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یمتاز القرآن الکریم بنصّ أدبی تشعّ مفرداته بدلالات سیمائیه، حیث یتلقی منها المتلقی ما یتلاءم ونسبه جهوده ومعرفته فی استخراج تلک الدلالات السیمیائیه والإیحائیه ضمن نسق موحَّد من المعانی والمفاهیم التی تُکوِّن الفکره الأساسیه فی کلّ موقف قرآنی. فنجد کلّ مفرده فیه تحظی بدلالات إیحائیه متستره خلف المعانی الظاهره للمفرده ونلتمس ترابطاً بین تلک الدلالات المتنوعه للمفرده القرآنیه التی تتضح ضمن سیاقها القرآنی. هذا، وتعتبر الدراسه السیمیائیه مضماراً فاعلاً فی الکشف عن الدلالات المتستره فی النص القرآنی الذی یحفل بمعان جزئیه تتکامل فی سیاق متناسق یتلقیها القارئ منها معنی ومفهوماً کامل الملامح یعبر عن فکره مرکزیه یتمحور علیها النص القرآنی. بناء علی ذلک، یسعی هذا البحث إلی دراسه ما دلّ علی الحیوان فی قصه بنی إسرائیل من المفردات والألفاظ القرآنیه، لنبین ما حفلت به من دلالات سیمیائیه؛ وذلک علی أساس المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، وبالاعتماد علی مراجعه آراء المفسرین للقرآن الکریم. وقد کشفت الدراسه عن هذه الدلالات السیمیائیه لألفاظ الحیوان فی قصه بنی إسرائیل، وکانت دلالات تُوثِّقها علاقه تظهر بین ما لتلک الألفاظ من معان لغویه أولیه وبین ما للقصه من فکره محوریه أساسیه؛ فنجد بین المعنی اللغوی والإیحائی انسجاماً وترابطاً یقع ضمن إطار من سیاق النص القرآنی فی کلّ موقف وحدث من القصه. وعلی هذا الأساس، وجدنا أنّ ألفاظ الحیوان فی قصه بنی إسرائیل تدلّ علی دلالات سیمیائیه تمثلت فی التبیین والکشف عن الحقائق، والاستعجال والتسرع، والإحیاء والنشور، والتفجیر والتفجر لشق الطریق، والمخادعه والمحایله، والغفله والنسیان، وهی دلالات ذات صله بکلّ موقف من مواقف القصه، کما هی دلالات لا یتبینها المتلقی مباشره، بل بعد تمعن فی نظام مترابط بین المعانی اللغویه وما یرتبط بفکره النص والموقف القرآنی.

Animal Semiology in the Holy Qur’an (Case Study: The Israelites)

The Holy Quran distinguishes itself from literary texts imbued with semiotic connotations. The recipient interprets from it what aligns with his understanding, in proportion to his efforts and knowledge in extracting those semiotic and suggestive connotations within a unified framework of meanings and concepts that constitute the fundamental idea in every Quranic context. Thus, we find that each word in the Holy Quran enjoys implicit suggestive connotations concealed behind the apparent meanings of the word. We discern a correlation between these diverse connotations of Quranic words, which becomes evident within their Quranic contexts. In light of this, the semiotic study stands as an active arena in uncovering the hidden connotations within the Quranic text, brimming with partial meanings that integrate into a cohesive context, where the reader derives comprehensive meanings and concepts. This reflects a central idea around which the Quranic text revolves. The study has revealed these semiotic connotations of animal terms in the story of the Israelites, documenting connotations that establish a relationship between the initial linguistic meanings of those terms and the central thematic idea of the story. Thus, we find harmony and coherence between the linguistic and suggestive meanings that fall within the framework of the Quranic text's context in every situation and event of the story. Based on this foundation, we find that the animal terms in the story of the Israelites signify semiotic connotations, representing clarification and revelation of truths, hastiness and impatience, revival and awakening, obstruction and clearing the path, deceit and trickery, negligence, and forgetfulness. These connotations are relevant to each situation within the story, forming associations not immediately apparent to the recipient but rather discernible after careful consideration of the interconnected system between linguistic meanings and their relation to the text's idea and Quranic stance. Introduction The language of the Holy Quran is characterized by vocabulary with suggestive connotations, distinguishing it from other human texts. Within it, we find layers of meanings and partial contents that constitute the fundamental idea of the Quranic text. Each of these connotations expresses an intended concept within its context. However, the main idea is not complete until all these partial contents are gathered and interconnected to form the fundamental content, thereby revealing the complete picture of the Quranic meaning. This underscores the necessity for an investigative study that aims for precision and utmost care in uncovering the partial meanings and linking them within linguistic and contextual frameworks. It requires liberating oneself from the constraints of conventional meanings of vocabulary and delving into the treasures of the language of the Quran , which harbors integrated fundamental contents that express the idea of the text and its main theme composed of a set of partial meanings. Semiotics appears to be a suitable and effective means for exploring various patterns of communication and linking between partial concepts. It possesses several abstract concepts that allow it to comprehend what is common among many of these operations. Based on this, we find that the use of animal vocabulary in the Holy Quran carries semiotic semantic connotations that are linked to the fundamental content and the prevailing context within the Quranic text. This necessitates that those who contemplate the meanings of Quranic vocabulary understand these meanings and connotations, investigating them to uncover them within contextual interplays in the Holy Quran .   Materials and Methods The aim of this study is to examine the significance of animals in the story of the Israelites as portrayed through Quranic vocabulary and terms. This investigation seeks to uncover the semiotic connotations embedded within these terms, utilizing a descriptive-analytical methodology while relying on the interpretations of Quranic commentators.   Research Findings The results of this study are as follows: We found a correlation between the use of the term “البقر” (cow) and its derivatives, and indications of ignorance that necessitate revelation and understanding of truth and reality. It seems that the use of the term “العِجْل” (calf) radiates semiotic connotations closely linked to its linguistic origin when studied within its linguistic and contextual framework. Its root, derived from the word “عَجَلَه” suggests haste, impatience, and quick action, implying speed and expediency in various contexts where the term is employed. We also found a relationship between the linguistic origin of the term “الحیه” (serpent) and the concept of life itself. In a situation where something solid is brought to life and transformed into a living being, the term reflects the inherent essence of its letters to enjoy life. Thus, we observe a connection that underscores the miraculous act represented by the revival of the inert and its affirmation. There exists a correlation between the linguistic meaning of “الثعبان” (dragon) which implies splitting and cleaving, and what is narrated in the story of the Israelites regarding the splitting of the sea by the staff of Moses (peace be upon him). The staff itself transformed into a dragon, serving as a means for the direct salvation of the Israelites after the dragon became a sign of their faith in the Lord of Moses (peace be upon him). The term “الحوت” (fish) suggests connotations associated with deceit and trickery, as its linguistic origin implies evasion and deception. We discern a semiotic indication conveyed by the term “السلوی” (quail), pointing towards “negligence and forgetfulness” that afflicted the Israelites in recalling the blessings bestowed upon them by God. Referring back to the linguistic meaning of the term “Salwaa” we find its origin implying forgetfulness caused by indulgence and prosperity.   Discussion or Results and Conclusion Considering the results of the present study, it can be concluded that: The vocabulary of the Holy Quran isn't merely employed to convey meanings based solely on their apparent linguistic meanings; rather, their linguistic meanings, according to the nature of the Quran , constitute parts of the fundamental meaning and main idea of the Quranic text. Thus, we encounter a comprehensive trajectory of linguistic meanings that ascend to suggestive meanings with significant connotations within the context of the Quranic text. This is what we have found in the words indicative of animals in the story of the Israelites, where they have acquired a semiotic significance linking linguistic meanings with the semiotic implications that are most aligned with the main idea of the Quranic text. The study has revealed the impact of context in uncovering the semiotic connotations of animal terms in the story of the Israelites. It has established a connection between the linguistic use of a term and its application within the Quranic text and context, resulting in suggestive and semiotic implications that align with the Quranic content. This underscores the role of linguistic context in deriving linguistic meanings and semiotic connotations of words and terms, as well as the role of contextual situations in revealing these semiotic implications that correspond to the verbal context. Thus, we have arrived at the coherence between linguistic and contextual contexts in revealing the semiotic connotations of words in the Holy Quran .
