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تسعى النظم التعلیمیه إلى توظیف الأدوات الحدیثه فی المواقف التعلیمیه بطرق متعدده لجعل الدروس أکثر فاعلیه وکفاءه، وأضحت مسایره هذه التطورات الهائله والسریعه ضروره لا یمکن التغافل عنها. ومن بین إستراتیجیات التعلیم لمواکبه رکب التحول المعرفی، برزت المسرحیه باعتبارها أداه معاصره لتنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه فی اللغه العربیه بسلاسه کبیره. وهدفت الدراسه إلى التعرف على فاعلیه توظیف المسرحیه فی تنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه لدى الطلاب الإیرانیین فی مرحله البکالوریوس، واستخدمت المنهج شبه التجریبی، وتم اختیار مجتمع الدراسه بطریقه قصدیه. فتکون مجتمع الدراسه من (30) طالبًا وطالبهً فی مرحله البکالوریوس، وتم تطبیق الدراسه على الفصل الخامس من العام الدراسی (2020 2021م)، بجامعه طهران، وتم توزیع مجتمع الدراسه عشوائیاً إلى مجموعتین: المجموعه التجریبیه تکونت من (15) طالبًا وطالبهً تم تدریسهم مسرحیه صاحبه الجلاله ، والمجموعه الضابطه تکونت من (15) طالبا وطالبه تم تدریسهم بالطریقه الاعتیادیه المنتهجه فی الجامعات الرسمیه الإیرانیه. واعتمد الباحث لجمع البیانات على مجموعه من الأدوات، بما یشمل الاختبار والمقابله والملاحظات. وللخروج بتحلیل تلک الأدوات، استعمل مجموعه من الأسالیب الإحصائیه ضمن برنامج (SPSS) تمثلت باستخدام الإحصاء الوصفی (مؤشر المتوسط والانحراف المعیاری) والإحصاء الاستدلالی (اختبار کولموجوروف سمیرنوف واختبار لیفین واختبار التغایر)، وتم إعداد الأدوات والتحقق من صدقها وثباتها. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسه وجود فروق ذات دلاله إحصائیه عند مستوى الدلاله (0.05) بین متوسطی درجات المجموعه التجریبیه والمجموعه الضابطه فی الاختبار البعدی لصالح المجموعه التجریبیه التی درست المسرحیه، وکشفت الدراسه عن فاعلیه استخدام المسرحیه فی تنمیه المتغیر النحوی لمهاره المحادثه لدى متعلمی اللغه العربیه من غیر الناطقین به.    

Studying the Effectiveness of the Play in Enhancing the Grammatical Variable of Conversational Skill Among Iranian Learners at the Bachelor’s Level of Study (An Applied Statistical Study of the Play ‘Her Majesty’ by Tawfiq Al-Hakim)

Educational systems aim to employ all modern methods in educational situations in multiple ways to make educational lessons more effective and efficient. Following up on these sensitive and rapid developments has become a need that cannot be ignored. Among the strategies of educational methods to keep pace with the cognitive transformation, the play has emerged as a contemporary tool that contributes to enhancing the grammatical variable of conversational skill. Communicating with flexibility and smoothness is required for non-native Arabic learners. Teaching the play can help non-native Arabic language learners become more fluent in the language and become critical, analytical, and creative thinkers. It can also help students question, interpret, communicate, and explore. Learning the features of the modern language, specifically grammatical and morphological rules, and using expressions to speak clearly, precisely, and concisely are all benefits of teaching the play to non-native Arabic language learners. Plays can promote all four skills, cultural awareness, linguistic awareness, and motivation. They are valuable tools in language classes. When used well, this kind of training can significantly increase proficiency. The study present investigated the effect of using the play in strengthening the grammatical variable of conversational skill among Iranian learners at the bachelor’s level. The study adopted the quasi-experimental approach. The sample of the study consisted of 30 male and female students at the bachelor’s level. It was conducted in the fifth semester of the academic year (2020-2021) at the University of Tehran. The participants were divided into two groups: the experimental group consisted of 15 male and female students who had undergone teaching the play ‘Her Majesty’, and the control group consisted of 15 male and female students who were taught in the usual way at the university. The researcher utilized a set of tools to collect the data, including tests, interviews, and observations, and used a set of statistical methods using the SPSS program, which were represented by the use of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation index) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene's test and covariance test). The tools were prepared and their validity and reliability were verified. The study demonstrated the impact of digitally utilizing Tawfiq al-Hakim’s play Her Majesty on the performance of both male and female students in acquiring the grammatical variable of speaking skill. The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the participants in the experimental and control groups in the pre- and post-test. The reason for this effect is attributed to several factors. Using the play helps increase the ability to understand and comprehend grammatical rules, and the play helps to employ the grammatical database that students possess so that they express it in a specific way through which they try to use what they have learned to embody ideas and present them in a correct way. The play is a powerful tool for creating more participation in learning environments. It also contains a series of attractive dialogues and multiple characters and events. These are among the most important issues in which the researcher sees the importance of distinguishing the play from other educational methods, as it contributes to increasing students’ ability to learn.
