Purpose: Students' learning style is one of the important factors that help teachers to prepare conditions for students' learning. So, the aim of this research was to identify the dimensions and components of education based on flipped learning in elementary school. Methodology: This study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of qualitative type. The research community were experts in the fields of elementary education, curriculum planning and educational management. Sampling was done with targeted and snowball sampling methods and continued until the research reached theoretical saturation, i.e. 19 people. The research tool was a semi-structured interview with experts, whose validity was confirmed by the triangulation method, and its reliability was calculated by the method of the agreement coefficient between two coders of 0.88, and the data analysis was done by thematic analysis method in MAXQDA-12 software. Findings: The findings indicated that education based on flipped learning in elementary school has 45 indicators, 9 components and 3 dimensions of input (with 3 components of equipment, learner and teacher), teaching and learning process (with 3 components of learner preparation, teacher preparation) , learning activities and interaction) and output (with 2 components of implicit results and objective results). Finally, according to the identified dimensions and components, a teaching model based on flipped learning was designed in the elementary school. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that in order to improve education based on flipped learning, the dimensions and components identified for it should be given special attention and the ground for their improvement and promotion should be provided.