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از زمانی که توجه متخصصان و مدیران شهری به سمت حفظ و احیای بافت های مرکزی و تاریخی شهرها منعطف گردیده، نظریات و رویکردهای متعددی در این راستا، تبیین شده است. از مهم ترین این رویکردها که امروزه مورداستفاده قرار می گیرد، بازآفرینی بافت های فرسوده شهری است. یکی از مهم ترین مسائل در رابطه با بازآفرینی بافت های فرسوده خلق ارزش جهت ایجاد نقش های مکمل برای این بافت ها از طریق سایر پتانسیل های موجود و مزیت های مکانی محدوده از طریق اجرای پروژه های محرک توسعه است. بدین منظور این پژوهش پس از معرفی رویکردهای بازآفرینی، سعی در تلفیق اصول بازآفرینی با مؤلفه های خلق ارزش در بافت شهری در قالب چارچوب نظری تحقیق داشته است. در این راستا با استفاده از روش توصیفی – تحلیلی به دنبال پاسخ این سؤال است که، نقش پروژه های محرک توسعه در بازآفرینی بافت های فرسوده شهری (منطقه 11) چگونه است؟ جامعه آماری گروه خبرگان شامل اساتید و دانشجویان دکتری در رشته های جغرافیا، برنامه ریزی شهری و شهرسازی بوده و حجم نمونه آماری موردنظر در این پژوهش که از طریق نرم افزار Sample Power به دست آمدند تعداد 30 نفر می باشد. سپس، با استفاده از معادلات ساختاری و نرم افزار ایموس نسبت به ارزیابی شاخص ها اقدام شده است. نتایج به دست آمده با استفاده از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی حاصل از نرم افزار ایموس، حاکی از وجود رابطه معنادار و با اثرگذاری مثبت پروژه های محرک توسعه در بعد کالبدی– فضایی با ضریب مسیر 56/0، اجتماعی با ضریب مسیر 49/0.، اقتصادی با ضریب مسیر 40/0 و زیست محیطی با ضریب مسیر 35/0 و درمجموع پروژه های محرک توسعه با ضریب مسیر 63/0 بر بازآفرینی بافت های فرسوده می باشد.

Explaining the role of development stimulus projects in the regeneration of worn-out urban structures the Case study of District 11 of Tehran

Since the attention of specialists and urban managers has been turned towards the preservation and revival of the central and historical tissues of the cities, several theories and approaches have been explained in this direction. One of the most important approaches that is used today is the regeneration of worn-out urban tissues. One of the most important issues related to the regeneration of worn-out tissues is the creation of value to create complementary roles for these tissues through other existing potentials and spatial advantages of the area through the implementation of development-stimulating projects. For this purpose, after introducing regeneration approaches, this research has tried to combine the principles of regeneration with the components of value creation in the urban context in the form of a theoretical research framework. In this regard, by using the descriptive-analytical method, the answer to the question is sought, what is the role of development-stimulating projects in the regeneration of worn-out urban tissues (region 11)? The statistical population of the expert group includes professors and doctoral students in the fields of geography, urban planning and urban planning, and the statistical sample size in this research, which was obtained through the Sample Power software, is 30 people. Then, by using structural equations and Imus software, indicators have been evaluated. The results obtained by using descriptive and inferential statistics obtained from Imus software indicate the existence of a significant relationship with the positive impact of development-stimulating projects in the physical-spatial dimension with a path coefficient of 0.56, social with a path coefficient of 0.49, and economic with a coefficient of 0.49. The route is 0.40 and the environment with the coefficient of the route is 0.35 and in total the development stimulating projects with the coefficient of the route is 0.63 on the regeneration of worn-out tissues Extended Abstract Introduction In recent decades, various approaches have been proposed to solve the urban problems of worn-out structures which most of them have paid more attention to the physical dimension of the regions than other ones. The unsuccessful implementation of this plan has led to attention to a new approach to these failures. One of the main approaches in the field of sustainability is the revitalization of urban contexts and the emphasis on regeneration policy, and among them, urban regeneration through development stimulus projects is used as effective and efficient projects in problematic urban contexts to solve physical, environmental, social and economic problems. These projects are one of the new policies in urban development in general, and in worn-out contexts in particular. Development stimulus projects are the introduction of a new element, such as design, policy-making, or event groundwork in the urban context, which, by positively affecting existing elements, leads to continuous and gradual regeneration of its interconnected domain. In this regard, District 11 of Tehran have special physical and functional importance compared to other districts of Tehran due to its specific political, economic and religious position and centrality.  Despite the existence of numerous valuable places, half of the region has an inefficient texture and urban decay. According to the statistics published by Tehran Municipality in 2016, more than 10% of the worn-out structures of Tehran have been allocated to District 11, where the neighborhoods of Agahi, Foroozesh, Qalamestan and RahAhan are the most worn-out ones of District 11. Unorganized condition of worn-out and vulnerable textures, insufficiency and problems of the road network, lack of land allocation to service land uses in proportion to the size of the population living in the neighborhoods of the region, interference of residential textures with workshop centers, lack of green space, conversion of residential units into centers of work and activity, exhaustion of infrastructure facilities, exhaustion of the physical texture of the region are among the problems and issues of the worn-out texture of the region. Due to the strategic location of the region and the position of the political and military centers of the city, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the worn-out texture of this region in the form of stimulus projects. In this regard, the present study seeks to explain the role of development stimulus projects in the regeneration of worn-out urban texture in the study area (Region 11) to answer the following questions:  What is the role of development stimulus projects in regenerating worn-out urban structures in Tehran's 11th district? What is the relationship between the variables of development and regeneration projects?    Methodology The present study is applied and descriptive-analytical research in terms of purpose and method. The required information was collected through library and field methods. The statistical population of the present study is a group of experts including professors and doctoral students and the size of the statistical sample in this study using Sample Power software is 30 people. Data evaluation was performed through a five-point Likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was accepted using the formal method and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by the Cronbach's alpha method with a score of 0. 823.Then, the final data analysis was performed using structural equations and AMOS software.    Results and discussion The results of the tables of structural validity and reliability show that fortunately the modified measurement model has both structural reliability and validity. The results of the analysis of the fit indices of the research model in AMOS software indicate that the model fit is acceptable because the modified measurement model of the research is in a possible fit position in terms of economical, absolute and comparative indices. Based on all the indicators which met the desired limit, the researcher can claim that the research model has a good fit.    Conclusion The results showed that the indicators of physical-spatial, social, economic and environmental projects have a significant and positive effect on the variable of regeneration of worn-out texture of the neighborhood. The path coefficient (beta) of the intensity of the effect and the direction of these examined paths have also been evaluated positively. According to the beta value, the path of physical-spatial projects to regenerate worn-out texture with a coefficient of 0.56, social projects on regenerating worn-out texture with a coefficient of 0.49 and economic projects on regenerating worn-out texture with a factor of 0.40 and finally worn-out texture environmental projects with 0.632 and the variable of development stimulus projects have an effect on the regeneration of worn-out texture with a coefficient of 0.63. It can be explained that the regeneration of the region by relying on development stimulus projects according to the needs and requirements of the region and considering the visa status of the region on the one hand preserves the social and economic system of the region (given the existence of revolution and Valiasr market order in this region) and subsequently prevent the destruction of their physical structure. On the other hand, it will lead to strengthening of the cultural and artistic structure of this region (due to the existence of Roudaki cultural-artistic zone and Shahriar sidewalk and the two cultural elements of Vahdat Hall and Shahr Theater), so new currencies are being added in this regard. Finally, it becomes a living place in harmony with today's life and needs and in proportion to the function of the region. Motivated-Development projects should be considered as a comprehensive and integrated vision in regeneration projects of various physical, spatial, social, cultural, economic and environmental dimensions.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
