسیت، سن، طبقه و منزلت اجتماعی افراد به صورت های مختلف نظیر ضمایر خطاب، القاب خویشاوندی، گروه های اسمی و عبارات توصیفی ساخت بندی شده اند. این عبارات توصیفی شامل خطاب واژه های مذهبی، صمیمانه، احترام آمیز، استعاری و کنایی، تابو و دشواژه، طنزآمیز، تمسخرآمیز و توهین آمیز و دشنام آمده و لحن های گوناگون را پدید آورده است. توصیفات او از فضای سرسبز گیلان که با انواع لحن ها در منظومه هایش آمده، در کنار عواملی همچون استفاده از زبان و واژگان محاوره، اصطلاحات، تعبیرات و ضرب المثل های گیلکی، داستانی بودن، حسن تعبیر، تنوع و تحرک سبب پدید آمدن انواع لحن ها در به کارگیری خطاب واژه ها و عبارات خطاب می شود. روش تحقیق براساس نظریه زبان شناسان اجتماعی همچون براون، وارداف و پارکینسون و به شیوه تحلیل محتوا در اشعار گفت وگومحور گیلکی شیون فومنی است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که کاربرد خطاب واژه ها در اشعار گفت وگومحور با لحن های توصیه ای، هشدار و تهدید بیشترین میزان بسامد و بعدازآن لحن های طنز و تمسخرآمیز و توهین و دشنام در جایگاه دوم و سوم بیشترین میزان کاربرد را به ترتیب دارا هستند و در نهایت لحن های خوفناک و تعجبی و شگفتی کمترین میزان فراوانی را دارند.  

A Study of Address Terms in the Dialogue - Based Gilaki Poems of Sheevan Foumani

The main purpose of this research is to investigate the address terms in Gilaki poetries of Sheevan Foumani, according to the dialogue-based approach, as the main pillar of a structure that is based on the context, situation, sex, class, age, and the social position of individuals and manifestated in various forms like pronouns, kinship nicknames, nominal groups and descriptive expressions. These descriptive expressions include religious, friendly, respectful, metaphorical, euphemistic, sarcastic, ironic and insulting address terms, taboo and offensive words, and have created various tones. Sheevan Foumani depiction of lush spaces of Guilan incorporating with various tones in poetries is regarded as one of the factors of diversity and mobility. Methodologically, the current research is based on theories of sociolinguists like Brown, Wardaugh and Parkinson, and it has been designed in accordance with the discourse analysis approach in the dialogue - based Gilaki poems of the poet. Also, results of the current research indicate that the use of address terms in dialogue poems within the“recommendatory, admonitory and threatening tones” are the most frequent ones, then the “satirical and ridiculing tones” and “slanderous and insulting  tones” are more frequent, and finally “the tone of “astonishment”, as the least frequent one.   Extended abstract 1.Introduction One of the social aspects of any language is the use of address terms. Address forms are the criteria of the social connection of the sender of the message and its receiver, based on the distance and social contexts. These terms are counted as a kind of emotional investment that can accommodate others at an assured position in a relationship and may be an instrument for face saving. Address terms in dialogue-based discussions are reflected in various forms of the language in accordance with interaction and interpersonal relationships, class and social position, race, age, sex, social interactive acts, verbal and non-verbal context. In Gilaki poems of Sheevan Foumani, regardibng the poet command of Gilaki archaic words and also contemporary dialect of Gilaki, the dialectical atmosphere and addresses are completed with variations and various stylistic descriptions through exploiting the position, context and individual's acts.   2.Theoretical Framework In Dehkhoda dictionary, the word “address” means to converse with others. In Persian language and especially in Persian Grammar and semantics, the address is mostly known as an interjection. Address terms are among the important tools of communication used in the society. The address terms are based on social class, age, sex, occupation, marital status, politeness and other related aspects. The address terms in any poetical language are in relation with two closed factors: tone and dialogue. Since in descriptive approach, any forms of text are based on dialogue, the tones of any forms of dialogues are the key factors in the process of communication.   3.Methodology The method of this research is based on analytic-descriptive approach, and theorized in accordance with sociology of literature. This research has been carried out by using library research method. Moreover, it has used the credible sources including Persian and English articles. The collection of Gilaki poems of Sheevan Foumani which are recorded on seven tapes, with the voice of the poet, named “Gile Okhan”. Investigation of the tones of the address terms in poets' poetries is the second feature of the current research. The tone is often in the total relation with the work and includes the beginning of the work to the end, but it changes in each section in accordance with various contextual tones. Changing tones in Gilaki poems of Sheevan Foumani according to the use of address terms is accompanied by extended variations.   4.Results & Discussions The most important feature of the poetries of Sheevan Foumani is their way of narration. Moreover, using words, expressions, and pure proverbs of Gilaki incorporated within the nice depictions of him from lush spaces of Guilan has caused euphemisms in his poems. Mobility and diversity with the use of pronouns, vocative verbs, negative and affirmative sentences, statements and interrogatives are the other methods of the poet for improving the tones of his works.   5.Conclusions & Suggestions In the current research, Gilaki poems of Sheevan Foumani are investigated in accordance with the tones of the dialogues that address terms being used. In Gilaki poems of Sheevan Foumani, the use of pronouns is the most frequent one. Also, the kinship, friendly words, insulting and sarcastic expressions have been used in the dialectic atmosphere. The distances, contractions, and specific social attitudes have created various address terms. Some of these address terms are formatively taboo words, and on the other hand, some of them are metaphorical and ironic expressions. Using symbols and non-verbal communications has improved the dramatic forms of Sheevan Foumani poems. In some of the address terms, traces of ethnocentric, national, religious and non-religious beliefs can be seen, in accordance with the context and situation.   Select Bibliography Artika R. P. An Analysis on the Use of Intimate Address System in the Drama Films (A Sociolinguistics Approach). Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta; 2008. Javadi H. The history of Irony in Persian Literature. Tehran: Karavan; 2005. [in Persian] Parkinson D. B. Constructing the Social Context of Communication: Terms of Address in Egyptian Arabic. New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 1985. Rezayati Kishekhaleh M., Khademi Ardeh E. Kinship Terms and Terms of Address in Central Taleshi. Language and Linguistics. 2022; 17(33): 1-22. [in Persian] Rifai D.M, Prasetyanigrum S.T. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Addressing Terms Used in Tangled Movie Manuscript. Journal of Penelitian Huamaniora. 2016; 17(2): 123-134. Trudgil P. Sociolinguistics (An Introduction to Language and Society). Persian translation under the surveilance of M. Tabatabayee. Tehran: Agah; 2016. [in Persian] Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Massachusetts: Blackwell; 2006.
