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شهرها جاذبه های متنوعی شامل موزه ها، بناهای یادبود، سالن های تئاتر، استادیوم های ورزشی، بافت های تاریخی و مکان هایی مربوط به حوادث مهم یا افراد مشهور را دارا هستند که گردشگران بسیاری را جذب می کنند. استان یزد، یکی از مقصدهای مهم گردشگران داخلی و خارجی کشور بوده و ظرفیت های فراوانی را درزمینه توسعه انواع گردشگری دارد. علیرغم تلاش های انجام شده، دورنمای توسعه گردشگری این استان، نامشخص است. هدف پژوهش کشف رابطه بین سرمایه گذاری و جذب سرمایه در گردشگری منطقه ای و برنامه ریزی جهت هماهنگی این روابط برای رقابت پذیری منطقه است. این پژوهش با بررسی مبانی نظری و استخراج شاخص های مشترک جذب سرمایه به منظور ارتقا گردشگری و رقابت پذیری منطقه ای برای استان یزد برنامه ریزی می کند؛ به طوری که ابتدا شاخص های جذب سرمایه به منظور ارتقا گردشگری منطقه ای که دارای ارتباط با رقابت پذیری منطقه ای است شناسایی و به منظور بررسی این شاخص ها در استان یزد شاخص های هر مؤلفه درون طرح های فرادست استان یزد از طریق نرم افزار MAXQDA بررسی و میزان توجه هر طرح به هر مؤلفه مشخص شد. درنهایت به منظور تحلیل روابط متقابل مؤلفه های رقابت پذیری منطقه ای 5 مؤلفه به عنوان داده ورودی به نرم افزار MicMAC استفاده شد؛ نتایج نشان می دهد از میان 5 مؤلفه بررسی شده در این تحقیق، 2 مؤلفه اقتصادی و مدیریتی-سیاسی به عنوان عوامل کلیدی مؤثر برجذب سرمایه در گردشگری به منظور رقابت پذیری منطقه ای در استان یزد انتخاب شده است. با اولویت بندی شاخص های مؤلفه های اقتصادی و مدیریتی_سیاسی مشخص گردید که شاخص های سود و صرفه اقتصادی و ارزآوری، تبلیغات صحیح، هماهنگی سازمان های مرتبط با امور گردشگری، رقابت پذیری قیمتی صنعت سفر و گردشگری و نوآوری و خلاقیت به ترتیب دارای اولویت بوده است و با ارتقا این شاخص ها استان یزد می تواند با دیگر مناطق را از منظر جذب سرمایه در گردشگری رقابت کند.

Analysis of the Role and Position of Investment in the Tourism Industry in Order to Increase Regional Competitiveness

1- INTRODUCTION Cities usually have diverse and large attractions including museums, monuments, theaters, sports stadiums, manques, amusement parks, shopping centers, areas with historical architecture and places related to important events or famous people, which attract many tourists. Since Yazd province is one of the most important destinations for domestic and foreign tourists in the country and has a lot of potential in the field of tourism development (especially based on the cultural, heritage and historical capabilities of the city). Despite the many efforts, the prospect of development of tourism in this province is unclear and undefined.   2- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The organization of attracting investment in the tourism industry in the form of an organization and the role of this organization in the development of attracting foreign investment in the tourism industry of countries should be considered. Due to the fact that the regions have many historical and cultural attractions, they are often considered important tourist destinations. Also, in the age of globalization, regional competitiveness has been emphasized as one of the new approaches to regional development. The concept of competitiveness is used by Michael Porter in a wide range from enterprise and industry competitiveness to national and global competitiveness. Today, the importance of this issue has reached the point where the leaders of the countries at the World Economic Forum in Davos evaluate and systematically monitor the competitiveness of their nation and country.   3- METHODOLOGY  The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between investment and capital attraction in the regional tourism industry and planning to coordinate these relationships to make the region more competitive. The current research is an applied type and it plans for Yazd province by examination the theoretical foundations and extracting common indicators of capital attraction in order to promote regional tourism and regional competitiveness. So, firstly, the indicators of capital attraction were identified in order to promote regional tourism, which is related to regional competitiveness, and in order to check these indicators in Yazd province, the indicators of each component in the projects of Faradast in Yazd province were checked through MAXQDA software, and the level of attention of each plan to each component was determined. Finally, in order to analyze the interrelationships of regional competitiveness components, 5 components were used as input data to MicMAC software. The results show that among the 5 components examined in this research, 2 components have been selected as key factors effective in attracting capital in tourism in order to make a region in Yazd province more competitive.t.   4- RESULTS & DISCUSSION  Among these 2 components, the political and economic management components, which have high influence and the least influence, have been selected as the most effective and key components. Considering that the development plans of Yazd province have paid attention to the economic components to a relatively appropriate extent, but not much attention has been paid to the administrative-political components. Therefore, in order to increase the competitiveness of Yazd province by attracting investment in the tourism industry, it is necessary to improve the indicators of political management components and also pay more attention to economic indicators in Yazd province. Also, by prioritizing the indicators of the economic and political-management components, it was determined that the indicators 1- profit and economic efficiency and currency conversion, 2- correct advertising, 3- coordination of organizations related to tourism affairs, 4- price competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry, and 5_ innovation and creativity, respectively. It has been a priority, and by focusing on these indicators and their improvements, Yazd province will find the ability to compete with other regions from the point of view of attracting investment in tourism.   5- CONCLUSIONS & SUGGESTIONS  The results of our research show that in order to achieve the competitiveness of the region through attracting capital in the tourism industry, we must improve the indicators of the social, economic, physical, environmental, information technology, tourism, transportation and political-management components. However, the most key and main components are the economic and management-political components, which economic component indicators include: the variety and quality of food and beverages, proper advertising, the use of local products, etc. For example, if the variety and quality of food and beverages in an area are promoted can be found and can have a relative advantage in this field and compete with other regions, while the tourism of the region will also be promoted and generate income in this sector. It is also effective for other economic component indicators.
