
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


لقد کان السیاق ولایزال أداه أساسیه فی فهم المعانی الغامضه، بل واکتشاف مقاصد المتکلم فی استعمال حروف دون حروف، وکلمات من دون أخرى، وعبارات غریبه أحیانا بدل أخرى ألف المتلقی تلقیها، فینکشف النص فی تَجَلٍّ جدید، لتأخذ قراءته منحى لم یکن لیظهر، لولا مباشره السیاق وإسهامه فی ذلک. فالقارئ وهو یقرأ نصا ما، یتلقى حروفه وکلماته ومقولاته فی مسار ذهنی معین، یستدعی من خلال المسافات الأولى التی کتب فیها هذا النص، مستحضرا عاملین أساسیین فی ذلک: أولهما نسق النص، من خلال سوابق الکلمات والجمل ولواحقهما وما إلی ذلک من الأنساق الداخلیه الترکیبیه؛ والآخر هو معرفته بالمتکلم؛ وکلما زادت معرفه القارئ بالمتکلم، زاد اقترابه من إدراک ملابسات الخطاب التی أنتج فیها. فإن النصّ القرآنی کتاب مقدّس حظی بقراءات عدّه تختلف باختلاف المرجعیات الثقافیه التی ینطلق منها الکاتب؛ ومن هذه القراءات نظریه السیاق ومدى تأثیره على المعنى؛ فسیکون هدفنا فی هذه الدراسه هو الحصول علی مجموعه من اللافتات السیاقیه الممیزه التی قام حب اللّٰه من خلالها بتجسید المعنی القرآنی وتوجیه دلالاته فی نطاقات معینه. إذا سنتناول فی بحثنا هذا   ووفق المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی السیّاقَ لِما له من أهمیه فی تحدید المعانی وفهم النصّ القرآنی، وقد استأثرت أصول النظریه السیاقیه باهتمام بعض الباحثین المحدثین منهم الشیخ حیدر حبُّ اللّٰه؛إذ وجد فی هذه النظریه ما ینبهنا على فهم النصّ القرآنی وتفسیره، ویجنبنا الوقوع فی الخطأ. وإجمال نتائج البحث یبیّن لنا أنّ تحدید دلاله اللفظ فی النص یکون أقرب إلى قصد صاحب النص؛ ومن نظریه السیاق وأثرها الواضح فی توجیه الدلاله، نتعرّف على القصد الإلهی المراد من دلالات الألفاظ فی القرآن الکریم، واتضح کذلک من خلاله أنّ النصوص القرآنیه لا یکون فهمها فهما شاملا إلا من السیاق القرآنی بالنظر إلیه کوحده سیاقیه کبرى؛ لأن القرآن الکریم یفسر بعضه بعضا، وقد تنبّه حب اللّٰه لهذه الوتیره السیاقیه المؤثره فی نصوصه بشکل حاسم.

The Effect of the Context in Directing the Qur’anic Significance of Shaikh Haidar Hobbollah

The context is an essential tool in understanding ambiguous meanings and even discovering the intentions of the speaker in the use of letters, words, and sometimes strange phrases. The reader, while reading a text, receives its letters, words, and sayings in a specific mental path and recalls it through the first spaces in which this text was written. The Qur’anic text has received several readings that differ according to the cultural references from which the writer departs. Among these readings is the theory of context and the extent of its impact on meaning. In this study, we dealt with the context because of its importance in defining meanings and understanding the Qur’anic text. The origin of the contextual theory dates back to the ancient Arabs. They had pioneering efforts in caring for the context circle at the scientific and theoretical level, such as Al-Jahiz and Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani. This topic has also captured the attention of modern researchers. One of them is Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah, who has found foundations and issues that, due to the compatibility of structural aspects with the meanings of the words of the Holy Quran , inform us of the understanding of the text of the Quran and its interpretation in a more expressive and accurate way. It prevents us from making mistakes in the process of understanding the meanings of the Qur'an . We find that the theory of context and the extent of its impact on the meaning was not overlooked by our early scholars, as they were looking at the meaning of the word in the Holy Qur’an without neglecting the circumstances surrounding it. Al-Jahiz, Ibn Jinni, and Abdul Qaher Al-Jurjani focused on knowing pronunciations from the contexts contained. The systems theory of Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani had a clear impact on defining the meanings of words according to their contexts. We also know that the text and the textual structure have a unique role in understanding the meanings of the text in general, so that the meaning of each word in the text is not determined except through the structure in which it is placed, and that the overall structure of the text may be devoid of content meaning.  Modern scholars may state that the meaning is revealed only through the contextualization of the linguistic unit, i.e. placing it in different contexts. Likewise, the meaning of the semantic units cannot be described or determined except after we have noticed all the semantic units that are adjacent to them. Accordingly, searching for the meaning of words requires an analysis of the contexts and situations in which they occur, even those that are non-linguistic. It is based on the fact that scholars of the orientalists and contemporary Arabs have tried to present various models or divisions of the types of contexts through which the meaning can be directed along with the hidden and secondary connotations that the literary text may not suggest at the first glance. Among these classifications is Kurt Emmer’s four-way division. It includes 1) linguistic, 2) emotional, 3) situational and structural, and 4) cultural aspects. Each of these four areas or divisions includes examples that reveal to the audience the secret of multiple and sometimes different meanings that may occur for a word throughout the context. In other words, this is what leads us to deal with Sheikh Haider's structural thoughts with his semantic view of some verses of the Quran , in order to highlight the importance of this semantic context in revealing the face of the hidden meanings in the Holy Quran as the best and highest literary text that has been revealed so far. The importance of the Qur’anic context lies in identifying the secrets of the Holy Qur’an and its subtleties, as it is a great principle of interpretation that must be relied upon in interpretation. The study identifies the miraculous secrets of the Holy Qur’an from the perspective of Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah and clarifies the impact of the context in knowing the significance of the Qur’anic text. It approves a focal point in examining the facts of the Qur’anic text on the basis of the semantic contextualization approach adopted by Sheikh Haidar Hobbollah.
