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حق بر امنیت و آسایش شهروندان ازجمله حقوق بنیادین بشر و تضمین آن، کارویژه اصلی دولت هاست. تأمین و تضمین این حق، به مدد مشروعیت و اقتدار قانونی و جلب رضایت و مشارکت شهروندان در خلق و حفظ نظم و امنیت در یک ساختار مردم سالار میسر می شود. یکی از ابزارهای تحت اختیار دولت برای تضمین نظم و امنیت، مأموران اجرای قانون هستند. از سوی دیگر، تضمین آزادی و حفظ کرامت شهروندان حق بنیادین دیگری است که ممکن است به بهانه تأمین امنیت، توسط مأموران نادیده انگاشته شده و یا با محدودیت ناموجه روبرو شود. در این مطالعه به روش تحلیلی- توصیفی، در پاسخ به این پرسش که اعمال زور توسط مأمورین اجرای قانون با چه محدودیت هایی مواجه است؟ با استناد به قواعد عامی که اکثریت کشورها و اسناد حقوق بشری مدنظر قرار داده اند، محدوده اعمال زور در موقعیت های مختلف و امکان به کارگیری زور در آن موارد بررسی شد. یافته های تحقیق حاکی از این است که در قوانین و رویه های مورد عمل توسط مأموران اجرای قانون در ایران در مواردی استاندارهای موجود به خصوص در حفظ جان افراد بی گناه یا متهمان موردتوجه نیست و اصلاح قانون به کارگیری سلاح از این منظر نیازمند اصلاح و بازنگری است.

A Comparative Study of Limits on the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers

Governments employ various tools and programs to address crime and insecurity within society. Law enforcement officers are typically responsible for implementing these programs, and are granted corresponding tools and powers. Without these powers, it would be impossible to fulfill their duties and achieve the primary goal of establishing order and security. However, a crucial concern in maintaining order and security is protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. Law enforcement officers must not violate these rights under the pretext of preserving order. Therefore, this research aims to comparatively examine the restrictions on the use of force by law enforcement officers and outline the minimum standards that ensure both citizen safety and freedom.The most important international legal documents in this regard are the "Basic Principles of the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials" adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention in 1990 and the "Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials" approved in 1979. Adherence to these documents, as well as domestic regulations of countries with strong citizen rights protections, can contribute to unifying the rules governing the use of force by law enforcement officers worldwide. In Iranian law, the most significant legislation related to this issue is the "Law on the Use of Weapons by the Law Enforcement Officers of the Armed Forces in Necessary Cases." This law has been analyzed to assess its compliance with the aforementioned international documents. It is important to note that "law enforcement officers" in this context do not refer solely to those responsible for maintaining order and security in a literal sense. This term is used in the aforementioned documents and laws of some countries, such as the United States, to include officers who are specifically tasked with law enforcement. Moreover, the use of force in this research encompasses not only physical force, weapons, and physical contact but also non-material force, such as insulting or humiliating behavior.This research, employing a descriptive-analytical methodology, seeks to answer the question of when and to what extent the use of force by law enforcement officers is permissible. In other words, what are the acceptable limits of force in various situations to ensure both order and security while safeguarding the rights and well-being of accused persons, criminals, and other citizens? To achieve this goal, the limitations faced by law enforcement officers should be categorized into relative and absolute. Relative limitations allow for the use of force under certain conditions, such as saving their own lives or the lives of citizens, provided that the force used is proportionate. In contrast, absolute restrictions prohibit the use of force in certain cases, such as torture of accused persons or crowded educational and therapeutic facilities, due to the reasons discussed in this research.The research findings indicate that Iranian regulations grant law enforcement officers broad powers to establish security, as outlined in ten clauses of the "Law on the Use of Weapons." However, a significant concern is that the law equates these broad cases with the preservation of human life. Therefore, this research suggests the need to amend existing laws, particularly the "Law on the Use of Weapons," to align them more closely with the basic principles of the United Nations regarding the use of force. The use of weapons and force should be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering the specific circumstances involved. The general rule should prioritize saving the lives of the officer and other citizens. Furthermore, the research highlights that the use of force, whether material or non-material, can cause harm to accused persons and criminals. While material force can result in physical injury or loss of life, non-material force, such as humiliation, can inflict psychological harm. Therefore, it is essential for relevant institutions, particularly prosecutors' offices, to monitor the behavior of law enforcement officers to ensure the dignity of accused persons and criminals. Any violations should be clearly addressed through legal punishment.
