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In order to understand what educational planning means, it is necessary to understand what is meant by planning and what a plan is. It is from this level that we will go into the explanation of educational planning in urban planning and architecture. The finding of research shows fundamental discourse that has been surveyed in this paper. Character of Educational Planning in urban studies conclude: (a) Primacy of Planning (b) Planning is pervasive (c) Planning is Mission-Oriented (d) Planning is Future-Oriented. And, Methodology of Planning for Education have been categorized: (1) Diagnosis of the Educational Situation (2) Target Setting (3) Intervention Strategies and Activities (4) Costing and Budget Preparation (5) Implementation and Monitoring Mechanism (6) Negotiations, Appraisal and Approval. The objectives of Educational Planning in urban planning and architecture have subtitled like: (a) Political dimensions (b) Economic Dimensions (c) Science and Technology Dimension (d) Legal Dimensions (e) Demographic Dimensions.
