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نیاز بشر برای زیست مطلوب، همواره اندیشمندان اجتماعی را بر آن داشته تا عوامل تعالی و انحطاط تمدن های انسانی را مورد واکاوی دقیق قرار دهند. در این میان توجه به تمدن اسلامی به دلیل عجین شدن با روح مذهب و جهان بینی توحیدی بسیار مورد توجه بوده است. اگرچه پژوهش های بسیاری در رابطه با چیستی و مراحل و حتی عوامل انحطاط تمدن اسلامی انجام شده، اما مسئله ی اصلی این پژوهش آن است که از منظر شهید مطهری به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین اندیشمندان اجتماعی و آگاه به معارف دین اسلام، چه عاملی به عنوان نقطه ی ثقل تمدن اسلامی مطرح بوده و مبانی نظری و بنیان های عملی این تمدن چیست اند؟ روش پژوهش: این پژوهش با استفاده از روش تحلیل مضمون انجام شده است، بدین صورت که جملات دارای مضامین مرتبط با مقوله کلی تمدنی اسلامی از آثار شهید مطهری استخراج شده و سپس مضامین پایه و سازمان دهنده آنها استخراج گردیده و پس از تأیید روایی و پایایی تحقیق توسط خبرگان، مقوله نهایی تحقیق، تحلیل و ترسیم گشته است. یافته های تحقیق: مطالعه نظرات شهید مطهری و نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که: 1. ایشان توحید را به عنوان نقطه ثقل تمدن اسلامی معرفی کرده و از اصطلاح «تمدن توحیدی» استفاده می کند. نظام سازی توحیدی جهت شکل گیری تمدن اسلامی را مبتنی بر فطرت انسانی دانسته است. 3. عوامل تحقق تمدن توحیدی را ذیل دو مقوله کلی مبانی نظری و بنیان های عملی طبقه بندی کرده است. 4. در بخش مبانی نظری تمدن توحیدی به اثر مستقیم نظام سازی توحیدی، تکامل اجتماعی جوامع بشری و فطرت گرایی توجه نموده است. 5. در بخش بنیان های عملی تمدن توحیدی نیز با تسری عینی ایدئولوژی اسلامی در جامعه به عواملی همچون مردم سالاری دینی، احیاء و اصلاح فکر دینی و پرهیز از عوامل انحطاط تمدنی اشاره نموده است.   

Theoretical Bases and Practical Foundations of Monotheistic Civilization from the Perspective of Martyr Motahari

Purpose: Human need for a good life has always prompted social thinkers to carefully analyze the factors of excellence and decline of human civilizations. In the meantime, attention to Islamic civilization has been of great interest due to its integration with the spirit of religion and monotheistic worldview. Although many researches have been conducted in relation to the nature and stages and even factors of the decline of Islamic civilization, the main issue of this research is that from the point of view of Martyr Motahari, as one of the most important social thinkers and knowledgeable about Islamic teachings, what factor is the point of gravity Islamic civilization is mentioned and what are the theoretical and practical foundations of this civilization.Methodology: This research was conducted using thematic analysis method, in such a way that the sentences with themes related to the general category of Islamic civilization were extracted from the works of Shahid Motahari, and then their basic and organizing themes were extracted and after verifying the validity and reliability Research by experts, the final category of research, has been analyzed and drawn.Findings: In this research, an effort was made to firstly present and analyze the definition of modern Islamic civilization by Martyr Motahari, and secondly, to extract and calculate the theoretical and practical foundations of the realization of such a civilization. The reason for choosing Shahid Motahari in this research is because theorizing in the field of civilizational issues requires the thinker to be comprehensive in such a way that he has well understood the transcendental view of existence, epistemology, anthropology and sociology from the perspective of religion and have the ability to read and generate it publicly. Relying on his jurisprudential, social and political thoughts, Martyr Motahari explored and deduced the requirements of the time and the future human need for civilization and monotheism and expressed valuable and practical opinions in the direction of the formation of a new Islamic civilization.The study of Martyr Motahari's opinions and the results of the research show that:     He introduced monotheism as the center of gravity of Islamic civilization and used the term "monotheistic civilization".He has considered monotheistic system building for the formation of Islamic civilization to be based on human nature.He has classified the factors of realization of monotheistic civilization under two general categories of theoretical foundations and practical foundations.In the theoretical foundations of monotheistic civilization, he paid attention to the direct effect of monotheistic systemization, social evolution of human societies, and naturalism.In the practical foundations of monotheistic civilization, he pointed out factors such as religious democracy, reviving and reforming religious thought, and avoiding the factors of civilizational decline with the objective spread of Islamic ideology in the society.Conclusion: In this research, which used thematic analysis method to collect and analyze Martyr Motahari's opinions about modern Islamic civilization, the following results were obtained: Martyr Motahari has introduced the principle of "monotheism" as the center of gravity of Islamic civilization and is trying hard to establish a serious and two-way relationship between civilization and monotheism, because "monotheism" is a product of Islamic worldview and regulates the way of life and social governance of humans. For this reason, he has used the term "monotheistic civilization" in some cases to express his meaning. He considered this systematization of monotheism for the formation of Islamic civilization to be based on the divine nature of man, which is hidden by God as a developmental matter in the institution of all humanity, so the passage of time or changing requirements will not disturb its theoretical and practical foundations.From the analysis of Shahid Motahari's thoughts with thematic analysis method, we were able to extract organizing themes that were classified under two general categories: theoretical foundations and practical foundations. In the theoretical foundations of monotheistic civilization, Shahid Motahari has paid special attention to the direct effect of monotheistic systemization, social evolution of human societies, and naturalism. This naturalism is also dependent on faith and ideology and is an attempt to develop human consciousness and freedom and to give authenticity to human nature. In the practical foundations of monotheistic civilization, Martyr Motahari has pointed out factors such as religious democracy, revival and reformation of religious thought, and avoiding factors of civilizational decline with the objective spread of Islamic ideology in the society. In the degeneration factors section, there are six themes; Lack of understanding of the true nature of Islam, non-commitment of Muslims, division and dissension, distortion and humiliation of action, the performance of high-ranking governments and dealing with abolition issues have been revealed as the most important factors in the decline of monotheistic civilization from the point of view of Martyr Motahari.Finally, it should be said that Shahid Motahari considers civilizational jurisprudence to be responsible for the purposeful design of community management with a view of monotheistic Sharia, and in order to achieve a desirable monotheistic civilization, attention should be paid to prerequisites such as: training of a unified human force, monotheistic culture, strengthening monotheistic values, monotheistic ethics , monotheistic human rights and the institutionalization of monotheistic rationality and justice are necessary.     
