مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



Challenges and Needs of the Iranian Red Crescent Society in Response to the Great Flood of Iran in 2019(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۴۷۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۳
INTRODUCTION: In the first half of April 2019, heavy rains in central and western parts of Iran resulted in great floods. The rains affected 24 provinces and caused extensive damage to urban and rural infrastructure. Since Iran, especially the northern, western, and southern provinces of Iran are prone to floods, the floods are expected to occur every year in many provinces. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the needs and problems of the Red Crescent Society in different provinces of Iran in response to the great flood of Iran in 2019. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed in all provinces of Iran after the end of the flood response operations in April 2017. The required data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire and interviews with provincial operational managers. The designed questionnaire had different parts about the situation of the provinces in the face of floods, the most important problems faced during floods, and the most important needs for facing floods. Participants were also asked two questions about the information and equipment they should have had before the flood. FINDINGS: Analysis of the answers revealed that 24 provinces (77.41% of the country) were affected by the floods. The most common problems were lack of equipment and low public awareness which were repeated by the subjects 24 and 17 times, respectively. Moreover, the need for specialized equipment and training courses were also the most important needs. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, the Iranian Red Crescent Society faced many problems and needs during the disaster relief process in the 2019 flood which indicated the lack of a comprehensive plan for flood management in Iran. Therefore, policymakers and disaster managers must develop practical and localized guidelines for relief according to the conditions of Iran in order to achieve the ultimate goal of disaster management which is to reduce deaths, injuries, and financial damages.

Effect of Relief Maneuvers on Staff Preparedness for Disasters(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۲
INTRODUCTION: Investigation of natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes and floods) has a long history due to the lack of knowledge of humans about the severity and strength of these accidents or the time and place of their occurrence. In this regard, it is necessary to develop national plans for the reduction of the vulnerability of people who are exposed to such disasters. Execution of maneuvers can effectively raise the awareness of relief workers and even the society which would result in the reduction of disaster damage. Therefore, the execution of maneuvers is an appropriate response to these needs and a solution to this problem. METHODS: This applied survey study was performed on the staff of the Red Crescent Society of West Azerbaijan Province. The required data were collected using the library and field methods. Finally, the collected data were analyzed in SPSS software (version16). FINDINGS: Based on the findings, relief maneuvers had a direct effect on various aspects of staff preparedness. Therefore, it can be said that all research hypotheses were confirmed. CONCLUSION: It can be said that the design and execution of relief maneuvers can help to identify opportunities, eliminate threats, and increase the preparedness and capability of the staff. This increases the individual and organizational preparedness of the employees. Moreover, effective relationships between managers and employees can create strong morale in the employees and increase their preparedness for accidents and disasters.

Realization of Initiation, Response, and Feedback in Teacher-Student Interactions in EFL Classrooms: Learning Realities and Opportunities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Classroom discourse Feedback initiation IRF Response teacher student interaction

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۳
This study explored the representation of the Initiation, Response, Feedback (IRF) cycle in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Video recordings have been used to collect data from 10 classes, which were managed by 8 L2 teachers. In total, 900 minutes of video recordings with 784 triadic patterns were collected. Using Conversation Analysis (CA), the findings demonstrated that the IRFs in classroom interactions were disclosed in various ways. The coding system revealed that the teachers generally used authentic and focused questions. In the F stage, the teachers used elaboration, scaffolding, correction, and refusal strategies. The F stage was also a rich juncture for local contingencies as the teachers’ productions were contingent on the students’ responses. Likewise, uptake and scaffolding have been important elements in the IRF patterns. The analysis suggests that the third stage can create an ad-hoc co-constructive classroom interaction and provide L2 learners with various learning opportunities.

التحلیل السیمیولوجی لاستجابه الجمهور الزراعی العراقی إزاء تنامی دور القطاع النفطی (صحف المدی والصباح والزمان أنموذجا)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۵۱ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵
یسعی هذا البحث إلی تحدید الدوال (العلامات) ومن ثم تحلیلها فی الاستجابات التی أنتجها الجمهور الزراعی، فی الفتره الممتده بین عامین 2005م و2016م، أی منذ بدأ الحدیث عن ضروره توسیع استثمار النفط. وذلک بمنح الشرکات النفطیه الأجنبیه التراخیص لاستثماره. وقد اعتمد الباحث علی رؤیه الأکادیمی المصری عماد عبد اللطیف المؤسس لحقل بلاغه الجمهور، والمتأثر برؤیه الأکادیمی البریطانی رومان فرکلاف، والمختلف عنه فی توجیه الاهتمام إلی خطاب الجمهور بدلاً من خطاب السلطه. وقد استفاد الباحث من جهود عبد اللطیف فی اختیاره لخطاب العاملین بالقطاع الزراعی کشریحه اجتماعیه لتحلیل خطابهم معتبرهم جمهورا من قسمین یسعی صراحه أو ضمنا لمقاومه القطاع النفطی المهیمن علی الاقتصاد خطابا أو ممارسه باعتباره سلطه. وقد توصل الباحث - بعد أن قسم  الاستجابه مرحلیا إلی مرحلتین: الأولی قبل الإعلان "المبادره الزراعیه" التی أطلقتها الحکومه فی آب من العام 2008 م، والثانیه بعد الإعلان عنها - إلی أنّ الاستجابه تنقسم إلی المستوی الکلی إلی استجابات نفسیه وأخری اجتماعیه. وکل مستوی کلی یتضمن عده ضروب. وقد لاحظنا أنّ الفتره الأولی کانت تغلب علیها الاستجابات النفسیه ما یشیر إلی  النکوص والتراجع؛ فی حین برزت فی الفتره الثانیه الاستجابات الاجتماعیه التی تغلب علیها الدعوه إلی المقاومه والتغلب علی المعوقات.