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تعارض از جمله مسائلی است که در روابط اجتماعی رخ می نماید و هنگامی آشکار می شود که هدف فرد یا گروهی با هدف فرد یا گروهی دیگر در تقابل قرار گیرد. این عنصر در جریان یافتن داستان خسرو و شیرین بسیار مؤثر بوده است. این مقاله با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و برای بررسی تعارض و انواع آن در داستان خسرو و شیرین نوشته شده است. باوجودِ طولانی بودن تعارض میان خسرو و شیرین، این تعارض نتایج مثبتی داشته است؛ امّا تعارض های دیگر داستان با نتایج منفی پایان یافته است. انواع تعارضات داستان عبارت اند از: 1- تعارض هدف: تعارض خسرو و فرهاد، بهرام و خسرو، و شیرویه و خسرو. 2- تعارض احساسی   عاطفی: تعارض شیرین و مریم، شیرین و شکر، و اهل دربار و شیرین. رهیافت هایی که شخصیت های داستان برای حل تعارض در پیش گرفته اند، عبارت اند از: 1- رهیافت تسلیم شدن: رهیافت خسرو دربرابرِ. 2- رهیافت اجتناب: شیرین و مریم. 3- رهیافت برد   باخت (رقابت): رهیافت خسرو دربرابرِ فرهاد و شیرویه دربرابرِ. 4- رهیافت برد   برد: رهیافت خسرو و شیرین. 5- رهیافت نرمش: روش خسرو در رسیدن به شیرین.

Analyzing Khosrow and Shirin of Nizami Based on Conflict 1

Conflict is one of the issues that occurs in social relations and is revealed when the goal of an individual or a group is not in line with the goal of another individual or group. This element has been very effective in continuing the story of Khosrow and Shirin . This descriptive-analytical study investigates the conflict and its types in the story of Khosrow and Shirin . Although the conflict between Khosrow and Shirin lasted long, it has led to positive results. However, other conflicts in the story have ended with negative results. The types of story conflicts include 1) Goal conflict: The conflict between Khosrow and Farhad, Bahram and Khosrow, and Shiruye and Khosrow is of this type; and 2) Emotional conflict: The conflict between Shirin and Maryam, and Shirin and Shakar. The strategies taken by the characters in the story to resolve the conflict are: 1) Surrendering strategy: Khosrow's strategy against Shirouye and Farhad's strategy against Khosrow is of this type; 2) Shirin and Maryam have used the avoidance strategy; 3) Win-loss strategy (competition): Khosrow's strategy in disagreement with Farhad and Sheroe's approach to Khosrow is like this; 4) Win-win strategy: This is the strategy of Khosrow and Shirin ; and 5) Compromising approach: Khosrow's method in reaching Shirin is like this. Keywords: Nizami, Conflict, Khosrow and Shirin , Farhad, Maryam, Conflicting Characters. Introduction Conflict in the word means "to protest and disturb each other and to disagree with each other" (Mo'in, 1996, p. 1096). Conflict is one of the terms of social sciences and psychology, which is "the conflict of our personal interests and desires with another person" (Baguley, 2015, p. 16); or "disagreement between two or more groups" (Suleimani, 2004, p. 7). Robbins considers any kind of hostile opposition as a conflict and states: "Conflict is a process in which the intentional effort of person A to neutralize the efforts of B, through some kind of obstruction, leads to the failure of person B in achieving his goals or increasing his interests" (Robbins, 2003, p. 267). Daft has paid attention to the group level of conflict because he said: "Conflict is a type of behavior between organizational groups. When some people consider themselves to belong to a group, they think that other groups prevent them from reaching their goals" (Daft, 2000, p. 826). According to Burleson and Staines, conflict is the pursuit of conflicting and incompatible or at least apparently incompatible goals, so that the achievement of one comes at the cost of losing the benefits of the other, although in ansense, perhaps is not a necessity that one of them be ignored (as cited in Izadi Yazdan Abadi, 2000, p. 7). There are many conflicts in the story of Khosrow and Shirin . Many of the conflicts in the story of Khosrow and Shirin are interpersonal and have made the story long. Interpersonal conflicts are those that "occur between an individual and a group or an individual with another individual" (Speakman & Ryals, 2011, p. 156). The main characters of the story Khosrow and Shirin seem to be in reconciliation. But by knowing and thinking about their behavior, we understand that they are in conflict with each other. Each of the characters has used approaches to escape from the conflict. Analyzing them can give the reader a deep understanding of this story. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate: 1) What kind of conflicts are there in the story of Khosrow and Shirin that caused it to flow? 2) What strategies have conflicting personalities considered to resolve the conflict? 3) Why did the conflict between Khosrow and Shirin last so long? Materials and Methods The research method of this study is descriptive-analytical and the data-collection tools are library studies and taking notes. Research Findings One of the main elements of Khosrow and Shirin story is conflict. The conflict between Khosrow and Shirin is functional. It means that it has led to perpetual relationships. Other conflicts in this story are non-functional. Khosrow has used the method of softening and compromising to solve the final conflict with Shirin. Finally, both have reconciled in a win-win way and this reconciliation continued until their death. The conflict between the court members and Shirin is of an emotional type because they are jealous of Shirin. Their approach has been in conflict with Shirin’s win-loss. Bahram Chubin's conflict with Khosrow did not have a happy ending. This type of conflict is of the goal type. The approach of both of them was to solve the win-lose conflict, which led to Khosrow's victory. Discussion of Results and Conclusions The conflict between Khosrow and Farhad is an emotional and goal conflict in the sense that the lover of both of them is the same. Khosrow tried to stop Farhad from his goal by negotiating but he has not succeeded. Therefore, Khosrow has destroyed Farhad by a win-loss approach. The conflict between Shirin and Maryam is emotional as well as goal-oriented because both love the same lover. The approach of both of them to solve their conflict is avoidance. The conflict between Caesar and Bahram Chubin was of the goal type and their strategy was win-lose. By helping Khosrow to defeat Bahram, Caesar gained many benefits. The conflict between Shiroviyeh and Khosrow is of goal and emotional types because both are lovers of Shirin. Shiravieh's strategy against Khosrow is won-lost but Khosrow's strategy against him was win-lose. The longest conflict in this story is the conflict between Khosrow and Shirin, which has been prolonged for reasons such as Khosrow's whims, Khosrow's marriage to Maryam, and teasing each other. All the conflicts except the conflict between Khosrow and Shirin in the story are destructive and have led to the withdrawal of one of the conflicting characters.
