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إنّ مفاتیح الجنان کتاب له قیمه بالغه ومکانه عظیمه، لما فی أدعیته من المعرفه الإلهیه والخلقیات الإنسانیه البنّاءه. والأدعیه هذه فی غالبیتها نصوص أدبیه تندرج ضمن الأدب القدیم، فهی حافله بکثیر من الملامح البلاغیه والفنیه الکلامیه، منها المفارقه فی أنماطها المختلفه. یقتصر هذا البحث على المفارقه، حسب بنیتها الدلالیه، کالمفارقه اللفظیه، ومفارقه النغمه، ومفارقه الحکایه أو الإیهام، والإلماع، ثمّ تطبیقها علی أدعیه مفاتیح الجنان فقط دون الزیارات والملحقات والباقیات الصالحات، لیتقصّى هذه التقنیه من جانب واحد ولئلّا یصاب بالتشتت والسطحیه فی الدراسه والتحلیل حتى یصل إلى هدفه بأعلى مستوى یتسنّى له. فالمفارقه تقنیه قدیمه الاستخدام جدیده المصطلح، یستخدمها المبدع الموهوب لیظهر ما قصده من الرسائل، ناتئاً بارزاً عبر التضاد والتناقض بین طرفی القول. ولیس للمفارقه تعریف جامع مانع، بل لها أنماط مختلفه وأنواع متعدده حسب درجتها وصیاغتها وطرفیها وما إلى ذلک؛ فمن الصعب أن نحصل على تعریف محدد. والتقنیه هذه تُستخدم لإبراز أفکار المبدع وعواطفه، لتؤدّی إلى الصحوه والحث. والقاسم المشترک بین أنواعها، وأنماطها، وأسالیبها هو التضاد بین المظهر والمخبر. وقد بیّن هذا البحث المتواضع، المواضع التی لها بنیه مفارقیه فی أنماطها المختلفه، عبر تحلیل النص الدعائی، واعتمادا علی المنهج الوصفی التأویلی والتحلیلی، لتقصی المفارقه وتبیین أنواعها وفک شفراتها، محاوله الوصول إلى المعانی الخفیه والمدلولات المختبئه وتسلیط الضوء على المعنى المقصود، حسب بنیتها الدلالیه، وفقاً لتقسیم محمد العبد. وفی النهایه، قدّمت أهم الملحوظات والنتائج التی توصلت إلیها الدراسه؛ ومن أهمّها أنّ المفارقه فی الأدعیه ولیده المواقف النفسیه وحصیله الإدراکات العقلیه، کما استُعینت بها لتجسید الواقع الإنسانی وإخراجه من نطاق الذاتیه المجرده إلى نطاق الموضوعیه الحسیه، کما أن التنویع فی أنماطها یدلّ علی تمکن الداعی فی الخطاب.

A Semantic Study of Prayers in Mafatih al-Jinan: The Irony of Tone, Verbal Irony, the Irony of Anecdote or Delusion, and Innuendo or Allusion Irony

Mafatih al-Jinan is a book of great value and great stature due to the content of its supplications which include divine knowledge and constructive human morals. Most of these supplications are literary texts that fall within classical literature, as they are full of various rhetorical and artistic features, including irony in its different variations. The present study aims to investigate irony based on its semantic structure and applications in style, tone, narration, and allusion paradox. The study focuses on its application in the supplications compiled in Mafatih al-Jinan , excluding prayers dealing with rites of visits to holy shrines with their related accessories and scripts dealing with other acts of devotion and benevolence. It presents the excerpts that contain an ironical structure in different styles, by analyzing the supplications through a descriptive, interpretive, and analytical method to investigate irony, clarify its types, and decipher its codes. It attempts to reach the hidden meanings and connotations to shed light on the intended meaning, according to its semantic structure. The results of the study show that the use of irony in supplications is the result of psychological demands and the outcome of mental perceptions, which have been used to embody human reality and take it out of the scope of abstract subjectivity to the scope of sensory objectivity. In addition, the diversity in the applied patterns indicates the aptitude of the caller in the produced and delivered discourse.   Introduction Even though the word irony is taken from the new Western literature, since long ago, writers and poets writers have used it, especially to make fun of others. Therefore, from this point of view, irony has always been the source of pundits. Irony cannot be recognized in a way that includes all its forms on the surface regardless of other forms. In other words, it can be said that irony is a word that says something but conveys another message. In this regard, the external message of the speech is put aside in favor of its internal message, thus irony tries to highlight the internal message. It can be said that the final role of irony is to reveal the message and the desire of the speech as much as possible. Many studies (e.g., Al-Ibrahimi, 2017; Dabbab, 2016; Makkawi, 2013) have been conducted on the topics of irony and supplications. They are mainly in detail, but they have not specifically addressed irony in supplications, and this was a motive to conduct this semantic study on prayers in Mafatih al-Jinan , focusing on the irony of tone, verbal irony, the irony of anecdote or delusion, and innuendo or allusion irony.   Materials and Methods Irony is an old literary device that has new applications in the text under study. Irony, and by the same token paradox, do not have an inclusive and definitive definition, and they have different patterns and multiple types according to their implications, formulation, and complexity. It is difficult to arrive at a specific definition. Irony and paradox are used to highlight the author's thoughts and emotions directing the mind at awakening and incitement, and the common denominator between its types, patterns, and methods is the contradiction in expressions and intentions. The present study analyzes supplications in Mafatih al-Jinan through a descriptive, interpretive, and analytical method to investigate irony, clarify its types, and decipher its codes with an attempt to reach the hidden meanings and connotations to shed light on the intended meaning according to its semantic structure.   Research Findings The results of this study showed that irony is used in the supplications of the book Mafatih al-Jinan in different ways, some of which are: The irony of tone and song: This kind of irony is mostly made by confronting the upper and lower layers of speech. That is, the appearance and the interior aspects of speech are in complete contrast with each other and sometimes they are formed in such a way that contradictions can be easily understood. This kind of irony in the supplications is formed by the progress of speech against the expectation of the audience and makes him involved in this apparent heterogeneity. However, at the end of the speech, the reader discovers its main purpose. Verbal irony: In this kind of irony, the word indicates two meanings, one meaning is close to the structural interpretation of the word, and the other is far from the interpretation within the context of the speech, which challenges the mind and wisdom of the audience because there is a conflict between the structure and the meaning. The reader finds and thinks that there is a difficult dichotomy between these two. Sometimes these contradictions come together; a chain of opposites is formed in a single context. This incongruity in the supplications is sometimes created by a strong difference in the meaning of a word in the structure and context, and sometimes by a difference in the use of a word with the same meaning in two different situations that maximizes the difference in meaning. The irony of anecdote or delusion: This irony is formed by the use of speech based on the idea and belief of the audience, but in the opposite direction, in a way that its immediate meaning is based on the belief of the audience. That is, it relies on its previous meanings and is based on the audience's line of thought. This kind of irony in supplications is also formed by using the mental background of the audience, the meaning, and the concept of the word or speech. It finally brings the audience to the opposite point of his own opinion and belief. The innuendo irony: This type of irony draws the audience's attention to something that the irony expresses not explicitly but implicitly. It is used implicitly with the intention of humiliating and condemning a person. This kind of irony is used in supplications for a humble person who is speaking, that is, the person who is praying in front of God.   Discussion of Results and Conclusions Considering the results of the present study, the most important result is that irony in supplications of Mafatih al-Jinan is the result of psychological attitudes and understandings of wisdom, and to visualize the reality of man and take him out of the realm of abstract mentality into the realm of objectivity. Irony in supplications is not meant to mock and laugh or to present funny words, but only to obtain grace, love, and kindness from God and to benefit from His innumerable forgiveness. The correct and proper use of irony and its variety shows the very high power of the creator of supplications and his mastery of speech.
