
This study aimed to examine the effect of cultural intelligence dimensions on the consumer-based brand equity for a tourism destination and the moderating role of the type of tourist in Mashhad. An applied descriptive survey method was used in the present work. The statistical population was all Iranian tourists in Mashhad in 2021, with a sample of 367 respondents. The research tools were the standard questionnaires of Earley and Ang (2003) cultural intelligence and the brand equity of Frias-Jamilena et al. (2018). The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses and analyze the data. For this purpose, Smart PLS3 and SPSS 23 were used. According to the results, cultural intelligence significantly affects the consumer-based tourism destination brand. Also, the metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral dimensions of cultural intelligence significantly affected the consumer-based brand equity for a tourism destination brand among Mashhad tourists. Also, the results confirmed the moderating role of tourism type on the relationship between cultural intelligence and the consumer-based brand equity for a tourism destination brand among tourists. Tourism officials of Mashhad are advised to launch a comprehensive website to detail the economic, cultural, and religious components of tourists who intend to travel to Mashhad. This helps value tourist choice and increases the Mashhad brand among tourists by strengthening the cultural intelligence of tourists.
