
آرشیو شماره ها:


یُعد یحیی السماوی من الشعراء الذین عاشوا محنه العراق فی ظل سیاط الدیکتاتوریه الصدامیه، وبعده، الاحتلال الأمریکی تحت شعار حریه الزائف. ویُعد من الشعراء الذین یعبرون عن آلام الشعوب بکل صدق وأمانه، وهو فی نفس الوقت ضحیه الأصول والمواقف التی یؤمن بها، مما سبب له المعاناه والتشرد والاغتراب. الشاعر یستمد رموزه من البیئه، ویکثر من ذکر المفردات الداله علی الطبیعه؛ ویخلع علیها من عواطفه، وینقلها من دلالاتها المعجمیه إلی دلالات جدیده، کما طبیعه الطیور والحیوانات وصفاتهما ألهمت الشاعر فی استخدامها بصوره رامزه للتعبیر عما یجری فی العراق. ستحاول هذه الدراسه أن تکشف رؤیه السماوی الشعریه من خلال استخدام هذه الرموز، والتعرف علی دلالاتها وأبعادها فی خطابه الشعری. وحین یوظف الشاعر هذه الرموز، إنما یرید من خلاله التعبیر عن أحاسیسه وآلامه إزاء ما تمر بالعراق الجریح من الظلم، والدمار والمآسی، وحث الشعب العراقی علی الصمود والمقاومه.

Symbols in poems of Yahya Alsamavi Application

  Yahya Alsamavi is one of Iraqi's contemporary poets who has experienced Iraqis’ predicament in the years of saddam dictatorship and in the following years of American Occupation and the false liberty. He is a committed poet has devoted himself honestly to the Iraqi people and their sufferings, while he is himself a victim of resistance on ideals and became homelessness. His true feelings represent the Iraqis sufferings and his agony has made his odes as an illustrative picture. Alsamavi utilizes all his literary and language capacity to state his feelings and to represent the horrendous events and bloodthirstiness taking place in Iraq. He, utilizing these natural elements and their personification, get a way from real meaning to the symbolic meaning in his image processing. As the nature, animals and birds features has urged him to use them in the symbolic meaning. The present paper aims to investigate the attitudes of this poet in expressing his feelings and Iraqis sufferings in the middle of his uses of these symbols and their implications for representing the disaster, suffering and resistance of himself and Iraqi people in his poetic discourse.
