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این مطالعه برآمده از پرسشی محوری پیرامون حوزه مطالعات برنامه درسی است؛ آیا می توان این حوزه را به گونه ای الهیاتی مطالعه کرد؟ به عبارت دیگر آیا می توان حوزه ای تحت عنوان الهیات برنامه درسی را که به مطالعه الهیاتی دانش این رشته بپردازد، ممکن دانست؟ در این مقاله این امکان در قالب جستاری نظرورزانه، با نگاهی نسبتاً انتقادی به تاریخ سکولار حوزه مطالعات برنامه درسی و همچنین مطالعات نظری معاصر رشته، موردبررسی قرار گرفت. ضمن اینکه استدلال های تاریخی و امکان سنجی های نظری بر اساس برخی فرضیه ها در پیوند با برخی مصادیق مرتبط با چرخش های الهیاتی معاصر نیز تبیین شد. نتایج نشان می دهند می توان ادعاهایی را در مورد حوزه مطالعات برنامه درسی به منظور آغاز راهی جدید برای مطالعات الهیاتی رشته مطرح کرد. این در حالی است که به نظر می رسد بسیاری از مباحث اساسی و جریان ساز در رشته مطالعات برنامه درسی با ایده های الهیاتی صاحب نظران آن گره خورده است و در وضع موجود نیز این پیوند در مطالعات نظری معاصر رشته به وضوح دیده می شود. همچنین به لحاظ نظری این امکان وجود دارد تا میان پیش فرض های الهیاتی و مباحث حوزه مطالعات برنامه درسی پیوندی به منظور نظرورزی و نظریه پردازی الهیاتی برقرار کرد. این مطلب را، هم پیش فرض های عام در مورد الهیات برنامه درسی، هم پیش فرض های خاص در مورد الهیات اسلامی برنامه درسی تأیید می کنند. البته این مطالعه هنوز در ابتدای راه معرفی این قلمرو پژوهشی در ایران است و نیازمند تعمیق و تدقیق در مطالعات آتی است.

Curriculum Theology: Spculating the Possibility of a Knowledge

This study is based on a central question in the field of curriculum studies: Can this field be studied in a theological way? In other words, is it possible to consider a field called curriculum theology that deals with the theological study of the knowledge of this field? In the present study, this possibility was investigated in the form of a theoretical inquiry, with a relatively critical look at the secular history of the field of curriculum studies as well as contemporary theoretical studies of the field. In addition, these historical arguments and theoretical possibilities were explained based on some hypotheses in connection with some examples related to contemporary theological turns. The results show that claims can be made about the field of curriculum studies in order to start a new way for the theological studies of the field: many of the fundamental and current issues in the field of curriculum studies are tied to the theological ideas of its experts and in The current situation of this connection is clearly seen in the contemporary theoretical studies of the field. Also, theoretically, it is possible to establish a link between the theological presuppositions and the subjects of curriculum studies for the purpose of theological observation and theorizing. This content is confirmed by both the general presuppositions about the theology of the curriculum and the specific presuppositions about the Islamic theology of the curriculum. Of course, this study is still at the beginning of the introduction of this research area in Iran and needs to be deepened and clarified in future studies. Keywords: Theology, curriculum studies, knowledge, possibility.   Synopsis Today, the self-discipline and self-foundation of the foundations of modern science, that is, the separation of science from religion, has been criticized; In such a way that it can be argued that modern science has always been influenced by religion and theological beliefs in its deepest layers. This issue has been raised not only in the field of theology and philosophy, but also in many fields of knowledge such as political philosophy, cultural studies and social theory. In this study, we used this problem as an excuse to ask a basic question about the possibility of studying the theological knowledge of curriculum studies. Our goal is to think about the possibility of understanding and formulating the knowledge of curriculum studies from a theological point of view. This possibility can be investigated in the form of a Spequlative Essay with a relatively critical look at the secular history of the field of curriculum studies as well as contemporary theoretical studies of the field in two ways: a. general possibility and b. The special possibility of the subject of the contract. In general feasibility study, two types of studies are considered: In the first part, the possibility of theoretical realization of curriculum theology throughout the history of the field until today is considered in the opinions and thoughts of experts in curriculum studies. For example, Dwayne Huebner, the leader of the postmodern trend in the field of curriculum studies (Ghaderi, 2013; Pacheco, 2012), is known as the first person who has addressed the field of curriculum studies from the perspective of moral philosophy and theology (Ghaderi, 2013) and his understanding of theology Knowledge and its various forms have shaped it more than anything (Kyser, 2020, p. 200). Another prominent figure, the father of the critical movement, is Paulo Freire, a theorist and teacher of critical pedagogy (Barkhordari, 2015; Joldersma, 2001a). Historical evidence shows that Freire also benefits from Catholic religious contexts and theological tendencies more than being a Marxist (Cooper, 1995; Kirylo & Boyd, 2017; Leopando, 2017; McLaren & Jandrić, 2018). William Pinar considers the field of »Jewish curriculum studies« as an independent field that focuses on curriculum studies from a Jewish theological perspective (Pinar, 2019). In the second part, the possibility of linking the theological understanding of experts and their theorizing in the field of the curriculum is discussed. The possibility of curriculum theology is first of all in the sense that the grand narrative of the existence of theological origins (Ardakani, 2020; Ghaeminik, 2015; Gillespie, 2019; Hashemi, 2017; Lowith, 2011; Milbank, 2017) has emerged for modernity and all scientific fields. Throughout the history of the development of the modern world, it shows the influence of theology on the formation and development of the curriculum area. In this context, there are many confirming examples, such as: the concept of experience in Dewey's eyes is faith in God, in a new sense, which as the only final authority provides the necessary principles of belief and action (Baurain, 2011; Myers, 2017; Webster, 2009) and the origins of the progressivism movement in the curriculum can be traced in the theological ideas of people such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Hamilton, 2017, p. 91), who considered the natural divine law to be derived from the simple religion of Christ and true theism in liberation from Rituals and the originality of the inner religion (Ward & King, 2014). In examining the special possibility, the theological possibility of the curriculum is examined using a hypothetical view of Mukhtar about Islamic theology arising from the theological thought of Martyr Motahari. Some presuppositions arising from this point of view are the reliance of human reason and will on divine providence while having free will, the middle of predestination and free will of man, and the dependence of the »originality and independence of the authority of reason« on the source of this reason, which is the Holy Essence of God. As a result, the theology of the curriculum means presenting a view of the curriculum in connection with the monotheistic position regarding the three types of monotheism, inherent, attributes and actions, which includes all areas of individual and social human life. This article has important implications in examining the possibility of theoretical conception of Islamic theology curriculum. For example, in the Shiite theological presupposition regarding reason, the belief that the independence and originality of reason is dependent on God's nature and as a result, deciding and adopting a different method in recognizing the most valuable knowledge requires paying attention to this connection. Therefore, Spencer's view of the opposition of science and religion in the question of knowledge has the greatest value, which was criticized at the same time as the first theories about the opposition between science and religion in the 19th century (Hamilton, 2017). Because the decision-making intellect to determine knowledge has the highest value, the intellect that sees happiness only in personal benefit and advancing the goals of industrial society. In the context of examining the possibility of theoretically realizing the Islamic theology of the curriculum by looking at the history of curriculum studies, it can be seen that the field of Islamic curriculum studies is a nascent field and the opinions raised in it need to mature and grow over time. But in general, these thoughts can be divided into three basic categories in terms of facing the issue of curriculum theology: 1.Theology as content: the view of »theology as content« (for example, see:(Adebayo, 2005; Amin et al., 2012; Maleki, 2020; Yaacob, 2018)) criticism of the theological approach to curriculum studies in the field of knowledge The theory of the field and its reduction is more related to the content of the curriculum of the educational system. Theology as a valuative approach: the presupposition of this view about theism is limited to cognitive and normative value aspects (Alamulhuda, 2005, p. 29). Therefore, instead of curriculum studies, it is considered as a special knowledge and epistemological domain as a philosophical and value approach. Theology as presuppositions of curriculum knowledge: this third view has been given limited attention, and is at the beginning of the way and only claims to address this category of presuppositions. This view(Aminkhandaghi & Mahdavikhah, 2017) seeks to change the foundations and foundations of knowledge of curriculum studies based on an Islamic perspective that is not limited to specific subjects or areas. According to the hypothetical view of the standard, the order of all areas of education and curriculum should be based on the axis of monotheistic order. Based on this, it is necessary to leave the field of curriculum studies from the existing disciplinary order formulated in various studies in the West (Pinar, 2012; Pinar, 2019; Pinar et al., 1995) and an order based on understanding. Believing in God, take knowledge from knowledge and discipline.   Conclusion: A way towards Islamic curriculum theology The history of the field shows that many of the fundamental and current issues in the field of curriculum studies are tied to the theological ideas of its experts, and in the current situation, the connection between the theological positions of curriculum experts and their theorizing can be clearly seen in the contemporary theoretical studies of the field. Of course, this does not mean that existing secularism is legitimate and justified by its theological origins. Apart from the history of the field, it is theoretically possible to establish a link between the theological assumptions and the subjects of the curriculum studies for the purpose of theological observation and theorizing. This content is confirmed by both the general presuppositions about curriculum theology and the specific presuppositions about Islamic theology of the curriculum. Of course, not much success has been achieved in the field of Islamic studies in the field of theoretical realization of Islamic theology of the curriculum. The conducted studies mainly raise the theological issue in the form of the concept of »theology as content« and »theology as a valuative approach«. This is despite the fact that the perception of »theology as the presuppositions of curriculum knowledge« which was identified as a desirable concept in this study, has been given less attention.  
