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الاستبدال فی النص معناه تعویض واستبدال عنصر لغوی بعنصر لغوی آخر. یقسم هالیدای وحسن الاستبدال إلى ثلاثه أقسام، هی: الاستبدال الاسمی، والاستبدال الفعلی، والاستبدال القولی؛ کما أنهما یقسمان الاستبدال القولی إلى ثلاثه أقسام وهی: استبدال الخطاب المنقول، الإحاله باسم الإشاره والإحاله المشترطه وبما أن الاستبدال کعنصر هام من عناصر الانسجام النصی قد أدى إلى خلق التناسق فی رساله المعاش والمعاد؛ فإننا تطرقنا إلى دراسه دور الاستبدال فی التناسق النصی فی هذه الرساله على أساس نظریه هالیدای وحسن وذلک فی منهج وصفی-تحلیلی-إحصائی. وعلیه فإنّ نتائج هذا البحث تشیر إلى أنّ للاستبدال القولی دور أهم من بین أقسام الاستبدال وکذلک بین سائر أدوات الاتساق فی رساله "المعاش والمعاد" کما أن الاستبدال عبر الخطاب المنقول، له دور أهم من بین أقسام الاستبدال القولی؛ ففی هذا النوع من الاستبدال یراجع المؤلف فی استبدال الجمل، أسلوبه فی النص وکذلک سیاق النص؛ کما أننا نشاهد نوعاً آخر من الاستبدال القولی وهو الإحاله باسم الإشاره؛ یعنی عن طریق استبدال اسمی الإشاره "هذا" و"ذلک" عن الجمل التی سبقتهما وهذا أسفر عن تناسق النص والانسجام  بین الجمل إلى جانب اتقاء التکرار المملّ فی النص وکذلک التعبیر بالإیجاز. وفی الاستبدال القولی من الإحاله المشترطه قد ذُکرت جمل لتکون مفسره لما قبلها وتسفر هکذا عن انسجام النص وتناسقه. فی الاستبدال المفسر یجد المؤلف تفسیراً للجمل السابقه عن طریق الأفعال والظروف التفسیریه  وهکذا یخلق علاقه بین جملات النص، فإن هذا النوع من الاستبدال هو  استخدم للاستدلال وکذلک  للتعبیر عن المساوات. کما أن الجمل الاستبدالیه قد رافقت الإقناع والاستدلال فی رساله المعاش والمعاد وهذا ما لعب دوراً هاماً فی الاتساق الدلالی فی النص.

The Role of Sentence Substitution in the Coherence of the Text in Resalat Al-Ma'ash wa Al-Ma'ad by Al-Jahiz Based on Holliday and Hassan’s Theory

Al-Jahiz (160-255 A.H /776-839 A.D) is one of the biggest writers in the history of Arabic literature and is considered one of the supporters of freedom in language and literature, consistency between words and meanings, consideration of the requirements of the context, editing, and refining the texts along with clarity and brevity of meanings. He has left famous writings in various fields, and one of his works is Al-Rasael al-Siyasiah (the political letters) which includes eleven treatises. The eleventh one is ‘Risalat Al-Ma'ash wa Al-Ma'ad’ in which he explains the concept of politics and its principles. Al-Jahiz wrote the treatise to Qazi Muhammad Abi Daoude in 17 parts, and he talked about all good and bad works, what to do, what should be avoided in politics, etc. In fact, this treatise is a guidebook for the reader in politics, ethics, and education.This treatise is scientifically valuable and is a clear text without any unintelligible words. In addition, the author's intellectual and scientific maturity is clearly evident in his rhetoric and excellent writing style in this work. In this selected work of literature, Quranic verses, hadiths, poetry, and wisdom are quoted, which Al-Jahiz mentioned as evidence, examples, and rational arguments along with various persuasive methods. It is a coherent and continuous text and its structures, signs, verbs, proverbs, the use of coherence and continuity tools, etc. had a profound effect in creating a coherent and continuous text.Text linguistics is one of the new fields of linguistics in which the text itself is assumed as the semantic unit, not the words or sentences separated from the whole text. Halliday considers the text as a functional semantic unit in language and believes that when a person hears a section bigger than a sentence, he can easily understand whether it is an independent and coherent unit of meaning or intersecting and incoherent sentences. Of course, in Halliday and Hassan’s view (1976), the text is not considered with the same nature as a sentence, and text is not a bigger sentence, but the type of the text is different and it cannot be defined by its length compared with the sentence. Accordingly, the sentence is under the influence of grammatical and structural rules, but the text is sequent of the context and coherence rules.However, in Halliday and Hassan’s model in text linguistics, the text is considered a specific semantic unit with the purpose of coherence and harmony. The text, whether written or oral, is a linguistic communicational act and the texture is also a linguistic phenomenon that achieves coherence and continuity, to provide the understanding of deep relationships in the text’s structures.Coherence is one of the main elements in the text that is related to the internal coherence of the text and the phonetic tools and aims to create elements of coherence and interrelationship of the text. Interrelationships form the text structure and provide its continuity. In other words, the term ‘coherence’ refers to the relationships and tools that create a connection between the internal components of the text and connect the text to its situational context. Some of these tools such as reference, substitution, deletion, etc. create textual coherence. The referential or lexical coherence, on the other hand, is formed through repetition and contrast.Substitution is one of the most important cohesion factors in the text of Resalat Al-Ma'ash wa Al-Ma'ad. This term means replacing an element with another in the text and also means the relation between linguistic elements such as words or phrases in the text. According to Halliday and Hassan, the types of substitution are nominal substitution, present substitution, and sentence substitution which is divided into three types: quotations, conditional sentences, and justifying sentences. Examining the substitutions in Resalat al-Ma'ash wa Al-Ma'ad showed that there are two main types of quotations which is a subset of sentence substitution: quotation from others and quotation from the author himself. Quotation from others includes quoting adages, poems, sages’ and savants’ words, and quoting from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Holy Quran. On the other hand, quotations from the author himself played a greater role in the coherence of the text of the treatise in the form of referring to an earlier speech with the demonstrative Daleka (that) and referring to the topic that was just raised with the demonstrative Hada (this).The substitution with the conditional clause itself includes substitution with the conditional Mamma (what), Mān (who), Law-La (if it weren’t), and Lam’ma (when). Considering the third type of substitutions, i.e. justification sentences, the following subsets can be referred to: with the verb Yajib (should), with Robbama (maybe), and with Methl Al-Dhee (such as). Examining and analyzing these types with examples in the text of Resalat Al-Mash wa Al-Ma'ad, the following results were obtained:Any kind of cohesion tool played an important role in the text and turned it into a strong texture and structure in which every element was related to others and succession was one of the most important cohesion-creating elements in Resalat Al-Mash wa Al-Ma'ad.The text of this treatise was a continuous text in which elements such as referencing pronouns, inflections, repetition, deletion, and substitution had an important role in it.In this treatise, Jahiz created a connection between the sentences with substitution, but his text was not repetitive, platitudinous, or vulgar. Concision was one of his stylistic features, and substitution was one of his important tools.The substitution was used alongside the persuasion and argumentation in this text which strengthened the semantic relationship between the substituted sentences.Substitution in many cases was used to repeat a specific theory or emphasize a topic, explanation, or description of previous phrases and summarizing sentences.The accuracy in choosing quotations from others and the brilliance of morphological, grammatical, and rhetorical coherence in these quotations, along with the beauty of the words Jahiz chose were among the elements that created beauty and at the same time coherence in Resalat Al-Mash wa Al-Ma'ad.The percentage of substitutions’ frequency of quoted sentences was higher than other substituted sentences in this treatise and its role in creative coherence was more prominent, and at the level of sentences, two demonstrative pronouns Daleka (that) and Hada (this) had a prominent role to replace previous sentences and topics.
