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طرحواره استعاره های مفهومی انفاق در قرآن برآنست با استفاده از استعاره های مفهومی زبانشناسی شناختی دیدگاه قرآن را در موضوع انفاق کشف کند. از روش های خداوند در قرآن جهت رساندن مقصود، استفاده از زبان تمثیل و استعاره است. بر اساس نظریه زبان شناسی معاصر؛ در استعاره مفهومی همواره یک امر انتزاعی یا کمترشناخته شده، بر اساس یک امر انضمامی یا شناخته شده تر فهمیده می شود. از جمله موضوعات قرآنی که در قالب استعاره معقول به محسوس بیان شده است، انفاق است. با توجه به جایگاه انفاق در قرآن، مسئله اصلی این مقاله تبیین طرح واره استعاره های مفهومی انفاق در قرآن است. با تأمل در آیات مربوطه، نتایج حاصل از انطباق حوزه های مقصد بر مبدأ عبارتند از: انفاق در راه خدا؛ تجارت با خدا و سرمایه گذاری پر سود و عاقلانه و سبب رشد معنوی انسان انفاق ریایی؛ عملی نامعقول با اثری معکوس، همراه خسران و سرمایه گذاری در حباب اقتصادی و مانع رشد معنوی انفاق خالصانه؛ زمینه ساز بهره مندی دائمی فرد و اجتماع از ثمرات انفاق و سبب رشد معنوی و تثبیت نفس و امنیت روحی انفاق ریایی با منت و اذیت ؛ موجب حبط عمل و حسرت فراوان و محرومیت قلب ریاکار از رشد معنوی

Schema of Conceptual Metaphors of Altruism in the Holy Quran

Introduction: Metaphor theory is proposed in cognitive science. From the viewpoint of contemporary cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor is basically "understanding and experiencing" something in terms and phrases of something else. In conceptual metaphor, by establishing mappings between the two areas of origin and destination, an abstract or lesser-known thing is always understood based on a concrete or better-known thing. One of God’s methods of conveying meaning in the Holy Qur’an is using similes, similes, and metaphors. With the help of conceptual metaphor theory, we obtain a new analysis of the metaphorical language of the Quran and its connection with the Islamic worldview, according to which the conceptual metaphors of the Quran are an inevitable part of Islamic thought. These metaphors, like the traditional view, should not be considered mere literary crafts, but intellectual crafts that transform a person’s thought to give him a frame of mind in which he should look at the whole being, nature, man, and revelation. Charity is one of the Qur'anic topics expressed in the form of sensible to tangible metaphors. According to the place of charity in the Qur'an, the current research, using an analytical descriptive method, seeks to answer the following question: What are the conceptual metaphors of giving in the Holy Quran? Findings: a. In the conceptual metaphor of verse 261 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the destination field; The truth of the act of spending in the way of God and hypocrisy in the cause of God over the origin field; A seed that is planted and gives 7 clusters, and each cluster contains 100 seeds or more, was written, and based on that, from the perspective of the Qur'an, giving in the way of God, trading with God and investing is safe, profitable, and wise, and it leads to the spiritual growth of man. In the conceptual metaphor of verse 264 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the destination field; The truth of the act of charity with blessing and torture is like hypocritical charity without faith in God and the Day of Judgment and hypocritical hypocrisy over the origin field; Planting seeds in the soil sitting on a smooth stone that has been washed away due to heavy rain, soil and seeds and nothing but hard stone remains, was written, and based on that, from the perspective of the Qur'an, hypocritical giving: An unreasonable act with a reverse effect is associated with loss and damage, and investing in an economic bubble is an obstacle to the spiritual growth of man. In the conceptual metaphor of verse 265 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the destination field; The truth of the actions of those who spend only for the pleasure of God and to reach a position of stability, and stability means sincere hypocrites, over the origin field; The high and fruitful garden that produces crops in any condition, was written and it was determined that from the perspective of the Holy Quran, sincere giving; It lays the groundwork for the individual and the community to benefit from the fruits of charity and causes spiritual growth and stabilization of self, peace, and mental security. In the conceptual metaphor of verse 266 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the destination field; Destruction and suppression of the fruits of charity with curses, torture, and hypocrisy over the origin field; A garden full of crops with palm and grape trees and flowing streams, and an old and infirm owner with young and weak children, which a strong pressure like burning winds, will tear it apart and set it on fire, was written and it was achieved that almsgiving with begging, torture, and hypocrisy causes a lot of regret and deprives the heart of a hypocrite from spiritual growth in the light of almsgiving.
