
مکتب رئالیسم یکی از بنیادی ترین مکاتب هنری است که در اواسط قرن نوزدهم در فرانسه ظهور کرد و به سرعت گسترش یافت. پرهیز از تخیل و الهام های درونی رمانتیک ها و پرداختن به واقعیت های عالم بیرون از اساسی ترین اصول این مکتب بود که شاعران، نویسندگان و هنرمندان را به سوی خویش کشاند. به بیان دیگر رئالیسم، پیوند دهنده آثار ادبی با جامعه و مسائل اجتماعی است. همگام با حرکت های مشروطه خواهان و وقوع انقلاب اسلامی در 22 بهمن 57 در ایران، شاعران و نویسندگان با توصیف واقعیت های بیرونی و انحطاط و عقب ماندگی کشور، این بینش هنری را کمابیش و البته به شکلی ناقص به کار گرفتند و در خدمت اهداف انقلابی درآوردند. این دوران (مشروطه، انقلاب اسلامی) را باید نقطه عطفی در ورود شعر به حوزه زندگی مردم و مسائل جامعه و متمایل شدن آن به واقع گرایی دانست. از میان شاعران، سلمان هراتی با درک شرایط جامعه و مسائل بین الملل به واقعه های پیش آمده در کشور و حتی جهان واکنش نشان می دهد. نگارنده این پژوهش، اصول رئالیسم را در مؤلفه جنگ و زیر مؤلفه های آن در آثار سلمان هراتی بررسی کرده است. یافته های پژوهش گویای آن است که سایه شوم جنگ تحمیلی بر ملت ایران، درد و رنج مردم مناطق جنگی، بازتاب عواطف و احساسات انسانی در این دوران سخت، شهادت طلبی به عنوان هدف مقدس برای دفاع از ناموس و حس وطن پرستی در اشعار سلمان هراتی دیده شده است.

Reflecting the realistic elements of war and its components in Salman Haratis poems

Introduction The doctrine of realism is one of the most fundamental doctrine of art that appeared in France in the middle of the 19th century and spread rapidly. Avoiding the imagination and inner inspirations of the romantics and dealing with the realities of the outside world was one of the most basic principles of this doctrine that drew poets, writers and artists to it. "Realism in the field of literature is the perception that a poet or writer describes life without perfecting it and giving it a poetic mental aspect" (Sharifi, 2009: 671). The constitution and the Islamic revolution should be considered as a turning point in the entry of poetry into the sphere of people's lives and society's issues and its inclination towards realism. Salman Harati is one of the prominent poets of Iran's sustainable literature, especially in the era of the revolution, whose poems have received less attention. For this reason, the researcher is trying to analyze the component of war and its sub-components in his poems with a descriptive-analytical method and to answer the main question of how war and its components are manifested in Haratis poems. Considering Herati's short life (1959-1986), this essay seeks to show the audience some corners of his commitment and revolutionary nature. Another goal of this research is to show how the components of war and its subcategories are used in the poems of Salman Herati.   Discuss Herati's poetry is too involved in objective issues; However, imagination can also be seen in his poems, and this imagination serves the realities of society, which can be mentioned as the most important:     Reflection of war issues: The ominous shadow of the war cast a shadow on the Iranian nation at the end of the summer of 1359. War is a human phenomenon and in it feelings and emotions reach their highest level, both from anger and hatred and from love and affection. This influence in various literary forms such as poetry, stories, screenplays, etc. with the theme of war has created lasting works. Haratis view of war, contrary to its destructive effect on human society, is a view of receiving spirituality and a journey into the human being. He thinks that the war is a migration towards perfection, and to build a better society, it is necessary to get rid of common habits. "I miss the front / How much we miss Shaghayegh / Today they brought again someone who did not have a head..." (Harati, 1387: 126-129).     Testimony and praise: Herati has touched it well and sometimes connects it with the manifestations of nature: O martyrs, where is your home?/ What is but the sun inside you?/ (Ibid., 53). Patriotism is another important aspect of his poems. Harati loves the country: O my country / O love / Make me eager for a storm (ibid., 28).   Conclusion Since the beginning of contemporary poetry in Persian literature, the doctrine of realism has been noticed by different poets, one of whom is Salman Harati. By taking advantage of various manifestations of sustainable, ritualistic and humane politeness such as drawing the suffering face of the people, praising freedom and instilling hope for the future, calling for struggle and bravery, protesting the class gap and finally, relying on religious and revolutionary values. He tried to make the atmosphere of struggle tangible for the audience of his poetry and through this way, to encourage them to stand firm against all the factors of oppression and tyranny. The findings of the research show that the ominous shadow of the war imposed on the Iranian nation, the pain and suffering of the people in the war zones, the reflection of human emotions and feelings in this difficult time, martyrdom as a sacred goal to defend the honor and sense of patriotism has been seen in Salman Haratis poems.
