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مهم ترین جنبه رفتار گردشگران طبیعت محورْ توجه به پایداری زیست محیطی است. بسیاری از پژوهش های زیست محیطی در حوزه گردشگری بر نقش ارزش ها، نگرش ها، باورها و هنجارها در شکل دادن رفتار زیست محیطی متمرکز شده است. در این پژوهش، با توجه به نظریه بیشتر روان شناسان مبنی بر تأثیر نگرش بر رفتار، از نگرش زیست محیطی گردشگران به عنوان متغیر میانجی در تبیین ارتباط میان دانش و رفتار زیست محیطی گردشگران در مناطق گردشگری تهران استفاده شده است. این پژوهش ازنظر هدف، کاربردی و ازلحاظ شیوه گردآوری اطلاعات، توصیفی پیمایشی است. برای انجام پژوهش، پرسش نامه ای پژوهشگرساخته با 75 متغیر تهیه و تنظیم، و پایایی آن با آزمون آلفای کرونباخ 939/0 و روایی آن به صورت صوری تأیید شد. جامعه آماری پژوهش، گردشگران مراجعه کننده به پنج منطقه گردشگری کوهستانی شهر تهران است و برای برآورد حجم نمونه 302نفری، از فرمول کوکران در شرایط جامعه نامعلوم استفاده شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری به کار رفت. نتایج تحلیلی مدل های رفتاری گردشگران طبیعت محور نشان می دهد رابطه مثبت و معناداری میان نگرش و رفتار زیست محیطی و همچنین میان نگرش و دانش زیست محیطی گردشگران با بارهای عاملی 68/0 و 82/0 در سطح معناداری کمتر از 05/0 وجود دارد. به این ترتیب می توان بیان کرد که وجود یک سیستم تجزیه و تحلیل شناختی به نام «دانش زیست محیطی گردشگران» در ترکیب با یک سیستم عاطفی به شکل گیری نگرش زیست محیطی در گردشگران منجر خواهد شد که می تواند مبنایی برای بهبود و بهینه سازی رفتارهای گردشگران در مقاصد گردشگری باشد.

Relationship between Knowledge and Tourists’ Environmental Behaviors Considering the Intermediate Variable of Environmental Attitudes (Case Study: Darabad, Darakeh, Ahar Fasham, Vardij, and Bam-e Tehran)

The most important aspect of nature-oriented tourists’ behaviors is paying attention to environmental sustainability. Much environmental research in the field of tourism has focused on the roles of values, attitudes, beliefs, and norms in shaping environmental behavior. In this study, according to the theory adopted by the majority of psychologists concerning the effect of attitude on behavior, it was used as an intermediate variable for explaining the relationship between knowledge and tourists’ environmental behaviors in the tourist areas of Tehran. This research was applied in terms of purpose and a descriptive survey in terms of data collection method. To conduct it, a researcher-made questionnaire with 75 variables was prepared and adjusted. Its reliability was confirmed by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.939 and its validity was formally confirmed. The statistical population included the tourists referring to 5 mountain tourism areas of Tehran. To estimate the sample size of 302 people from an unknown community, Cochran's formula was used. The study area included 5 mountain tourism areas of Tehran. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The analytical results of the behavioral models of the nature-oriented tourists showed a positive and significant relationship between attitude and environmental behavior and also between attitude and environmental knowledge with the factor loads of 0.68 and 0.82 at the significant level of less than 0.05, respectively. Also, the tourists’ environmental behaviors were studied based on their educational levels. According to the results, the tourists’ environmental behaviors depended on their levels of education. Thus, it could be stated that the existence of a cognitive analysis system called “tourist environmental knowledge” in combination with an emotional system would lead to the formation of their environmental attitudes, which could act as a basis for improving and optimizing their behaviors in the tourism destinations.Keywords: Environmental Behavior, Place Attachment, Environmental Commitment, Environmental Attitude, Nature-Based Tourists Introduction Environmental education is as a key solution to the community in the world. It makes people sensitive to the events, as well as physical, biological, social, and political changes in the environment. According to previous studies, nature-oriented tourists in the tourism process cause damage to the environment, while the most important goal of tourism is development by preserving natural resources for the next generation. Therefore, the present study examined the tourists’ environmental behaviors and the relationship between them and the independent factors, such as environmental attitude, environmental knowledge, environmental commitment, gender, and education, in order to identify the causes of the tourists’ environmental behaviors in the tourism areas of Tehran, including Darakeh, Darabad, Bam-e Tehran, Ahar Fasham Village, and Vardij Village. MethodologyThe present study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. Due to the lack of accurate statistics of the tourists and uncertainty of the statistical community, 300 selected tourists aged 10 to 71 years answered the research questionnaire randomly. After having a conversation with the municipalities and Cultural Heritage centers of the regions, as well as Tourism and Handicraft Organization of Tehran Province, no exact statistics on the number of tourists in each region per year were found. Still, it was mentioned that in terms of regional geographical location and tourism history, their highest and lowest numbers were in Darakeh and Vardij regions, respectively. 80, 70, 70, 45, and 35 questionnaires were distributed in Darakeh, Darabad, Bam-e Tehran, Ahar Fasham, and Vardij, respectively. The method of data collection was based on a combination of library and field methods. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with a combination of general and special questions. The validity of the research instrument was confirmed by the experts and its reliability was corroborated by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.939. To analyze the collected data, one-sample t-test, ANOVA analysis of variance, paired t-test, and Tukey post-test were applied in SPSS software. AMOS software was employed for structural equation modeling. DiscussionThe analytical results obtained from the application of one-sample t-test with the significance level of less than 0.05 and the positive upper and lower edges of the confidence level showed that the tourists had an attachment to the studied tourist sites. The findings of the study of the tourists’ environmental behaviors with respectively unfavorable and somewhat unfavorable situations of 48 and 11% of the studied indicators indicated the ecotourists’ inappropriate behaviors in the environment. Using structural equation modeling, the data analysis revealed that the effects of environmental attitude, environmental commitment, and place attachment on the occurrence of the tourists' environmental behaviors were significant. The factor loads of 0.62, 0.64, and 0.42 with the significance levels of less than 0.05 and appropriateness of the model fit indices confirmed the results. Also, environmental knowledge with the factor load of 0.68 directly and indirectly affected environmental attitude and formation of environmentally friendly behavior with the regression weight of 0.82, respectively. The effect of gender on the occurrence of environmental behavior showed that the effect of this factor was not significant between the men and women. However, the results of the ANOVA test identified a positive and significant relationship between the tourists’ environmental behaviors and their levels of education. ConclusionAccording to the research results, both environmental attitude and knowledge had positive and significant effects on the tourists’ behaviors. The relationship between environmental attitude and behavior has been discussed in many studies. In fact, by examining most domestic and foreign studies, a positive and significant relationship between environmental attitude and environmental behavior could be observed, which had been rarely denied by other researches. Although many researches in Iran have measured the relationship between environmental knowledge and attitude and their effects on individual’s environmental behavior, no studies have been professionally done on these two important components of tourists in Tehran. Of course, changing attitude alone is not necessary and sufficient, but other variables that affect behavior change should be considered. Researchers have also found that environmental knowledge has a positive and significant effect on environmental attitude. As mentioned in the previous sections of this study, there was a direct relationship between environmental behavior and knowledge as it was observed in the behaviors of the buyers of green goods. However, by studying different researches, we also got this point about environmental knowledge that this variable alone could not lead to a positive intention and behavior in the environment. The fact that environmental knowledge does not lead to environmental behavior by itself may be related to many factors, which can include traditional environmental knowledge in Iranian ethnic groups, traditional environmental education in schools based on knowledge transfer to the students, and lack of seriousness in environmental education. Therefore, environmental education alone cannot change the students' environmental behaviors even in high schools. Environmental knowledge can only motivate environmentalists to change behavior. Of course, the public media have been raising public awareness about the environment for several years and it can be hoped that this small awareness will have indirect effects and cause public concern and attention, thus creating a starting point for environmental action.This study also found that attitude as a mediator could play a positive and significant role between environmental knowledge and environmental behavior. Weber says cognition alone has no incentive to change environmental behavior, but when it is inspired by the emotional system, protective measures are more likely to be taken. Considering previous research, it is possible to understand that environmental attitude plays a role in environmental emotion to some extent. Jane Goodall describes the knowledge-feeling-action sequence as follows: "Only if we understand, we can we care. We will only help if we care. Only if we help, we will be saved." 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