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یعتبر علماء اللغه المعرفیون، مثل لایکوف وجونسون، الاستعاره لیس کحرفه أدبیه؛ ولکن کأداه مناسبه لکیفیه التفکیر والإشاره إلیها على أنها استعاره مفهومیه. من الأنواع المهمه من الاستعاره المفهومیه هی الاستعاره الاتجاهیه، ولها دور مهم فی نقل الدلالات الثقافیه والتعبیر عن موضوعات مجرده فی شکل أحاسیس وتجارب مادیه. یتناول هذا المقال الاستعاره الاتجاهیه (فوق تحت) فی روایه فرانکشتاین فی بغداد ، بطریقه وصفیه تحلیلیه. على الرغم من أن التخطیط (فوق تحت) فی الروایه، یستخدم فی الغالب للتعبیر عن الحالات الفیزیائیه الطبیعیه، إلا أن المؤلف فی بعض الحالات یشیر أیضا إلى نیته باستخدام التغریب والانزیاح واستخدام الاستعارات المضمونیه. فی هذه الروایه، یتم استخدام استعاره اتجاهیه (فوق) مع موضوع الهیمنه، والقوه، والصحه، والسعاده، والحیاه، والجبر، والوفره، والعقلانیه، والإیمان، والفهم، والفرج، والأمل، والمکانه الاجتماعیه الجیده، والمعرفه، والدفء، والفخر. ومن ناحیه أخرى، فقد ذکر المؤلف ضمن الاستعارات الاتجاهیه (تحت)، وهو ما یعنی السیطره، والضعف والعجز، والمرض، والحزن، وما إلى ذلک. وقد تصور المؤلف الحاله المادیه لهذه المواضیع، ولإدخالها فی ذهن المخاطب، استخدم کلمات، مثل "فوق"، و"علی"، و"تحت"، وأیضا الأفعال الماضیه والمضارعه. استخدم المؤلف المواقع الفیزیائیه والجسدیه للإنسان فی العالم والتجارب الموضوعیه له حتی یشیر إلی المیزات الثقافیه والفکریه ودلالاتها التی تحملها هذه الاستعارات. بعباره أخری، فهو باستخدامه لهذه الاستعارات، أعطی الکلمات معانی جدیده وجعل لبیانه قوه تمیزه عن سائر الکلام.

Analysis of Directional Metaphors (up-down) in the Novel ‘Frankenstein in Baghdad’ by Ahmed Saadawi

Researchers in cognitive science believe that language is of great importance and consider it a gateway to the mind. According to them, language is one of the highest manifestations of the mind, which is a product of knowledge and a cognitive process in itself. Therefore, cognitive linguistics, as the school that considers language style, learning, and use to be the best reference that can be used to explain human cognition, has a special place in cognitive science. Cognitive linguists such as Lakoff and Johnson consider the metaphor not as a literary craft but as a suitable tool for how to think and refer to it as the conceptual metaphor.One of the important types of conceptual metaphors is the directional metaphor, which is effective in conveying concepts, the author's attitude, and expressing mental and abstract themes in the form of sensations and material experiences. Metaphors are used in language beyond what we see in traditional rhetoric, and by looking at them and the indirect and symbolic meanings of linguistic expressions, a deeper understanding of texts can be achieved. The present study investigates the directional metaphor (up-down) in the novel Frankenstein in Baghdad using a descriptive-analytical method. Although the mapping (up-down) in the novel is mostly used to express natural physical states, the author in some cases also uses de-normization and de-familiarization manners, using metaphors from concept to concept. In this regard, the novel Frankenstein in Baghdad is full of cognitive metaphors, especially directional metaphors. In this study, we have discussed cases related to directional metaphors (up-down) and extracted diverse and broad meanings from them.In this novel, the up-direction metaphor is used with the theme of dominance, power, health, happiness, life, forcing, abundance, rationality, faith, understanding, openness, hope, good social position, wisdom, warmth, and pride. On the other hand, the author has implicitly mentioned the metaphors of the lower direction, which means being under control, weakness and incapacity, illness, sadness, etc. The author has imagined a physical state for them to induce them in the mind of the audience. He used words like ‘Tahta’, ‘Favgha’, and ‘Ala’ and also verbs in the past and present tenses. Through the topics that are mentioned in directional metaphors (up-down), we clearly understand that they are all abstract topics and the author has imagined a physical state for them. This cognitive transfer of metaphor made it a tool that reveals all these directional perceptions and their relationship to the author’s knowledge.The author used man's physical and physical locations in the world and his objective experiences in order to point out the cultural and intellectual features and connotations that these metaphors carry. In other words, by using these metaphors, he gave the words new meanings and gave his statement a force that distinguished it from other speech. The use of metaphorical speech has superior cognitive power if we compare it with ordinary speech, as the human experiences that Ahmed Saadawi’s mind treasures are linked to his culture and to the directional determinants that he formulates with directional metaphors that express that culture. In other words, the metaphor in the field of cognitive linguistics is not just a linguistic tool to beautify and decorate speech. Rather, it is a cognitive method that is the result of the interaction of the two mental-sensual fields, as it reflects much of the knowledge existing in the society, and the recipient relies on it in the process of interpretation and understanding. Metaphors in the cognitive field expand the field of interpretation, as they open up to multiple meanings and expand the space of connotations.
